Area: | 582 000 |
Climate: | Eastern coast is tropical wet, the rest tropical wet-dry. Rains in October-March; tropical cyclones |
Population: | 15.72 million (1997 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 230 (1995) |
Specific characteristics of the country: | Low-income food-deficit country |
Logistics: | Dilapidated roads and lack of spare parts and tyres |
Major foodcrops: | Rice, roots, tubers, maize, fruit |
Marketing year: | April/March; Lean season: February/March |
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: | 60 percent |
Despite a potential fall in yields as a result of delays in transplanting the second (main) season rice, a good overall harvest for 1997 is forecast mainly due to good climatic conditions during the growing season, provided the recent outbreak of migratory locusts in the southern parts of the country can be effectively controlled. Aggregate cereal production is estimated at 2.7 million tons, about the same as in 1996.
Following cyclone "Gretelle" on 23-24 January 1997, an FAO/WFP Mission was fielded from 10 to 29 March 1997 to evaluate the loss and damage caused to food production and agricultural infrastructure by the cyclone, to estimate the food supply situation for 1997 and identify the actions needed to rehabilitate agricultural infrastructure. The Mission estimated the total crop loss caused by the cyclone at 7 000 tons of rice, 123 500 tons of cassava and 8 000 tons of cash crops (mainly coffee).
In view of good production prospects, the food supply situation during the 1997/98 marketing year is expected to be satisfactory and the bulk of the food shortfall could be covered locally and by commercial imports. However, during the current inter-season period, emergency food aid will be required for malnourished children and pregnant and nursing mothers in the affected area, and for the people living in the sub-prefecture of Farafangana (all rural municipalities), 5 municipalities in the sub-prefecture of Vohipeno situated in the lower Matitanana, 10 municipalities in the sub-prefecture of Vangaindrano and 3 municipalities in the sub-prefecture of Vondrozo, totaling 274 172 people. The total emergency food aid requirement is estimated at 4 754 tons of rice, 791 tons of pulses, 92 tons of vegetable oil, 65 tons of sugar, 38 tons of powdered milk and 154 tons of corn and soybean blend (CSB). Three hundred tons of rice and 300 tons of CSB are already available in the country and the balance has yet to be covered. The Mission identified urgent measures to rehabilitate the agricultural sector: these include seed distribution and programmes to rehabilitate cash crops, irrigation schemes and access roads.
Wheat |
Rice |
Coarse grains |
Total |
Normal Production (rice in paddy terms) |
7 |
2 476 |
152 |
2 635 |
Normal Imports |
48 |
53 |
10 |
111 |
of which: Structural food aid |
13 |
11 |
10 |
34 |
1997/98 Domestic Availability |
5 |
1 746 |
180 |
1 931 |
1997 Production (rice in paddy terms) |
5 |
2 550 |
180 |
2 735 |
1997 Production (rice in milled terms) |
5 |
1 700 |
180 |
1 885 |
Possible stock drawdown |
- |
46 |
- |
46 |
1997/98 Utilization |
73 |
1 821 |
180 |
2 074 |
Food Use |
71 |
1 681 |
140 |
1 892 |
of which: local purchase requirement |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Non-food use |
2 |
140 |
25 |
167 |
Exports or Re-exports |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Possible stock build up |
- |
- |
15 |
15 |
1997/98 Import Requirement |
68 |
75 |
- |
143 |
Anticipated commercial imports |
57 |
65 |
- |
122 |
Food aid needs |
11 |
10 |
- |
21 |
Current Aid Position | ||||
Food aid pledges |
16 |
9 |
6 |
31 |
of which: Delivered |
- |
9 |
1 |
10 |
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) |
4 |
107 |
9 |
120 |
Indexes | ||||
1997 production as % of normal: |
104 |
1997/98 import requirement as % of normal: |
129 |
1997/98 food aid requirement as % of normal: |
62 |