133. The 31st Session of the CCFAC agreed to request additional comments for additions or amendments to its Priority List for consideration at the 32nd CCFAC.[70]
134. Mr J. Dornseiffen (the Netherlands) introduced the report of the Ad Hoc Informal Working Group on Priorities. The Committee agreed with the priorities proposed by the Working Group for both food additives and contaminants. a-Cyclodextrin was also added at the request of Hungary, which agreed to provide supporting data.
135. The Committee agreed that the contaminants of highest priority were dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs and the chloropropanols.
136. The Committee agreed on the Priority List of Food Additives, Contaminants and Naturally Occurring Toxicants Proposed for Evaluation by JECFA as presented in Appendix XVI. The Committee agreed to request additional comments for additions or amendments to its Priority List for consideration at its next Session.