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Libros recibidos

BAKER, RICHARD ST. BARBE. 1965. Famous trees of New Zealand. London, Ronald Press. 150 p., ilustraciones. 30s.

BAKUZIS, E.V. & HANSEN H.L. 1965. Balsam fir. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 445 p. $9,50.

CLEPPER, H. 1966. Origins of American conservation. New York, Ronald Press. 193 p. $4,50.

CLEPPER, H. & MEYER, A. 1965. The world of the forest. Boston, Heath. 122 p., ilustraciones. (Science Resource Series) $ 1,32.

DATTA, S.C. 1965. A handbook of systematic botany. London, Asia Publishing House, 435 p., ilustraciones.


FOWELLS, H.A., comp. 1965. Silvics of forest trees of the United States. Washington, D.C., U.S. Forest Service. 76 p. (Agricultural Handbook, U.S. Department of Agriculture).

GILBERT, DOUGLAS L. 1964. Public relations in natural resources management. Minneapolis, Burgess. 227 p., ilustraciones.

GRANDTNER, MIROSLAV M. 1966. La végétation forestière du Quebec méridional. Quebec, Les Presses de l'Université Laval. 216 p., 108 figuras, 5 cuadros. $12,00.

HART, C.E. 1966. Royal forest: a history of Dean's woods as producers of timber. London, Oxford University Press. 367 p., ilustraciones. £. 3.15.0.

HART, C.E. 1966. Taxation of woodlands. «Chenies», Coleford, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. 28 p. 10s.

HART. C.E. 1966. Timber prices and forestry costings 1966-67. «Chenies», Coleford, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. 28 p. 10s.

HARTMANN, FRANZ. 1965. Waldhumusdiagnose auf Biomorphologischer Grundlage. Wien, Springer. 88 p., 117 ilustraciones. 11,75 schillings.

Holztechnologisches Handbuch. 1963. Band III. Vorreiter. Wien, Oesterreichischer Agrarverlag.

KERNAN, HENRY S. Reforestation in Spain. Syracuse New York, State College of Forestry. 52 p. $1,00

LAMB, F. BRUCE. 1966. Mahogany of tropical America. Michigan, University of Michigan Press. 220 p., ilustraciones. $7,50.

LATHAM, BRYAN. 1965. History of the Timber Trade Federation of the United Kingdom. London, Benn. 176 p., ilustraciones. 35s.

LENZ, HANS CHRISTIAN. 1963. Aufkommen, Verwertung und Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Sägeabfallholzes. Universidad de Hamburgo. Disertación. Impresión privada. 379 p., diagramas, mapas.

LINNARD, W. 1966. Russian/English forestry and wood dictionary. Farnham Royal, Bucks., Commonwealth Forestry Bureau. 109 p. 35s; $5,30.

McCLURE, F.A. 1966. The bamboos. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press. 347 p., ilustraciones.

MARLIN, C.B., ed. 1965. Insects in southern forestry. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press. 129 p. $4,00.

OVINGTON, J.D. 1965. Woodlands. London, English Universities Press. 154 p.

PANAGIOTIDIS, NIKOLAUS D. 1965. Tannenplanterwälder in Griechenland. Hamburg, Parey. 97 p., 59 figuras, 22 cuadros. (Forstwissenschaftliche Forschungen Heft 21). 24,80 DM.

PARDÉ, L.M. & PARDÉ, J. 1965. Arbres et forêts. Paris, Colin. 233 p. 5,70 FF.

PRODAN, M. 1965. Holzmesslehre. Frankfurt am Main, Sauerländer. 644 p., 272 figuras, 256 cuadros. 92 DM.

RICHARDSON, S.D. 1966. Forestry in communist China. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins. 237 p. $6,95.

ROGERS, WALTER E. 1965. Tree flowers of forest, park and street. New York, Dover. 499 p., ilustraciones. $3,00.

ROMBERGER, JOHN & MIKOLA, PEITSA. 1964. International review of forestry research. Vol. 1. New York, Academic Press. 404 p., ilustraciones.

SCHNEIDER, C. 1965. Tropenhölzer. Leipzig, Veb Fachbuchverlag. 401 p., ilustraciones.

SCHULZE-MOTEL, JÜRGEN. 1966. Die Kulturpflanze. Beiheft 4, Verzeichnis Forstlich-Kultivierter Pflanzenarten. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag. 486 p. 63 DM.

STOECKLER, J.H. & SLABAUGH, P.E. 1965. Conifer nursery practice in the prairie-plains. Washington, D.C., U.S. Forest Service. 93 p. (Agriculture Handbook No. 279, U.S. Department of Agriculture) 50 cents.

TARIS, B. 1966. Peupliers et populiculture. Paris, Eyrolles. 208 p. 39,05 FF.

VILLIÈRE, A. 1966. Séchage des bois. 6e éd. Paris, Dunod. 426 p., 195 figuras. Préface de J. Campredon. 86 FF.

WHITMORE, T. C. 1966. Guide to the forests of the British Solomon Islands. London, Oxford University Press. 208 p., ilustraciones. £. 2.

Who's who in international organization, 1964-65. 1965. Brussels, Union of International Associations. 85 p. $2,00, 14s. (Indice de nombres personales que figuran en la 10a edición del Yearbook of international organizations).

WILLIAMS, R.M.C. 1965. Termite infestation of pines in British Honduras. London, HMSO. 31 p., ilustraciones. (Ministry of Overseas Development. Overseas Research Publication No. 11) 9s.

Yearbook of international organizations, 1964-66. 1965. 10th ed. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1,700 p. $18,00; £. 5.15.0.

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