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Improving the quality and safety of fresh
fruits and vegetables: a practical approach Prepared by: Maya Piñeiro |
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This manual contains materials to conduct workshops to improve the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables
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© FAO 2004
Training materials - Word and Excel documents
Presentations (Only for the CD-ROM)
Internet links
Documents (Only for the CD-ROM)
Background information
Users of the Manual
Outline of the Manual
Guidelines to train the trainers
Section I. Introduction to the workshop
General information
Activity 1. Demonstrate the use of the Manual for Trainers
Section II. Importance of the horticultural sector in Latin America & the Caribbean
General information
Activity 1. Presentation and discussion of results from the pre-workshop questionnaire
Section III. Quality maintenance and enhancement throughout the fresh fruits and vegetables chain
General information
Part I. The concept of quality as applied to fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 1. The concept of quality as applied to fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 2. Quality determination procedures
Part II. Applying the principles of post-harvest management to maintain the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 1. Importance of appropriate logistics and post-harvest handling for fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 2. Guidelines for action plans to maintain the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables
Section IV. Applying food safety principles to the fresh fruits and vegetables chain
General information
Part I. Introduction
Activity 1. Importance of safety in horticulture: implications for demand and trade
Activity 2. Codex Food Safety Standards
Part II. Programs for safety assurance of fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 1. Hazard analysis in production and post-harvest handling of fresh fruits and vegetables
Activity 2. Hazard identification and control measures. Field visit
Section V. The importance of certifications and other quality schemes for the horticultural sector
General information
Activity 1. Component parts of certifications
Activity 2. Implementing GAP in countries exporting fresh fruits and vegetables in response to market requirements
Activity 3. Country analysis of strengths and weaknesses to address certification and GAP as national priorities
Activity 4. Establishment of an action plan