Vitamin B12: Proposed Draft Amendment to the Standard for Infant Formula (Agenda Item 10a)
Nutrient Reference Values for Labelling Purposes (Agenda Item 10b)
Vitamins and Minerals in Foods for Special Medical Purposes (Agenda Item 10c)
94. As no comments had been made at Step 3 in reply to CL 1995/11-NFSDU and in view of the consensus on this issue, the Committee agreed to forward the Proposed Draft Amendment to Step 5 of the Accelerated Procedure for adoption by the Commission (Appendix IV).
95. The Committee recalled that the last session had agreed to review the Nutrient Reference Values for labelling purposes, and a discussion paper had been prepared by France, under the direction of Professor Rey, who presented it to the session.
96. The Committee expressed its appreciation of the document which provided a comprehensive review of a very complex and important issue. Codex NRVs had been compared with those applied in certain countries (United States, United Kingdom, India) and those recommended recently by the EC Scientific Committee for Foods.
97. Some delegations and the Observer from Consumers International supported further consideration of this issue. It was noted that the CCFL was also considering the opportunity of reviewing the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling. The Committee agreed that the paper should be circulated for comments on the general approach to the values, and further action, if any was required, and that a Working Group would facilitate discussions of this issue at the next session.
98. The Committee recalled that its last session had agreed that the Delegation of Germany would prepare a paper reviewing the recommended levels of vitamins and minerals in foods for special medical purposes.
99. The Committee noted that in the absence of specific daily recommendations concerning intake for sick people, recommendations had been based on the intakes for adults proposed by the EC Scientific Committee for Foods. Those for children of 0-12 months of age were based on the Codex Standard for Infant Formula and RDAs from the USA National Research Council were also included.
100. The Committee expressed its appreciation of the document for its clear presentation and valuable information, which would be useful for both patients and manufacturers. Some delegations suggested that the scope of the work should be extended to include protein intake and essential fatty acids, and the Committee agreed that the document should be circulated for detailed review and comments.