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Appendix 4

Protocol 2 on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of fishery products originating in Morocco


on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of fishery products originating in Morocco included into the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AGREEMENT establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part.

Article 1 The products listed below, originating in Morocco, shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties.

CN code


Chapter 3

Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

1604 11 00


1604 12


1604 13 90


1604 14

Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.)

1604 15


1604 16 00


1604 19 10

Salmonidae, other than salmon

1604 19 31

Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than skipjack [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis]

1604 19 39

1604 19 50

Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor

1604 19 91 to 1604 19 98


1604 20

Other prepared or preserved fish:

1604 20 05

Preparations of surimi

1604 20 10

Of salmon

1604 20 30

Of salmonidae, other than salmon

1604 20 40

Of anchovies

ex 1604 20 50

Of bonito, of mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus; of fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor

1604 20 70

Of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthynnus

1604 20 90

Of other fish

1604 30

Caviar and caviar substitutes

1605 10 00


1605 20

Shrimps and prawns

1605 30 00


1605 40 00

Other crustaceans

1605 90 11

Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), in airtight containers

1605 90 19

Other mussels

1605 90 30

Other molluscs

1902 20 10

Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared: containing more than 20% by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates.

Imports into the Community of prepared or preserved sardines of CN codes 1604 13 11, 1604 13 19 and ex 1604 20 50 originating in Morocco shall be covered by the arrangements established by Article 1, subject to the following provisions:

From 1 January to 31 December 1996:

From 1 January to 31 December 1997:

From 1 January to 31 December 1998:

Protocol 2 on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of fishery products originating in Tunisia


on the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of fishery products originating in Tunisia included into the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AGREEMENT establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part.

Sole Article

The products listed below, originating in Tunisia, shall be imported into the Community free of customs duties.

CN Code


Chapter 3

Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

1604 11 00


1604 12


ex 1604 13 11

Sardines, of the species Sardina pilchardus in olive oil [See note 1]

ex 1604 13 19

Sardines, of the species Sardina pilchardus other than in olive oil [see Note 1]

1604 14

Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.)

1604 15


1604 16 00


1604 19 10

Salmonidae, other than salmon

1604 19 31

Fish of the genus Euthymnus, other than skipjack (Euthymnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis)

1604 19 39

1604 19 50

Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor

1604 19 91

Other to 1604 19 98

1604 20

Other prepared or preserved fish:

1604 20 05

Preparations of surimi

1604 20 10

of salmon

1604 20 30

of salmonidae, other than salmon

1604 20 40

of anchovies

ex 1604 20 50

of sardines of the species Sardina pilchardus [see Note 1]

1604 20 70

of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthymnus

1604 20 90

of other fish

1604 30

Caviar and caviar substitutes

1605 10 00


1605 20

Shrimps and prawns

1605 30 00


1605 40 00

Other crustaceans

1605 90 11

Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), in airtight containers

1605 90 19

Other mussels

1605 90 30

Other molluscs

1902 20 10

Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared: containing more than 20% by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other acquatic invertebrates

Note 1: Within the limits of a Community tariff quota of 100 tonnes common to subheadings ex 1604 13 11, ex 1604 13 19 and ex 1604 20 50.

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