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A diversity of forest types in Iran

F. J. GENTY, FAO Technical Assistance Officer

FIGURE 1. - In the interior of an Avicenia forest at high tide near Tiab.

FIGURE 2. - The leaves of Avicenias are used a, camel fodder. The inhabitants of Qishm island systematically collect the leafy branches by boat, going as far as the canals of the islands in the Persian Gulf between Qishm and the mainland, which are covered with Avicenia forests.

FIGURE 3. - A mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) growing on the edge of a canal of brackish water.

FIGURE 4. - The coastal plain. Sparse formations of Kaours (Prosopis spicigera) between Bander-Abbas and Minab, on sandy alluvium.

FIGURE 5. - The oases: a palm grove at Hassan-Lengeh.

FIGURE 6. - Junipers (Juniperus polycarpus) in the forest of Guiénau on mountains at 2,360 meters.

FIGURE 7. - Wild pistachio tree (Pistacea mutica) growing in the mountains.

FIGURE 8. - A caravan of 26 camels carrying wed cut in the forest of Guiénau to Bander-Abbas.

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