Panel Chair: Samuel Paul
Chairman, Public Affairs Centre
27, SB1 Colony, Block 3, Koramangala
Bangalore 560 034
Tel/Fax: (91-80)5537260 (Off.)
Tel: (91-80)5531753 (Home)
Eml: [email protected]
Gerald Bourrier
Bourrier International Consultants Inc.
12 Roseglen Private
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 1B6 Canada
Tel: (1-613) 2477291
Eml: [email protected]
Jean-Marc Boussard
19 Avenue du Maine
75732 Paris cedex 15
Tel: (33-1) 45498974
Fax: (33-1) 45498882
Eml: [email protected]
Catherine Geissler
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
King's College London
Campden Hill Road
London W8 7AH
Tel: (44-171) 3334351
Fax: (44-171) 3334185
Eml: [email protected]
Hans Gregersen
College of Natural Resources
University of Minnesota
1530 N. Cleveland-Ave.,
115 Green Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Tel: (1-612) 6246298
Fax: (1-612) 6255212
Eml: [email protected]
Ammar Siamwalla
The Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation
565 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thepleela 1)
Ramkhamhaeng Road, Wangthonglang
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
Tel: (66-2)7185460
Fax: (66-2)7185461/2
Eml: [email protected]
TAC Secretariat:
Panel Secretary: Guido Gryseels
Deputy Executive Secretary, TAC
SDRC - D442
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39-6) 57055442
Fax: (39-6) 57053298
Eml: [email protected]
CGIAR Secretariat:
Selcuk Ozgediz
Senior Management Adviser
CGIAR Secretariat
World Bank
1818H Street, NW
Washington DC 20433
Tel: (1-202)4738937
Fax: (1-202)4738110
Eml: [email protected]
Maureen Robinson
Director of Education
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
2000 L Street, NW, Suite 510
Washington DC 20036
Tel: (1-202)4526262
Fax: (1-202)4526299
Eml: [email protected]
Samuel Paul (India) is Chairman of the Public Affairs Centre in Bangalore, India. He is a former Director and Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. From 1985-91, he was Advisor to the World Bank on Public Sector Management in Washington. He has taught at Harvard and Princeton Universities. He has also been a Senior Advisor to the United Nations and ILO, and a consultant to many other international organizations). In 1992 he served as a member of the External Programme and Management Review (EPMR) of ICLARM. In 1995-96, he chaired the EPMR of ISNAR.
Gerald Bourrier (Canada) is a professional manager with over 25 years of increasingly responsible line experience in technical programming, administration and management. Positions held with a Canadian Crown Corporation (the International Development Research Centre) include Regional Director, West and Central Africa, Director, Fellowships and Awards Division, Director, Human Resources Division, and Deputy Director, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division. Prior to his 25 years with IDRC, he spent 10 years in the Canadian private sector working as an extension agronomist. His academic background is in Extension Agronomy. Bourrier currently heads a small management consulting company which he founded in 1996 - Bourrier International Consultants Inc. He has undertaken several international consultancies in corporate management systems with the following organizations: ICRAF (Internally Commissioned External Review of the Finance and Administration Division); IDRC (organized and directed a training workshop; conducted a comparative study on different models of program delivery); CGIAR (External Program and Management Review of IFPRI); and Renaud Foster Management Consultants (participated in an international executive search commissioned by IDRC).
Jean-Marc Boussard (France) was first educated as an agronomist. He subsequently completed a doctorate in the Paris's faculty of economics, and entered the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, where he is presently directeur de recherches. He is well known for his works on modelling agricultural systems, especially by introducing risk and uncertainty considerations into farm and macro economic models. He studied also dynamics and investments, both from a private and public point of view, and contributed to the project evaluation literature for irrigation. He is teaching in various institutions, among which the Institut National Agronomique, and the University of Paris I. He was awarded "outstanding journal article " in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics in 1972. He was president of the French Society of Agricultural Economists from 1992 to 1996. He has been elected fellow of the French Academie d'Agriculture in 1995.
Catherine Geissler (UK) graduated from the University of Edinburgh, and undertook postgraduate studies at the University of California Berkeley, where she obtained a PhD in Human Nutrition. During this period she worked for two years at the Institute of Nutritional Science and Food Technology in Teheran and carried out field studies in urban and rural areas of Iran. She was subsequently appointed to the Department of Nutrition at King's College, University of London. She has carried out community and clinical research work on a variety of nutrition issues in the UK and in several countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. She has also been food and nutrition consultant to FAO, the World Bank, and other agencies, in Africa and the Middle East. In 1990 Catherine Geissler was Visiting Professor at Cornell University where she worked on the analysis of a large epidemiological survey of nutrition and health in China. On her return to London she was appointed Head of the Department of Nutrition, a post she held for 5 years before being promoted to her current position as Head of the Division of Health Sciences. She also serves on the Food Advisory Committee to the UK government.
Hans Gregersen (USA) is professor of forest economics and policy at the University of Minnesota, with a joint appointment in the Departments of Forest Resources and Applied Economics. He has bachelors and masters degrees in forestry and a PhD in natural resources economics from the University of Michigan. He worked for the U.S. Forest Service and spent three years with FAO in the forest planning and policy area. He has served for six years on the Technical Advisory Committee of the CGIAR. During that time, he served terms as chair of the standing panel on natural resources, forestry and agroforestry and the standing committee on external reviews. In addition, he worked on the TAC Stripe Review on Policy and Management Research and on several other stripe studies dealing with natural resources and marginal lands. As a consultant and adviser over the past 25 years to the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Environment Program, the OECD, the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development, and many other groups, Gregersen has been involved in interdisciplinary forest and watershed economics and policy programs in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Gregersen's main research interests are in the areas of forestry for sustainable development, watershed management economics and policy, natural resources valuation, sector analysis and planning, and natural resources policy. He is the author of more than 160 publications dealing with these subjects. Many of these publications represent results of collaborative work with hydrologists, watershed managers, foresters, sociologists, and anthropologists.
Ammar Siamwalla (Thailand) is an economist, having obtained his B.Sc. Econ. from the University of London, and his doctorate from Harvard University. He was Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute between 1978 and 1984. He then returned to Thailand to become Program Director for Agriculture and Rural Development and later (1990-1995) President of Thailand Development Research Institute, Bangkok, where he is currently Distinguished Scholar. He has also served as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research between 1993 and 1996.