The session was used to discuss and fine-tune the solutions developed by all the participants.
The discussion covered the problem of identifying key persons. It was agreed that key persons, or a group of key players in the decentralization process, have to be carefully chosen. In some instances they may be government officers, village heads, etc. Depending on the country, political situation, social structure, etc, identifying key persons should focus on the questions of what to do and how to achieve it.
Some participants felt that NGOs are not always qualified groups to assist in implementing co-management schemes. In contrast to that, the 1998 Philippine Fisheries Code specifically asks for NGOs to represent the people in the decision-making process. Experiences in other countries showed that such involvement does not always lead to success. The group agreed to use the term competent groups or individuals instead of organizations, cooperatives, etc.
The lack of education or knowledge and the resulting lack of leadership were identified as a major constraint in implementing decentralized fisheries management schemes. It was generally felt that such lack of knowledge exists not only at the local but also at the national level and that the decentralization process has to address this problem at both levels.
Originally, the group was also asked to specify who should implement the identified activities. However, the discussion showed that depending on the political and legal situation as well as on the social structure of the country, implementation might be done by different groups, organizations or government entities.