143. The Committee noted the request of the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) for relevant Codex committees "to identify and clarify other factors, in the framework of risk analysis, to facilitate the general CCGP debate on other legitimate factors".[78]
144. Several delegations and the representative of Consumers International stated their opinion that the CCFAC had considered the following "other legitimate factors" when discussing matters under its mandate:
145. The representative of the Institute of Food Technologists strongly supported that "other legitimate factors" be soundly based and only be used in risk management and should not detract from other factors, such as the availability of nutritious foods.
146. The Committee requested the Codex Secretariat to verbally report on the outcomes of its discussion on "other legitimate factors" to the forthcoming 15th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles (April 2000). The Committee further agreed that its preliminary deliberations should be reported to the forthcoming 47th Session of the Executive Committee in order to clarify the current status of the consideration of "other legitimate factors" within Codex with a view towards providing advice on a uniform approach to the matter.
147. The Committee decided to consider the possible inclusion of a separate Annex concerning "other legitimate factors" in the Discussion Paper on the Application of Risk Analysis Principles for Food Additives and Contaminants at the 33rd session of the CCFAC based on conclusions and discussions at the CCGP, CCEXEC and other Codex committees.