FAO/GIEWS - Food Outlook, November 1997

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Table A.11 - INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY FOOD RESERVE (IEFR) and PROTRACTED REFUGEE OPERATIONS (PROs) in 1996 and 1997- Contributions as of 25 September 1997

Commodity/Donor Channelled through WFP 1/

1996 1997 1996 1997

( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Total Cereals 2/ 849 144 651 059 494 970 486 020
Australia 13 196 30 105 41 228 21 351
Austria 1 209 1 102 - 770
Belgium 22 168 7 320 2 013 12 604
Canada 13 285 10 356 9 840 25 583
Denmark 18 443 - 2 592 1 313
EC 128 785 102 137 84 547 94 716
Finland 2 995 120 960 -
France 3 000 730 30 570 8 000
Germany 50 969 35 464 51 224 37 544
Ireland 966 840 592 -
Italy 17 597 7 660 12 839 -
Japan 102 422 17 800 62 481 29 154
Korea Rep. of - 50 000 - -
Netherlands 29 060 53 654 13 342 16 943
New Zealand 240 928 80 -
Norway 9 204 9 290 - -
Spain 2 143 4 000 - -
Sweden 16 822 3 542 610 1 705
Switzerland 20 132 6 098 19 781 16 340
United Kingdom 17 851 19 763 19 964 24 760
United States 375 828 288 995 140 932 194 405
Other donors 2 829 1 245 1 375 832

Total non cereals 197 728 142 331 85 525 63 919
Australia 350 341 - -
Austria - 515 - -
Belgium 1 485 1 988 2 100 -
Canada 6 132 8 483 12 253 5 442
Denmark 1 685 3 210 4 473 4 196
EC 28 683 16 470 12 323 14 161
Finland 2 409 97 1 956 -
Germany 14 658 192 7 731 -
Ireland 320 977 185 439
Italy 4 225 477 2 790 -
Japan 7 405 877 176 -
Korea Rep. of 3 405 18 192 - -
Netherlands 11 008 2 434 4 802 10 837
New Zealand - 416 - -
Norway 1 539 1 564 6 923 -
Sweden 4 655 6 497 2 223 -
Switzerland 3 055 2 226 3 061 1 390
United Kingdom 1 351 1 935 - -
United States 99 933 71 759 24 232 27 346
Other donors 5 430 3 681 297 108

1/ Excluding bilateral contributions.
2/ Includes wheat, coarse grains and rice.

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