ALINORM 72/35 February 1973 | |
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Issued by the Secretariat of the
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, Rome
Ref. No. ALINORM 72/35, February 1973
Hyperlinks to non-FAO Internet sites do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The sole purpose of links to non-FAO sites is to indicate further information available on related topics.
Participants and Officers of the Commission presiding
over the Ninth Session
Address by the Director, Food Policy and Nutrition
Division, FAO
Reply of Chairman of the Commission
Election of Officers of the Commission and Members of
the Executive Committee
Appointment of Coordinator for Europe
Adoption of Agenda
Executive Committee - Report of the Eighteenth Session
- FAO/WHO Food Additives and Contaminants Conference
- 16th FAO Conference
- Proposed Synopsis of Work of International
Organizations in the field of Food Standards
- Problems raised by the Appearance of nonconventional
Food Products on the International
- Codex Mark or Symbol
- Appellation d'origine
- Working Group on Temperature Problems - Quick
Frozen Foods
- Memorandum by Professor E.J. Bigwood, Director,
Centre de Recherches sur le Droit de l'Alimentation,
Brussels, on the Progress of work of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission
- Proposal of France concerning Group Standards for
Fish and Fishery Products
Membership of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
Progress Report on Acceptances of Recommended Codex
Finance of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
for 1972/73
- Free quota distribution of Recommended Codex
Standards, now priced publications
Information on Activities within FAO and WHO of
interest to the Commission
- Food Additives
- Pesticide Residues
- Irradiation of Food
- Marine Toxins in Fish
- Food Control
- Un Conference on Human Environment (Stockholm,
June 1972)
- Food Hygiene
Information on the Activities of other International
Organizations working on the Standardization of Foods
and related Matters
- Council of Europe (Partial Agreement)
- Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology
- Commission of the European Economic Community
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
- Customs Cooperation Council
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- International Commission on Microbiological
Specifications for Foods
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- Committee on International Cooperation (AOAC)
Progress Report on the Use of the Spanish Language at Codex Committee Sessions
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Regional Conference for
Establishment of a Coordinating Committee for Africa
Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables
- Consideration of Standards at Step 8 of the Procedure
for the Elaboration of World-wide Codex Standards
- Introduction
- General Remarks
- Canned Mushrooms
- Canned Asparagus
- Processed Tomato Concentrate
- Canned Green Peas
- Raisins
- Canned Plums
- Canned Raspberries
- Canned Fruit Cocktail
- Canned Mandarin Oranges
- Canned Pears
- Reconsideration of Standard for Canned Strawberries
which had been adopted and held at Step 8
- Consideration of Standards at Step 5 of the Procedure
for the Elaboration of World-wide Codex Standards
- Jams (Fruit Preserves and Jellies)
- Citrus Marmalade
- Consideration of Proposed Amendments to Step 9
Standards for Canned Peaches, Canned Pineapple and
Canned Tomatoes
- Proposed Amendments to Step 9 Standard for Canned
Green and Wax Beans
- Confirmation of Chairmanship
Joint Codex/IOOC Meeting on the Standardization of
Table Olives
- Consideration of Standard for Table Olives at Step 5
- Codex Committee on Foods for Special Dietary Uses
- Consideration of draft satandard for Infant Formula
at Step 8
- Consideration of Draft Standard for Canned Baby
Foods at Step 5
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Processed Meat Products
- Consideration of Standards at Step 8 of the Procedure
for the Elaboration of World-wide Codex Standards
- Canned Corned Beef
- Discussion of Report of the Sixth Session of the
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Meat
- Consideration of texts at Step 8 of the Procedure
- Descriptions of Cutting Methods of Commercial Units
of Carcasses, Halves and Quarters moving in International
- Consideration of texts at Step 5 of the Procedure
- Descriptions of Cutting Methods of Commercial Units
of Carcasses moving in International Trade (Pistol
- System for the Description of Carcasses of Bovine
and Porcine Species
- Boneless Meat
- Confirmation of Chairmanship
Codex Committee on Food Hygiene
- Consideration of Codes of Hygienic Practice at Step 8
- Tree Nuts
- Poultry Processing
- Consideration of Codes of Hygienic Practice at Step 5
- Egg Products
- Publication of Codes of Hygienic Practice
- Wording of Hygiene Provisions in Standards
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene
- Consideration of Codes of Hygienic Practice at Step 5
- Fresh Meat
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on the
Standardization of Fruit Juices
- General Remarks
- Consideration of Standards at Step 8
- Vinifera-Type Grape Juice
- Vinifera-Type Concentrated Grape Juice
- Concentrated Apple Juice
- Concentrated Orange Juice
- Methods of Analysis and Sampling in Standards for
Concentrated Fruit Juices
Coordinating Committee for Europe and Codex Committee
on Natural Mineral Waters
- Consideration of European Regional Standard for
Natural Mineral Waters at Step 8 of the Procedure
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Codex Committee
on Natural Mineral Waters
- Establishment of a Codex Committee on Edible Ices
- Consideration of the Elaboration of Standards for
Salt, Vinegar and Eggs
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Eggs
- Amendments to the Method of Determination of Diastase
Activity in the European Regional Standard for Honey
Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
- Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Committee
- Extract from the Report of the Sixth Session of the
- Definitions of “Pesticide”, “Pesticide residue”,
“good agricultural Practice in the use of Pesticides”
and “Codex tolerance (Codex maximum residue limit)”
- Amendment of the Procedure for the Elaboration of
Codex Tolerances for Pesticide Residues
- Consideration of the Codex Acceptance Procedure in
Relation to Tolerances for Pesticide Residues
- Difficulties in Relation to the Establishment of
Tolerances for Pesticide Residues
- Changes to Tolerances at Step 9 of the Procedure
- Tolerances and Practical Residue Limits at Step 8 of
the Procedure
- Tolerances and Practical Residue Limits at Step 5 of
the Procedure
- Confirmation of Chairmanship
Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on the
Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods
- Consideration of Code of Practice for the Processing
and Handling of Quick Frozen Foods at Step 5
- Matters arising from the Report of the Seventh Session
Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products
- Consideration of Standard for Canned Crab Meat at
Step 5
- Discussion of Reports of the Sixth and Seventh
Sessions of the Committee
- “Quick Frozen” versus “Frozen”
- Canned Sardines and Sardines Type Products
- Codes of Practice
- Proposal regarding the Elaboration of Group Standards
- Can Seams
- Canned Shrimps, Dried or Packed in Brine; Frog Legs;
and Snails
- Attendance at the Seventh Session of the Committee
- Amendments to the Recommended International Standards
for Canned Shrimps or Prawns (CAC/RS 37-1970) and
Canned Pacific Salmon (CAC/RS 3-1969)
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate
- Consideration of Standards at Step 5 of the Procedure
- Cocoa (cacao) beans, Cocoa (cacoa) nib, Cocoa (cacoa)
mass, Cocoa Press cake and Cocoa dust (cocoa fines),
for use in the manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate
- Cocoa Butters
- Cocoa Powder (cocoa) and Sweetened Cocoa Powder
(Sweetened Cocoa)
- Chocolate
- Other matters
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Fats and Oils
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Sugars
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Food Additives
- Introduction
- Definition of “Food Additive” and “Contaminant”
- General Principles for the Use of Food Additives
- Specifications of Identity and Purity for Food Grade
- Section on Contaminants in Codex Commodity Standards
- Other matters raised in connection with the Report
of the Committee
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on Food Labelling
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
Codex Committee on General Principles
- Confirmation of Chairmanship of the Committee
- Proposed Draft General Standard
- Consideration of Secretariat Paper “Coffee and the
- Tea
- Proposal of Brazil that a Coordinating Committee for
Latin America be established
- Proposed Provisional Timetable of Codex Sessions
- Other Business
- Proposal that a Seminar be held in Asia and that a
Coordinating Committee for Asia be established
Appendix I - List of Participants
Appendix V - Provisional Agenda for the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Regional Conference for Africa