140. The 31st Session of the CCFAC requested[76] Malaysia to revise its proposal for the addition of packaging provisions to the Codex Standard for Food Grade Salt[77] based on the Committee's discussions for consideration at its current meeting. Due to time constraints, the document was not circulated for comment prior to the current meeting.
141. The Delegation of Malaysia informed the Committee that comments discussed at the 31st Session had been taken into account and that a new paragraph was proposed to be added to the standard.
142. The Committee agreed on the new paragraph and also agreed to add the phrase "If necessary, in order to avoid the loss of iodine," to the beginning of the first sentence of Section 8.1. The proposed draft revision to the Codex Standard for Food Grade Salt concerning the addition of a new section regarding Packaging, Transportation and Storage was forwarded to the Executive Committee for preliminary adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix XIV).