Table 2.1.2 The timber properties of Acacia species and their uses (Broun and Massey, 1929; Manjunath, 1948, Boudy, 1950; Sahni, 1968; Palmer and Pitman, 1972; Zohary 1972; Ali 1973; Coats Palgrave, 1977; Zohary, 1977; Goldsmith & Carter, 1981; Maydell, 1986; Riley and Brokensha, 1988; Bhandari, 1990; Bird and Shepherd, 1992; Erkkilä and Siislonen, 1992; Haines and Eckman, 1993; Medley, 1993; Nahal, 1993)
Species |
Timber properties |
Uses |
A. abyssinica |
a preferred species for timber, building materials and furniture in Tanzania |
A. amythethophylla |
sapwood yellow-white with orange streaks, heartwood reddish with black streaks,
heavy, 1170 kg/m3, hard, strong, easy to split; durable |
carving, turnery, inlay work |
A. ataxacantha |
sapwood white to creamy white, pink tinge, heartwood deep brown-red, texture
medium, heavy, 9304 kg/m3, tough, durable, with abundant gum patches, flexible, saws
cleanly and finishes well; sapwood susceptible to borers, termites and blue fungus |
hut lathes, tool and implement handles, walking sticks, bows, poles, fences |
A. brevispica |
tough, durable, flexible |
digging sticks, hut lathes, bows, walking sticks |
A. burkei |
wood dark brown, heavy, tough, good grain when polished |
fence posts, formerly used for works well, |
A. bussei |
building poles, tool handles in Somalia |
A. caffra |
sapwood whitish, heartwood nearly black, very hard, heavy, close-grained, very
attractive, not termite resistant, termite and borer-proof |
good fence posts |
A. circummarginata |
wood strong, splinters badly; termite resistant |
not used for implement handles because it splinters badly, may be used for
construction purposes |
A. davyi |
wood soft, brittle |
A. drepanolobium |
hard, heavy; durable, termite resistant |
agricultural implements, tool handles, Y-poles to support granaries; a preferred
species for building material and fence posts in Tanzania |
A. dudgeoni |
occasionally used for tool handles |
A. erioloba |
sapwood wide, pinkish, heartwood dark or reddish brown, hard and heavy, 1230kg/m3,
difficult to saw, finishes well; durable, borer and termite resistant |
formerly used for machine bearings, considered better than brass if kept very
well oiled; heartwood only now used, pit props, wagons, fence poles, firewood. Used in
Namibia for knobkerries (clubs) |
A. erubescens |
wood hard, durable |
ox yoke-skeys |
A. erythrocalyx |
straight stems occasionally cut for walking sticks |
A. galpinii |
sapwood pale brown, heartwood darker, heavy, 800 kg/m3, coarse
grained, difficult to work |
good furniture, formerly for wagons, joinery, general purpose timber |
A. gerrardii |
wood variable, heavy, 900 kg/m3, moderate durability. Subject to
beetle and fungal attack |
preferred species for building material and fence posts in Tanzania. Small
furniture, shelves, cupboards, wood wool |
A. goetzii |
sapwood white, heartwood chocolate brown, even texture, heavy, 1025 kg/m3,
saws and works well, durable. Susceptible to fungi |
furniture, carving, turnery |
A. gummifera |
tool handles, domestic articles |
A. haematoxylon |
heartwood hard, red |
wind instruments |
A. hebeclada |
wood strong |
hoe and axe handles |
A. hereroensis |
yoke- skeys |
A. hockii |
susceptible to termites and decay |
not favoured for hut construction because of its poor durability |
A. karroo |
sapwood wide, creamy brown, heartwood radish-brown, often seen as small streaks,
heavy, 800 kg/m3, hard, tough, works well, durable; susceptible to borer and
fungi |
interior work, furniture, wagon wheels, yokes, rural implements, turnery, fence
posts, coffins, wood wool |
A. laeta |
poles for local construction purposes, fence posts |
A. lahai |
a preferred species for building material fence posts and walking sticks in
Tanzania |
A. leucophloea |
sapwood yellowish-white, heartwood brick red turning reddish-brown with darker
streaks, coarse textured, grain irregularly interlocked, density 0.71, seasons well,
difficult to saw, planes and good polish; not durable, susceptible to borer attack |
agricultural implements, carts, cartwheels, turnery |
A. luederitzii |
heartwood dark, heavy, tough, water- and fire-resistant |
well lining, fence posts |
A. mellifera |
subsp. detiens |
sapwood thick, whitish heartwood dark brown to greenish black, almost black when
oiled, very tough and durable, does not split readily, heartwood borer- and termite-proof |
excellent for pick and axe handles, bows, fence posts. Regarded in Namibia as
suitable raw material for chipboard and wood cement blocks but unacceptably weak for
wood-cement panels |
subsp. mellifera |
heartwood black, very heavy, 1100 kg/m3, very hard, strong; durable,
borer, termite and fungi resistant |
poles for huts and fencing, tool handles; a preferred species for building
material in Tanzania |
A. modesta |
sapwood white, heartwood russet with greenish cast often with darker streaks,
strong, extremely hard, straight grained, density 0.97, difficult to saw; durable |
cane crushers, Persian wheels, agricultural implements, cartwheels |
A. nigrescens |
sapwood narrow, off-white, heartwood dark golden reddish-brown, medium to coarse
texture, very heavy, 1120 kg/m3, strong, difficult to saw, finishes well;
resistant to borers, termites and fungi |
carving, turnery, furniture, wagon work, mine props |
A. nilotica sensu lato |
heartwood redbrown, sometimes with dark striations, hard, heavy, 1170 kg/m3,
dries and works (except for knots) well but high silica content blunts tools |
hut construction, boat building, oil, sugar and cane presses, railway sleepers,
poles for granaries, digging sticks |
subsp. adstringens |
hard, heavy, density 0.945(heartwood), 0.827 (sapwood), durable, short fibred,
somewhat fencing, tool handles, etc. brittle. Resistant to water and termites. |
Construction work, boat building, hut construction, |
subsp. kraussiana |
wood dark red, hard |
carving, domestic utensils, saddles, bed frames, fencing |
subsp. nilotica |
sapwood yellowish-white, heartwood pinkish-red to reddish-brown, hard, heavy,
tough, density 0. 80. Resistant to water and termites |
sleepers, boat building, pit props, wagons, tool handles, carving, construction
timbers, floor blocks, etc. |
subsp. subalata |
wood reddish, hard, durable. |
Turnery, pit props, fence posts |
Termite resistant |
subsp. tomentosa |
dark, hard, heavy, tough. Resistant to water and termites |
sleepers, boat building, pit props, wagons, tool handles, carving, construction
timbers, floor blocks, etc. |
A. oerfota |
wood with obnoxious smell when cut |
hut construction |
A. polyacantha subsp. campylacantha |
sapwood white, heartwood red with blackish streaks and high in resin content,
heavy, 705 km/m3, hard, coarse grained, difficult to plane or saw but polishes
well, poor durability; susceptible to fungi |
building construction, sleepers, ploughs in the Sudan agricultural implements,
poles, handles, wheels, crates, shelves, wood-wool. Little used in southern Africa |
A. reficiens |
subsp. misera |
thorny fence poles |
A. robusta |
sapwood light, heartwood dark, heavy, 850 kg/m3, tough, does not split
readily, warps easily; attacked by borers unless water-seasoned, old trees often affected
by dry rot and borers |
good yokes but little value as timber, although sometimes used for poles if long
enough, kitchen furniture |
A. senegal |
wood dark, hard. Termite resistant |
construction timber, tool and implement handles, fence posts, weavers' shuttles |
A. seyal |
var. fistula |
wood very susceptible to insect attack |
little used |
var. seyal |
wood white, hard, shock resistant, seasons reasonably well, not durable,
especially if cut green; not rot resistant; susceptible to insects |
not favoured for hut construction because of its poor durability but can be
improved by water treatment |
A. sieberiana sensu lato |
wood yellow ochre or white; medium heavy, 655 kg/m3, hard to soft.
Sapwood readily attacked by insects and termites unless water-seasoned for 6 months |
packing cases, light furniture, shelves, implements, tool handles, wagons,
mortars, wood-wool, sleepers if preserved; a preferred species for building materials and
mortars in Tanzania |
A. tanganyikensis |
used for drums in Tanzania |
A. tortilis sensu lato |
fence posts; tool handles a preferred species for furniture in Tanzania |
subsp. heteracantha |
sapwood whitish, soft, heartwood red, warps on drying unless cut when sap down
and water seasoned; often riddled by borers heartwood small, dark brown, |
poles, yokes |
subsp. raddiana |
local construction |
subsp. spirocarpa |
sapwood moderately dark or brown; fairly hard and heavy. Susceptible to borer
insects |
boat ribs, pulley blocks, kitchen furniture, shelves; a preferred species for
building material and fence posts in Tanzania |
subsp. tortilis |
local construction |
A. xanthophloea |
undifferentiated creamy brown with pinkish tinge, in large boles heartwood brown,
heavy, 880 kg/m3, hard, works and finishes well, requires thorough seasoning
otherwise cracks; moderately durable, moderately resistant to borers and insects. Host of
the root parasite Sarcophyte sanguina (Balanophoraceae) |
general purpose timber |
F. albida |
sapwood and heartwood not clearly differentiated, bright yellow to white, light,
at 12% moisture content 560 kg/m3, fairly dense, coarse grained relatively
soft, easy to work; although not particularly suitable for building purposes or furniture,
its large dimensions encourages its use by rural populations. Susceptible to fungi,
insects and termites but easily preserved |
boat building; hut construction, furniture, oil presses, mortars, bowls and
domestic utensils, drums, boxes, light carpentry, saddles, drinking troughs, dugouts,
fencing, etc. and wood wool |
A. leucophloea |
wod hard, strong and light |
agricultural implements, oil mills, carts, wheels, turnery |
A. nilotica |
subsp. indica |
building purposes, agricultural implements, spokes, wheels, oil presses, tent
pegs, |