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· Co-operation between the different statistic forestry and energy agencies at national and international level is needed to update and upgrade existing wood energy databases.

· Exchange information among officers from Technical Units involved in wood energy statistics, within and outside the region.

· Help FAO project activities with more detailed information to fill the data gaps in country tables which are being provided in a separate cover.

· Facilitate the exchange of information and data using well-defined conversion factors and units.

Annex 1.1. Woodfuel Balance Scheme

Annex 1.2. Table: Biofuel classification scheme





Annex 2: Conversion Factors


Annex 3: Data Woodfuel cover 1980-1997

(see Excel File WEISNEAREASTPJ3)

Annex 4: IEA - Data cover 1971-1997

(see Excel File regional studies Near East. xls)

4.1. Charcoal (Non - OECD) [TJ]


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