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© FAO/Jawdat Tabaa

Since 2016, the National Institute for Consumer Affairs of Tunisia (INC) has been partnering with the Ministry of Education, the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, the National Agency of Sanitary and Environmental Control of Products and some CSOs, to implement a nationwide project entitled “National caravan for consumers’ education in school environments”. This project carries out participatory and playful activities with educational, training and awareness-raising objectives, both for elementary school students (10–12 years old) and for the teachers and educational staff who attend the sessions. Caravans tour about 20 schools per year. The project aims at sensitizing children’s consumption patterns and enabling them to acquire the necessary knowledge to develop their awareness on issues related to human health and the quality of products and services offered on the market, so that they can become responsible, informed and influential consumers. With a focus on the Mediterranean diet, the main themes are health, nutrition, physical activity, sustainable consumption, and food loss and waste. Concrete examples of awareness-raising materials are available at this link.

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