Sección I. Introducción
Sección II. Mejora para un más alto rendimiento
Sección III. Producción y empleo de variedades de alto rendimiento
Sección IV. Resumen
2/1 |
DT |
Mejora genética para aumentar el ore cimiento y el rendimiento |
2/2 |
Coníferas de rápido crecimiento para la República Argentina |
2/3 |
Growth rhythm and yield as related to provenance, progeny and environment |
2/4 |
Growth as related to nutrition and competition |
2/5 |
Breeding for delayed budbreak in Picea glauca (Moench) Voss - Potential frost avoidance and growth gains |
2/6 |
Species introduction and growth in African savanna |
2/7 |
CV |
Comparaison de deux générations successives de Sapin Pectine (Abies alba Mill.) en forêt naturelle. Hypothèses sur l'action de la sélection naturelle |
2/8 |
CV |
On the problem of testing the growth qualities of European Larch Larix decidua Mill. by clone tests |
2/9 |
CV |
Breeding for height growth of Pinus banksiana Lamb. |
2/10 |
CV |
Height and girth growth of Slash-Caribbean hybrids in south Queensland |
2/11 |
CV |
Height increment of birch and alder hybrids |
2/12 |
CV |
Growth and yield in Hevea sp. |
2/13 |
CV |
Height growth of Populus deltoides Marsh. in nursery, according to latitude of origin |
2/14 |
CV |
Croissance comparée des peupliers des sections Leuce et Aigeiros sur sol à Pseudogley |
2/15 |
CV |
Genetical adaptation of forest trees to the heat factor of the climate |
2/16 |
CV |
Using concepts of selection to delimit seed zones |
2/17 |
CV |
A comparison of Pinus radiata of seed orchard origin with alternative commercial sources - 3 ½ year assessment |
2/18 |
CV |
Estudio de procedencias de Pinus pinaster, datos de vivero |
2/19 |
CV |
Adaptability of Mexican and Central American provenances of Swietenia in Puerto Rico and St. Croix |
2/20 |
CV |
Increased volume and dry weight yield and improved stem straightness obtained through selection within a population of Pinus elliottii Engelm |
3/1 |
DT |
Mejora de la calidad de los troncos |
3/2 |
Some characters of secondary importance to stem straightness in the breeding of conifers |
3/3 |
Quality characters in Populus |
3/4 |
Breeding for stem straightness in conifers |
3/5 |
Improvement of stem form and branching characteristics in Kenya |
3/6 |
The relationship between the form and value of some tree species in west Africa |
3/7 |
CV |
The heritability of the stem form of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) |
3/8 |
CV |
The heritability of the stem form in Pinus pinaster Ait. |
3/9 |
CV |
The early growth form of certain half-sib progenies of Bombax ceiba L. |
3/10 |
CV |
The improvement of Stem form in Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) |
4/1 |
DT |
Mejoramiento genético de árboles para elevar la calidad de la madera: oportunidades y ventajas prácticas |
4/2 |
Some considerations in appraising withinring density |
4/3 |
(...) |
4/4 |
Within-tree variation in physical and chemical properties of Douglas fir |
4/5 |
Relationship between wood properties and pulp and paper properties |
4/6 |
CV |
The quality of wood of the technical forms of birch |
4/7 |
C V |
Breeding eucalypts for wood properties |
4/8 |
C V |
Preliminary results of research into the characteristics (density and wood fiber length) of juvenile wood of some euramerican poplars |
4/9 |
C V |
Studies on structure, physical-mechanical characteristics and industrial use of willow wood |
5/1 |
DT |
Una década de progreso en el mejoramiento de árboles forestales resistentes a las enfermedades |
6/2 |
Rust resistance in conifers - present status, future needs |
5/3 |
Distribution pattern of European pine sawfly egg clusters in an experimental plantation of hard pines |
5/4 |
Three aspects of breeding trees for disease resistance |
5/5 |
(...) |
5/6 |
Xylem resin as a factor in the resistance of pines to forced attacks by bark beetles |
5/7 |
C V |
Progress in breeding Pinus radiata resistant to Dothistroma needle blight in east Africa |
5/8 |
C V |
On the resistance of the willow trees Salix spp. to the attack of Cryptorrynchus lapathi L. Coleoptera, Curculionidae |
5/9 |
C V |
Testing white pine seedlings for weevil resistance |
5/10 |
C V |
Résistance au Megastimus chez divers peuplements et arbres semenciers de Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco |
6/1 |
DT |
La mejora genética para fijar otros caracteres que elevan los rendimientos |
6/2 |
Cold resistance in spruce |
6/3 |
Selection for drought resistance in woody species |
6/4 |
Breeding trees for tolerance to stress factors of the urban environment |
6/5 |
Selection of forest trees and shrubs for improvement of the bee-pastures and in favour of landscape architecture |
6/6 |
Selection for components of bark and tannin yield in black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) |
6/7 |
C V |
Observations préliminaires sur Eucalyptus dalrympleana provenant d'Australie |
6/8 |
C V |
Preliminary observation on trials of some Pinus radiata D. Don provenances in Italy |
6/9 |
C V |
Preliminary notes on variations in cone and seed morphology of Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco |
6/10 |
C V |
A late frost injury in an alpine Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) provenance test |
6/11 |
C V |
Variation in the staminal bundles of the wild silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba Linn.) |
6/12 |
C V |
Growth and root development in Alnus glutinosa of different provenance. |
6/13 |
C V |
Héritabilité du caractère débourrement végétatif dans une population d'Epicea du 2e Plateau du Jura |
7/1 |
DT |
Mejoramiento forestal de caracteres múltiples |
7/2 |
The whole crop concept for coppicing species such as some eucalyptus |
7/3 |
Les indices de sélection, exemple du pin maritime |
7/4 |
Problems of multiple-trait breeding |
7/5 |
Progeny evaluation problems - Cryptomeria |
7/6 |
Introduction of new poplar hybrids and clones in Hungary |
7/7 |
C V |
The growth performance of pitch-loblolly hybrid pine produced by different geographic races of loblolly pine in their early age |
7/8 |
C V |
Ortet age has strong influence on growth of vegetative propagules of Pinus elliottii Engelm. |
7/9 |
CV |
The progeny test on interspecific hybrids of larch in Mt. Fuji |
7/10 |
CV |
The investigation of the variability of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in the region of its natural distribution in Slovakia |
7/11 |
CV |
Provenance trials of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Dehn. in West Pakistan |
DT = Documento de trabajo.
CES = Contribución especial solicitada.
CV = Contribución presentada voluntariamente
(...) = Documento no recibido.
8/1 |
DT |
Programas de investigación |
8/2 |
Need for plant collection for research |
8/3 |
The multidiscipline approach to solving problems in forest tree breeding |
8/4 |
Breeding-research planning - USDA Forest Service procedure |
8/5 |
CV |
Some gases of inbreeding and hybrid weakness |
8/6 |
Inbreeding to the S2 generation in Douglas fir |
8/7 |
Aspects de génétique quantitative dans l'amélioration des espèces forestières |
8/8 |
Seed procurement for research |
8/9 |
CV |
Two aneuploid generations of larch hybrids deriving from colchicine induced Larix sp. |
8/10 |
CV |
Chromosomal differentiation as a barrier to interspecific hybridization among pines |
8/11 |
CV |
Contribution à l'étude de la génétique des chênes |
8/12 |
CV |
Research on the genetic improvement of Quercus rubra L. in the North Central region of the United States of America |
8/13 |
CV |
Needed: information on breeding systems in tropical tree species |
8/14 |
CV |
The potential of cytogenetic research in conifer species as indicated by some studies with Pinus radiata |
8/15 |
CV |
Growth and differentiation in megagametophytes of Pinus resinosa Ait. |
8/16 |
CV |
Predicted genetic improvement from different breeding methods |
8/17 |
CV |
Haploidy: an approach to the development of high-yielding varieties |
8/18 |
Selection and seed production for protective plantings |
8/19 |
CV |
Choice of a research and development strategy in maritime pine breeding |
8/20 |
CV |
Education in forest genetics and tree improvement I - Undergraduate service courses and graduate core curricula |
9/1 |
DT |
Programa de desarrollo y acción para el mejoramiento de árboles forestales |
9/2 |
Breeding tropical pines |
9/3 |
Translating breeding principles into practice |
9/4 |
L'état actuel de la sélection et de la création des clones de peupliers résistants aux diverges maladies |
9/5 |
Breeding of Pinus radiata through seed improvement and clonal afforestation |
9/6 |
Cooperation to get results into action program |
9/7 |
CV |
Gene flow patterns in forest tree species and implications for tree breeding |
9/8 |
CV |
Improvement of exotic pines in Malaysia |
9/9 |
CV |
Tree breeding programmes and silvicultural practice in Australian man-mace forests |
9/10 |
CV |
Early improvement in Pinus pinaster in Western Australia |
9/11 |
CV |
Selecting and breeding black walnut for diverse sites and two intensities of culture |
9/12 |
CV |
An approach to the improvement of Pinus contorta in New Zealand |
9/13 |
CV |
Collection of forest tree seed in Mexico 1968 |
9/14 |
CV |
Problems of tree breeding in Tanzania |
9/15 |
CV |
Breeding by population synthesis |
9/16 |
CV |
The genetics of important forest trees of North America |
10/1 |
DT |
El ser humano como factor en la alteración de los recursos génicos forestales |
10/2 |
(...) |
10/3 |
Positive impacts of silviculture on gene resources |
10/4 |
Selecting adapted races of introduced species |
10/5 |
Evolution and importance of land races in breeding |
11/1 |
DT |
La producción en gran escala de materiales mejorados |
11/2 |
Mass production of grafted conifers |
11/3 |
Control of genetic identity of forest re productive materials |
11/4 |
Bouturage des résineux et autres espèces difficiles |
11/5 |
Propagation du peuplier |
11/6 |
Mass controlled pollination |
11/7 |
Establishment and management of clonal seed orchards of pine |
11/8 |
CV |
Development seed production areas - an interim solution |
11/9 |
CV |
Bending of trees as a standard practice in pine seed orchard management in South Africa |
11/10 |
CV |
Practical method to conserve pollen of forest trees under vacuum |
11/11 |
CV |
Method for the rapid production of controlled-pollinated seed in Douglas fir |
11/12 |
CV |
Weather influence on beech flowering |
11/13 |
C V |
Rooting ability of cuttings of forest tree species and its relationship with tissue characteristics, nutrition and auxins |
11/14 |
C V |
Evaluation of douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Wachtl.) graft tree losses in the first seed orchards in Czechoslovakia |
11/15 |
CV |
Minimum standards for provenance testing and progeny testing for certification purposes |
11/16 |
CV |
The influence of mineral nutrition on Scotch pine reproductivity |
11/17 |
CV |
Use of self-incompatibility factors for hybrid seed production |
11/18 |
CV |
Vers une production en masse de cyprès de forme contrôlée |
12/1 |
DT |
La influencia recíproca entre el mejora miento genético y el cultivo intensivo |
12/2 |
Controlling growth rate and wood density within conifer species by means of genetical selection and intensive culture |
12/3 |
Breeding and intensive culture of poplars and willows in Yugoslavia |
12/4 |
Approach to intensive culture and forest tree breeding of Cryptomeria in Japan |
13/1 |
DT |
Evaluación de costos y beneficios en pro gramas de mejoramiento forestal |
13/2 |
Economic models for programmes evaluation |
13/3 |
Economics of Monterey pine |
13/4 |
Effects of research on the economy of poplar culture |
DT = Documento de trabajo.
CES = Contribución especial solicitada.
CV = Contribución presentada voluntariamente
(...) = Documento no recibido.
14/1 |
DT |
Práctica de mejoramiento en los Estados Unidos |
DT = Documento de trabajo.
N° del documento |
Ahsan, J. |
3/10 |
Alam Qadri, S.M. |
7/11 |
Albensky, A.V. |
8/18 |
Anand, V.K. |
11/13 |
Arbez, M. |
2/7 |
Arnaud, C. |
8/19 |
Avanzo, E. |
2/13 |
Baradat, P. |
8/19 |
Barber, J.C. |
11/3 |
Barrett, W.H. |
2/2 |
Bawa, K.S. |
8/13, 8/17 |
Bergman, A. |
13/1 |
Bey, C.F. |
9/11 |
Bingham, R.T. |
5/2 |
Bolotin, M. |
6/3 |
Bonga, J.M. |
8/15 |
Brazier, J.D. |
4/2 |
Burley, J. |
9/2 |
Burrows, P.M. |
7/2 |
Castaing, J.P. |
8/19 |
Castellani, E. |
13/4 |
Catalàn, B.G. |
2/18 |
Cram, W.H. |
6/1, 11/17 |
Davidson, J. |
4/7 |
Davis, L.S. |
13/2 |
Davis, T.A. |
6/11 |
Dietrichson, J. |
2/3 |
Dorman, K.W. |
10/3 |
Dyson, W.G. |
3/5 |
Eccher, A. |
6/8 |
Ehrenberg, C. |
3/1 |
Eliason, E.J. |
11/8 |
Faulkner, R. |
3/2 |
Fenton, R. |
13/3 |
Fernando, D.M. |
2/12 |
Fielding, J.M. |
11/1 |
Fowler, D.P. |
8/3, 8/15 |
Franclet, A. |
11 /4, 11/18 |
Franklin, E.C. |
7/8 |
Funk, D.T. |
9/11, 9/16 |
Furukoshi, T. |
7/9 |
Gathy, P. |
8/11 |
Geary, T.F. |
2/19 |
Gemignani, G. |
6/7 |
Gerhold, H.D. |
5/1, 5/9 |
Giertych, M.M. |
2/4 |
Giordano, E. |
12/1 |
Greathouse, T.E. |
9/3, 9/8 |
Griffin, A.R. |
2/17 |
Hagman, M. |
8/1 |
Harris, J.M. |
4/1 |
Hattemer, H. |
5/3 |
Henson, W. |
5/3 |
Hermann, S. |
11/10 |
Herpka, I. |
12/3 |
Heybroek, H. |
5/4 |
Higgs, M. |
4/7 |
Holst, M.J. |
2/9 |
Holubcik, M. |
7/10, 8/2 |
Holzer, K. |
6/2, 6/10 |
Hopkins, E.R. |
9/10 |
Hyun, S.K. |
7/7, 11/6 |
Illies, Z.M. |
8/9 |
Illy, G. |
7/3, 8/19 |
Ivory, M. |
5/7 |
Iyamabo, D.E. |
2/6 |
Jasso, J. |
10/1 |
Jodal, I. |
5/8 |
Jones, N. |
3/6 |
Jamblinne de Meux, A. de |
5/10 |
Jasso, J. |
10/1 |
Jodal, J. |
5/8 |
Jones, I. |
3/6 |
Kärki, L. |
11/2 |
Kellison, R.C. |
11/7 |
Kennedy, R.W. |
4/4 |
Keresztesi, B. |
6/5 |
King, J.P. |
2/5 |
Klein, J.I. |
9/15 |
Kopecky, F. |
7/6 |
Kozubov, G.M. |
11/16 |
Kriebel, H.B. |
8/12 |
Krugman, S.L. |
8/4 |
Kumar, P. |
11/13 |
Lacaze, J.F. |
6/13 |
Langner, W. |
8/5 |
Larsen, E. |
8/8 |
Lemoine, M. |
2/14 |
Livingstone, G.K. |
8/17 |
Magini, E. |
3/8 |
Mainie, P. |
8/19 |
Malajczuk, N. |
4/7 |
Marsh, E.K. |
10/4 |
Matayas, V. |
11/12 |
Mergen, F. |
5/3 |
Miller, J.T. |
9/12 |
Miyajima, H. |
12/4 |
Morgenstern, E.K. |
2/16 |
Mutibaric, J. |
4/8 |
Namkoong, G. |
7/4 |
Nanda, K.K. |
11/13 |
Nanson, A. |
5/10, 8/7 |
Nienstaedt, H. |
2/5 |
Nikles, D.G. |
2/1, 2/20 |
Nixon, K. |
6/6 |
Olesen, P.O. |
9/13 |
Orr-Ewing,. A.L. |
8/6 |
Palpant, E.H. |
5/9 |
Panetsos, C.P. |
3/3 |
Paterson, D.N. |
5/7 |
Pederick, L. |
8/14 |
Prevosto, M. |
13/4 |
Reck, S. |
12/2 |
Roche, L. |
2/ 16 |
Rudman, P. |
4/7 |
Santamour, F.S. |
6/4 |
Sarvas, R. |
2/15 |
Saylor, L.C. |
8/10 |
Schmidt-Vogt, H. |
6/20 |
Schreiner, E.J. |
14/1 |
Sekawin, M. |
11/5 |
Sheikh, I. |
9/8 |
Shelbourne, C.J.A. |
3/4, 8/16 |
Shepherd, K.R. |
9/9 |
Sindelar, J. |
2/8, 9/6 |
Slee, M.U. |
2/10, 9/9 |
Sluder, E.R. |
9/7 |
Smith, R. |
5/6 |
Smith, W.J. |
2/20 |
Soles, R.L. |
5/9 |
Squillace, A.E. |
9/1 |
Stairs, G.R. |
8/20 |
Steenackers, V. |
9/4 |
Stern, K. |
11/15 |
Stettler, R.F. |
8/13, 8/17 |
Stonecypher, R.W. |
7/1 |
Sweet, C.B. |
11/11 |
Sziklai, O. |
6/9 |
Teich, A.H. |
2/9 |
Thielges, B.A. |
8/12 |
Thulin, I.J. |
9/5 |
Toda, R. |
7/5 |
Tompa, K. |
4/9 |
Tyystjarvi, P. |
11/2 |
Vaclav, E |
2/11, 4/6, 9/14 |
Vecchi Pellati, E. de |
10/5 |
Venkatesh, C.S. |
3/9 |
Vidakovic, M. |
3/10 |
Warren, W.G. |
4/4 |
Zavadil, Z. |
9/6, 11/14 |
Zufa, L. |
3/7 |