FAO/GIEWS - Food Outlook, November 1997

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Donors 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1/

( . . . . . . . . thousand tons, grain equivalent 2/ . . . . . . . . )
Argentina - - - 13 - -
Australia 232 225 258 238 272 250
Canada 708 712 602 463 349 300
China 13 4 - - 111 100
EC 3/ 4 208 3 140 3 410 2 730 1 596 1 500
of which:

Community 3 274 2 022 2 488 1 790 879
National Action 934 1 118 921 940 717
Austria 16 9 15 13 8
Belgium 23 47 32 28 35
Denmark 24 39 67 25 77
Finland 25 22 9 3 4
France 169 197 166 209 165
Germany 256 243 242 207 175
Greece - - 10 25 15
Ireland 5 - 8 7 4
Italy 167 179 68 102 73
Luxemburg 2 1 1 2 2
Netherlands 125 157 163 105 76
Spain 4 15 8 4 -
Sweden 168 89 110 74 25
United Kingdom 159 241 156 136 59
India - - - 8 5 5
Japan 343 385 398 845 283 300
Norway 32 56 34 19 25 20
Saudi Arabia - - - 1 - -
Switzerland 61 58 54 47 31 30
United States 8 472 8 134 4 321 3 094 2 019 2 300
WFP purchases 23 1 - - 17 20
Others donors 832 172 232 286 164 175
Total shipments 15 133 13 007 9 443 7 743 4 872 5 000
of which:

Wheat 8 504 7 740 6 589 5 147 3 239
Rice 937 977 733 1 148 577
Coarse grains 5 691 4 290 2 121 1 448 1 055
of which to:

Africa 6 741 3 696 3 593 2 652 1 816
Asia 2 428 2 662 2 492 2 908 2 015
Latin America 1 581 1 583 1 146 592 499
Others 4 383 5 066 2 213 1 590 542
to LIFDC 4/ 10 112 7 867 7 934 6 700 4 116 4 200
of which:

Sub-Saharan Africa 5 910 3 271 3 348 2 402 1 641 1 700
Channelled multilaterally 3 344 3 224 2 653 2 291 2 002
As percent of Total shipments 22.1 24.8 28.1 29.6 41.1

SOURCE: Compiled from data provided by donors and the World Food Programme.
1/ Estimated partly on the basis of minimum commitments under the Food Aid Convention of 1995, budgetary allocations and other sources.
2/ To express cereal food aid in grain equivalent, wheat, rice and coarse grains are counted on a one to one basis; for grain products, appropriate conversion factors are used to determine the grain equivalent.
3/ Up to 1994, twelve member countries; from 1995, 15 member countries (including Austria, Finland and Sweden).
4/ Low-income food-deficit countries: for definition see footnote 9/ to "Basic facts of the world cereal situation" table on page 2.

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