Questions of interest to the region
101) The Delegation of Chile drew the attention of the Committee to the need for common positions concerning relevant issues to the Region, which are discussed in Codex Committees and the Commission. The Delegation expressed the view that the Committee should act as a coordination forum where countries of the Region could discuss matters of interest which could have an economic impact and come to an agreement in order to act as an homogeneous group.
102) Several delegations concurred with Chile on the need to join efforts to find a mechanism of discussion of such subjects, in order to reach the best consensus possible. The Committee agreed that a contact group could be established to exchange views and information and utilize electronic means for the reception of information and comments in this respect. The Committee also agreed that countries could make suggestions to the Coordinator early enough before the next session of the CCLAC so that the Agenda could incorporate matters of interest to the countries in the Region.
Matters arising from the CCRVDF
103) The Delegation of Costa Rica, supported by Argentina, Chile and Mexico, referred to the discussion that took place at the 11th Session of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods, and proposed that the CCLAC support the following recommendations: The CCRVDF should concentrate on its mandate and a procedure should be established to move forward decisions when no consensus existed and no scientific argument opposed their advancement. These proposals were part of a statement made by a group of Latin American countries during the CCRVDF (ALINORM 99/31 para. 131).
104) The Delegation of Uruguay pointed out that this proposal might not be consistent with the current efforts developed in Codex to ensure that decisions were reached by consensus. Following a brief discussion, the Committee felt that the above proposal corresponded to the views of a group of Latin American countries, as presented during the CCRVDF. However, it did not reflect the position of the Region as a whole and the Committee could not come to a conclusion on this question.
Aflatoxins in almonds
105) In response to a request from Bolivia to include maximum levels for aflatoxins in almonds on the agenda of CCFAC, in view of potential trade problems, the Committee agreed to support this proposal and asked Bolivia to provide relevant information to the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants in order to fully justify the inclusion of that item on the agenda of that Committee.
Date and place of next session
106) The Committee was informed that the next session of the Committee would most likely be held in the Dominican Republic in February 2001. The exact date and venue would be determined by the Dominican and the Codex Secretariats, subject to the approval of the Commission.
Subject Matter |
Step |
Action by |
Document Reference in ALINORM 99/36 |
Nomination of Coordinator |
23rd CAC |
para. 99 |
Proposed Draft Revised Regional Code of Practice for
Street-Vended Foods |
5 |
Governments 23rd CAC 12th
para. 74, Appendix II |
Exchange of information on food legislation and food
control |
Governments 12th CCLAC |
paras. 30-41 |
Activities of National Codex Committees and Contact
Points |
Governments 12th CCLAC |
paras. 85-98 |
Follow-up of the Workshop on Risk Analysis and Food
Standards |
Governments FAO/PAHO 12th CCLAC |
paras. 54-55 |
Consumer Participation |
Governments 12th CCLAC |
paras. 75-84 |
Contamination by Salmonella and emerging pathogens |
PAHO/Brazil 12th CCLAC |
para. 49 |
Aflatoxins in Almonds |
Bolivia 31st CCFAC |
para. 105 |