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27 Outputs of the group discussions and the plenary session


The outputs of the group discussions are as follows:

Working Group 1: The role of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in community forestry for poverty alleviation

The followings are the recommendations of the group for the development and sustainable management of NTFPs towards poverty alleviation:

Working Group 2: The role of gender in community forestry

The group identified the following activities and recommended several possible strategies:


Several additional recommendations came from the participants during the plenary session. They are as follows:

The participants at the workshop agreed that only good community forestry could alleviate poverty in a sustainable manner, but that good community forestry cannot exist without good policy support. Various suggestions came out of the discussions:

Realizing that income generation is but only one of the many tools to alleviate poverty, community forestry must be developed encompassing other components such as infrastructure development, improved education opportunities, good governance, and improved social and economic stability.

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