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Table 1.1 The benefits from Acacia in the rural economy (after Seif el Din 1991)

Wood products

Non-wood products









soil fertility







domestic utensils



game refuge

tool handles




construction poles

construction timber



bee forage

fish poison

Table 2.1.1 Acacia species used for firewood and charcoal (Boudy, 1950; Palmer and Pitman, 1972, Kinyanjui, 1985; Maydell, 1986; Riley and Brokensha, 1988; Bird and Shepherd, 1989; Bhandari, 1990; Guinko, 1991; Hines and Eckman, 1993; Nahal, 1993)




A. amythethophylla

occasionally used for firewood in the Sahel

A. ataxacantha

preferred wet season firewood by the Mbere since wood does not readily absorb water and will maintain flammability; occasionally used in the Sahel

A. brevispica

preferred wet season firewood by the Mbere since wood does not readily absorb water and will maintain flammability

A. caffra

provides a good fuel for brick kilns

A. drepanolobium

Mbeere women use the dry branches to ignite 'trot' kindling for a steady burn of charcoal when firing pottery

A. dudgeoni

occasionally used for firewood and charcoal in the Sahel

A. ehrenbergiana

occasionally used for firewood in the Sahel

A. erioloba

widely used for fuel, especially in the Kimberley area of South Africa

A. erubescens

a very hot fuel source

A. erythrocalyx.

occasionally used for firewood in the Sahel

A. gerrardii

a preferred firewood in Tanzania high quality charcoal

A. gourmaensis

occasionally used for firewood in the Sahel

A. grandicornuta

used for fuel in southern Africa

A. gummifera

used for firewood and charcoal in southern Morocco

A. hockii

used for firewood and charcoal in Kenya

A. karroo

used for firewood and charcoal in southern Africa

A. laeta

an important source of firewood and high quality charcoal in the Sahel

A. lahai

a preferred species for firewood and charcoal in Tanzania

A. macrostachya

occasionally used for firewood in the Sahel

A. mellifera sensu lato

slow-burning firewood valued by the Mbeere for cooking; a preferred firewood in Tanzania, excellent charcoal

A. nigrescens

favoured fuel for tobacco barns and charcoal in N Kenya

A. nilotica sensu lato

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel. Bark preferred by Mbeere for firing pottery; a preferred source of firewood and good quality charcoal in Tanzania; calorific value of heartwood 4950 kcal/kg, sapwood 4800 kcal/kg.

subsp. adstrigens

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel

subsp. nilotica

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel

subsp. tomentosa

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel

A. polyacantha

subsp. campylacantha

occasionally used for firewood and charcoal in the Sahel; a preferred firewood in Tanzania

A. reficiens

subsp. misera

preferred fuelwood for breadmaking in Somalia

A. robusta

little value for fuel

A. senegal

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel

A. seyal

var. fistula

good charcoal

var. seyal

an important source of firewood {firewood susceptible to insect attack if not used soon after cutting}and an occasional to important source of good quality charcoal in the Sahel

A. sieberiana

an occasional source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel; a preferred firewood in Tanzania

A. tortilis sensu lato

an important source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel; a preferred source of firewood and good quality charcoal in Tanzania; calorific value 4400 kcal/kg

subsp. heterocantha


subsp. raddiana

a preferred fuelwood in the Sahel

subsp. spirocarpa

firewood and charcoal

A. xanthophloea

a preferred firewood in Tanzania; makes good charcoal

F. albida

an occasional source of firewood and charcoal in the Sahel; a preferred source of firewood and charcoal in Tanzania; calorific value 4700 kcal/kg


A. jacquemontii

firewood and charcoal; charcoal of high calorific value, favoured by gold-, silver- and iron-smiths. charcoal suitable for gunpowder

A. leucophloea

used for fuel

A. modesta

used for fuel

A. nilotica

subsp. indica

used for fuel


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