A) Regarding wood energy contributions: The energy contribution of forests and trees at regional level is only 4% of the total energy demand in the Near East Region. However, the wood energy share at national level varies considerably from country to country. Morocco, Sudan, Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan are the largest woodfuel consumers. Oil rich countries, such as Kuwait, Iraq, Iran etc. rely to a large extent on oil for their energy needs.
B) Regarding wood energy data availability: The quality and quantity of wood energy data identified at national and international level has a diverse set of details, consistency and accuracy. The data identified provides information regarding production, import, export and some extent also consumption. However, most of the data have not been desegregated by the main wood energy end-users (household, industries, commercial, and others). The exception the information from IEA, which includes indigenous production, domestic supply, industry sector, other sectors and residential sector (see Annex 4). Moreover, the data of by different woodfuel supply sources (forests, industries and society see Annex 1) is practically unavailable. Data on black liquor is furthermore scarce.