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10. Working session V: Development of the monitoring and evaluation framework

The last day was used to frame and structure the identified groups of constraints and solutions in a three-phase model, i.e. the Initial Phase, the Intermediate Phase and Phase III. Whether such a division was necessary or useful was much debated. The group felt that such a process had a continuous character and that some activities would have to be repeated constantly, some would have to be done only once and others repeated until a certain level of will had been reached. It was also pointed out that even when such a level had been reached training and continuous upgrading would be needed to assure continuity of the process. The tables at the end of this chapter provide the complete plan, as discussed during the consultation.

In this regard the need for indicators was discussed. These indicators should provide the status of the decentralization process for the activities and the different areas of action. They also should assist in identifying whether the fisherfolk’s group or the government entity would be ready to implement the next step or phase.

Lastly, the group worked on the general statement capping these proceedings.




ACTIVITIES (Solutions)


Define/describe communities

Meet & bring people together

Activity planning

Heterogeneous composition of people
- Ethnic
- Gender
- Interest
- Religion
- Language
- Economic status
- etc.

Respect/recognize differences

Use existing governance structures where appropriate

Observe gender sensitivity

Use simple language

Use national/official language or local dialect (if needed)

Ensure and support participation of relevant stakeholders

Find common ground

Lack of trained personnel to define communities

Provide assistance for training

Ask assistance for training

Ask proper agency/organization for assistance

Facilitate trainers’ training

Lack of political will at community level

Identify key person(s)/leader(s) with access to the group

Try to convince key person/leader

Key person/leader has to convene the community

Lack/scarcity of skilled leader (inappropriate type & style)

Community has exclusive responsibility & should elect a different leader

Lack of formal education/skills/knowledge

Assist in basic education

Low cohesiveness

Socialization events

Initiate community projects

Mobility between sectors/regions

Identify movement patterns

Lack of confidence

Socialization events

Lack of awareness

Information drives through media (TV, radio, poster, fliers, etc)

Difficulty in internal communication

Channelling communication through key persons (religious, local leaders, community elders)


Collect baseline information

Identify stake-holders’ needs

Identify constraints/limitations

Identify opportunities, incentives & options for management

Build upon traditional knowledge

Lack of manpower
- Skilled persons to identify management options
- Skilled persons to identify baseline information
- Quality/quantity personnel

Identification of village-based facilitators to be employed and trained by local government and community groups

Government commitment to employ, train and post required staff to each location

Lack of logistics at various levels (e.g. organization, transport, finance, basic amenities)

Prioritization of requirement should be promoted by community in consultation with concerned agencies.

Planning, programming and budgeting must be strongly committed

Involvement of NGOs, IOs and other interested organizations (local governments, fisherfolk, fishermen’s groups) to facilitate the process of decentralized fisheries management (DFM)

Lack of identification of required information

Development of guidelines (information required, collecting methods) by government agencies and community for the use of governments and communities

Social insensitivity of some scientists

Multidisciplinary approach (national and international levels)

Promoting exposure to local conditions

Poor awareness/responsibility on the part of stakeholders

Provide sufficient incentives to encourage responsible management by concerned agencies

Lack of recognition/integration for indigenous/traditional/local knowledge

Include indigenous/traditional/local knowledge in training and education as well as in the guidelines for community-based natural resource management from local to national levels

Reluctance to share indigenous/traditional/local knowledge

Demonstrate the benefits of improving communication and information exchange (e.g. through exhibition) among all sectors by local governments, community groups, academics and NGOs

Problem of size (geographical, people, etc)

Work with community to devise workable solution by the local governments and community groups involved

Lack of livelihood ideas/opportunities/skills

Work with several agencies to identify options

Lack of methodology

Develop through pilot activities and prepare guidelines by concerned agencies and/or donors


Identify/define rights & duties

Recognize the legal system

Provide legal assistance/support & enforcement

Lack of appropriate legislative framework & legislation

Study existing legislation

Amend or initiate/make new legislation

Lack of legal literacy/skills
- Manpower/operationally
- Intellectually/substantively

Prepare training material

Organize training

Lack of consultation mechanisms (legitimate or otherwise)
- Design
- Implement

Set up consultation mechanisms

Misunderstandings of rights, duties and responsibilities


Lack of recognition of customary law

Incorporate relevant customary norms that reinforce community values, sustainability and equitable distribution into decision making

Unavailability of customary law

Compile customary laws

Too broad/ill-defined fisheries policy leading to conflicting interpretation

Clarify and streamline policies


Inadequate enforcement mechanisms
- Information provision
- Consultation
- Clear penal provisions
- Principle of fairness

Establish & promote information provision

Establish & promote consultation

Establish & promote clear penal provisions

Establish & promote principle of fairness


Maintaining cooperative spirit

Facilitate conflict resolution

Communicate & facilitate, translating & listening, transfer/exchange of knowledge

Lack of facilitation skills/few facilitators

Provision of training for trainers

Lack of common understanding (due to different concepts)

Develop glossary

Communicate, discuss, interact

Lack of common language

Select the trainers knowledgeable in the local language

Consider using interpreters

Poor compliance with rules/norms

Identify underlying reasons for non-compliance and take necessary action, e.g. promote awareness and strengthen enforcement of rules and regulations

Lack of community participation in formulating rules and regulations

Ensure full participation of community in formulating rules

Too many provocateurs

Recommend involvement of provocateurs in the whole process

Lack of flexibility

Facilitate regular review of the process (negotiation, collaboration, etc)

Inability to accept limitation

Provide clear understanding of the issues of the process from the beginning

Lack of accountability

Create accountability mechanisms

Transparent mechanisms

Lack of courage to act despite the limitations

Provide authority and responsibility to the community leader to act despite the limitations


Training on
- environment,
- techniques,
- management,
- resource utilization,
- marketing,
- productivity enhancement, etc

Lack of trained personnel,

Trainer capacity building

Lack of logistics
- Financial
- Facilities
- Materials

Provide finance

Provide facilities

Be flexible in using local facilities

Lack of trainers’ training

Provide training course for trainers

Size [geographical, people]

Scaling by appropriate sub-grouping

Lack of curriculum

Develop more practical and comprehensive courses

Communication gaps
- between groups
- between local agencies

Develop linkage between relevant parties through collaboration and cooperation by meetings, workshops, publishing

Insufficient integration of local knowledge into the training programme

Identify and incorporate local knowledge and skills into the training programme

Lack of community participation in the design of training

Motivate, participatory involvement of relevant communities in training design

Enable community members to participate, e.g. by providing some financial support

Get assistance from religious or informal leaders

Low acceptance of new concepts

Motivating, teaching, explaining to the stakeholders regarding the benefits of the new concept

Insufficient examples/indicators/templates

Giving examples from other successful projects

Cultural, religious, social and economic differences within target groups

Identify and determine the best solution acceptable to the groups

Insufficient training needs assessment

Provide more socioeconomic survey regarding the actual situation of the people

Lack of training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Set up and appraise the training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Lack of field experience of trainees

Provide more incentive and/or collaboration between trainers/trainees and local community

Lack of continuity and sustained training

Set up series of training and follow-up programmes


Identify political responsibility & authority

Create & enhance political (incl. financial) support

Political empowerment

Providing enforcement assistance

Lack of or a change in political will, national, local

Advocate at national and local levels

Create power base at local level

Lack of a clear policy/legislation

Create database/information in order to update/review of policy/legislation

Make proposal based on participatory approach of stakeholders

Make new legislation accommodating the needs and requirements in the CCRF

Lack of administrative/structure support at various levels

Enhance/improve awareness of administrators

Create self-help mechanism

Lack of general supports (e.g. human, financial, facility, etc)
- Budgetary constraints
- Qualified manpower & budgetary constraints for enforcement
- Marketing
- Credit
- Social security and safety at sea

Promote systems and build capacity of lean management

Create support mechanisms for marketing, credit and social security and safety

Create examples of best management experience from pilot cases

Promote educational role of community members in enforcement

Limited access to formal and informal political linkage/circle

Educate community members to vote strategically

Improvement of participation of informal leaders

Lack of involvement of community in decision-making process

Convincing by doing

Involve community at all stages of activities

Lack of influential person to promote the process

Identify such an individual and convince him/her in selling idea

Insufficient level of readiness

Develop medium/long-term plans/vision

Keep informed/establish line of communication

Lack of sustainability/durability/continuity of support

Impress with internal success cases




ACTIVITIES (Solutions)


Define/describe communities

Meet & bring people together

Organizing the community

Establish/strengthen the organizational structure

Collaboration among fisherfolk /community (networking)

Activity planning

Heterogeneous composition of people
Economic status etc

Respect/recognize these differences

Use existing governance structures where appropriate

Observe gender sensitivity

Use simple language

Use national/official language or local dialect (if needed)

Ensure and support participation of relevant stakeholders

Find common ground

Lack of trained personnel to define communities

Ask assistance for training

Facilitate trainers’ training

Provide assistance for training

Lack of political will at community level

Try to convince key person/leader

Key person/leader has to convene the community

Lack/scarcity of skilled leader (inappropriate type & style)

Community has exclusive responsibility & should elect a different leader

Lack of formal education/skills/knowledge

Assist in basic education

Initiate basic education

Size of community (too large)

Efficient/appropriate sub-grouping

Low cohesiveness

Socialization events

Initiate community projects

Mobility between sectors/regions

Identify movement pattern

Convene individuals and initiate grouping process

Lack of confidence

Socialization events

Initiate community projects

Lack of awareness

Information drives through media (TV, radio, poster, fliers, etc)

Information drives through extension staff/key persons

Difficulty in internal communication

Channelling communication through key persons (religious leaders, local leaders, community elders)

Malfunction of marketing system

Give marketing training

Include the hindering community members (middlemen) into your marketing approach and ask for their assistance

High dependence on middlemen (organization conflicts with interest of the middlemen)

Consider including the hindering community members (middlemen) into your marketing approach and ask for their assistance

Promote rural credit programme

Help establish auction market


Identify stakeholders’ needs

Identify constraints/limitations

Identify opportunities, incentives & options for management

Build upon traditional knowledge

Explore alternative livelihood

Lack of manpower
- Skilled persons to identify management option
- Skilled persons to identify baseline information
- Quality/quantity of personnel

Identification of village-based facilitators to be employed and trained by local government and community groups

Government commitment to employ, train and post required staff to each location

Lack of logistics at various levels (e.g. organization, transport, finance, basic amenities)

Prioritization of requirement should be promoted by community in consultation with concerned agencies

Planning, programming and budgeting must be strongly committed

Involvement of NGOs, IOs and other interested organizations (local governments, fisherfolk, fishermen’s groups) to facilitate the process of decentralized fisheries management (DFM)

Lack of identification of required information

Development of guidelines (information required, collecting methods) by government agencies and community for the use of governments and community

Social insensitivity of some scientists

Multidisciplinary approach (national and international levels)

Stronger inputs from community in research and development

Promoting exposure to local conditions

Poor awareness/responsibility on the part of stakeholders

Design better extension and education programmes targeting unaware stakeholders by national and local governments with support from NGOs, donors, etc

Provide sufficient incentives to encourage responsible management by concerned agencies

Lack of recognition/integration for indigenous/traditional/local knowledge

Include indigenous/traditional/local knowledge in training and education as well as in the guidelines for community-based natural resource management from local to national levels

Reluctance to share indigenous/traditional/local knowledge

Demonstrate benefits of improving communication and information exchange (e.g. through exhibition) among all sectors by local government, community groups, academics and NGOs

Unavailability of published or unpublished data

Improve communication and information exchange within and among all sectors

Problem of size (geographical, people, etc)

Work with community to devise workable solution by local governments and community groups involved

Lack of livelihood ideas/opportunities/skills

Work with several agencies to identify options

Lack of methodology

Develop through pilot activities and prepare guidelines by concerned agencies and/or donors


Provide legal assistance/support & enforcement

Legal empowerment (e.g. legitimizing norms, customs)

Lack of appropriate legislative framework & legislation

Study existing legislation

Amend or initiate/make new legislation

Lack of legal literacy/skills - manpower/operationally/intellectually/substantively

Organize training

Lack of consultation mechanisms (legitimate or otherwise)
- Design
- Implement

Set up consultation mechanisms

Misunderstandings of rights, duties and responsibilities


Lack of recognition of customary law

Incorporate relevant customary norms that reinforce community values, sustainability and equitable distribution into decision making

Unavailability of customary law

Compile customary laws

Too broad/ill-defined fisheries policy leading to conflicting interpretation

Clarify and streamline policies


Lack of independent dispute settlement system

Seek out and inform community about additional legislative tools

Use public pressure to settle disputes

Lack of appropriate dispute settlement system, intra-community, inter-community, government

Set up dispute management mechanisms

Inadequate enforcement mechanisms
- Information provision
- Consultation
- Clear penal provisions
- Principle of fairness

Strengthen enforcement mechanisms through arrangements that enjoy full legitimacy

Promote community-based enforcement strategies

Establish & promote social sanctions

Establish & promote information provision

Establish & promote consultation

Establish & promote clear penal provisions

Establish & promote principle of fairness


Identify political responsibility & authority

Create & enhance political (incl. financial) support

Political empowerment

Providing enforcement assistance

Lack of or a change in political will, national, local

Advocate at national and local levels

Create constituency at local level

Lack of a clear policy/legislation

Create database/information in order to update/review of policy/legislation

Make proposal based on participatory approach of stakeholders

Make new legislation accommodating the needs and requirements in the CCRF

Clarify policy through media

Lack of administrative/structure support at various levels

Enhance/improve awareness of administrators

Create self-help mechanism

Lack of general support (e.g. human, financial, facility, etc.)
- Budgetary constraints
- Qualified manpower & budgetary constraints for enforcement
- Marketing
- Credit
- Social security and safety at sea

Promote systems and build capacity of lean management

Encourage self-financing scheme

Create support mechanisms for marketing, credit and social security and safety

Create examples of best management experience from pilot cases

Promote educational role of community members in enforcement

Limited access to formal and informal political linkage/circle

Encourage local community members to be elected into the formal political system

Educate community members to vote strategically

Improvement of participation of informal leaders

Lack of involvement of community in the decision-making process

Convince by doing

Involve community in all stages of activities

Insufficient level of readiness

Develop medium/long-term plans/vision

Keep informed/establish line of communication

Lack of sustainability/durability/ continuity of support

Provide medium/long-term plan to supporting agency

Impress with internal success cases


Training on
- environment,
- techniques,
- management,
- resource utilization,
- productivity, enhancement, etc,

Lack of trainers
- Manpower
- Quality

Trainer capacity building

Lack of logistics:
- Financial
- Facilities
- Materials

Provide finance

Provide facilities

Be flexible in using local facilities

Lack of trainers’ training

Provide training course for trainers

Lack of curriculum

Develop more practical and comprehensive courses

Communication gaps
- between groups
- between local agencies

Develop linkage between relevant parties through collaboration and cooperation by meeting, workshop, publishing

Insufficient integration of local knowledge into training programme

Identify and incorporate local knowledge and skills into the training programme

Lack of community participation in training design

Motivate, participatory involvement of relevant communities in training design

Enable community members to participate e.g. by providing some financial support

Get assistance from religious or informal leaders

Low acceptance of new concepts

Motivating, teaching, explaining to the stakeholders regarding the benefits of the new concept

Insufficient examples/ indicators/templates

Giving examples from other successful projects

Cultural, religious, social and economic differences within target groups

Identify and determine the best solution acceptable to the groups

Insufficient training needs assessment

Provide more detailed socioeconomic survey regarding the actual situation of the people

Lack of training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Set up and appraise the training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Lack of field experience of trainees

Provide more incentive and/or collaboration between trainers/trainees and local community

Lack of continuity and sustained training

Set up a series of training and follow up programmes


Maintaining cooperative spirit

Facilitate conflict resolution

Communicate & facilitate, translating & listening, transfer/ exchange of knowledge

Lack of facilitation skills/few facilitators

Provision of training for trainers

Lack of common understanding (due to different concepts)

Communicate, discuss, interact

Lack of common language

Consider using interpreters

Lack of progressive sanctions

Formulation of appropriate sanctions of rules and regulations

Lack of effective sanctions/rules

Provision of sustainable monitoring of sanctions implemented

Poor compliance with rules/norms

Identify underlying reasons for non-compliance and take necessary action, e.g. promote awareness and strengthen enforcement of rules and regulations

Lack of community participation in formulating rules and regulations

Ensure full participation of the community in formulating rules

Too many provocateurs

Recommend involvement of provocateurs in the whole process

Lack of flexibility

Facilitate regular review of the process (negotiation, collaboration, etc)

Inability to accept limitation

Provide clear understanding of the issues of the process from the beginning

Lack of accountability

Create accountability mechanisms

Transparent mechanisms

Lack of courage to act despite the limitations

Provide authority and responsibility to the community leader to act despite the limitations




ACTIVITIES (Solutions)


Organizing the community

Establish/ strengthen the organizational structure

Collaboration among fisherfolk/ community (networking)

Activity planning

Heterogeneous composition of people
- Ethnic
- Gender
- Interest
- Religion
- Language
- Economic status etc

Respect/recognize these differences

Use existing governance structures where appropriate

Observe gender sensitivity

Use simple language

Use national/official language or local dialect (if needed)

Ensure and support participation of relevant stakeholders

Find common ground

Lack of trained personnel to define communities

Provide assistance for training

Ask assistance for training

Facilitate trainers’ training

Lack of political will at community level

Try to convince key person/ leader

Key person/leader has to convene the community

Lack/scarcity of skilled leader (inappropriate type & style)

Community has exclusive responsibility & should elect a different leader

Lack of formal education/skills/ knowledge

Assist in basic education

Initiate basic education

Size of community (too large)

Efficient/appropriate sub-grouping

Low cohesiveness

Socialization events

Initiate community projects

Mobility between sectors/ regions

Convene individuals and initiate grouping process

Lack of confidence

Socialization events

Initiate community projects

Lack of awareness

Information drives through media (TV, radio, poster, fliers, etc)

Information drives through extension staff/key persons

Difficulty in internal communication

Channelling communication through key persons (religious leaders, local leaders, community elders)

Malfunction of marketing system

Give marketing training

Include the hindering community members (middlemen) into your marketing approach and ask for their assistance

High dependence on middlemen (organization conflicts with the interest of the middlemen)

Consider including the hindering community members (middlemen) into your marketing approach and ask for their assistance

Promote rural credit programme

Help establish auction market


Initiate management planning process

Lack of manpower
- Skilled persons to identify management options
- Skilled persons to identify baseline information
- Quality/quantity personnel

Government commitment to employ, train and post required staff to each location

Curriculum development (in consultation with line agencies, donors, etc) should respond to changing human resource needs

Lack of logistics at various levels (e.g. organization, transport, finance, basic amenities)

Prioritization of requirement should be promoted by community in consultation with concerned agencies

Planning, programming and budgeting must be strongly committed

Involvement of NGOs, IOs and other interested organizations (local governments, fisherfolk, fishermen’s groups) to facilitate the process of decentralized fisheries management (DFM)

Lack of identification of required information

Development of guidelines (information required, collecting methods) by government agencies and community for the use of governments and community

Social insensitivity of some scientists

Multidisciplinary approach (national and international levels)

Stronger inputs from community in research and development

Promoting exposure to local conditions

Poor awareness/responsibility on part of stakeholders

Design better extension and education programmes targeting unaware stakeholders by national and local governments with support from NGOs, donors, etc

Provide sufficient incentives to encourage responsible management by concerned agencies

Lack of recognition/integration for indigenous/traditional/local knowledge

Include indigenous/traditional/ local knowledge in training and education as well as in the guidelines for community-based natural resource management from local to national levels

Reluctance to share indigenous/ traditional/local knowledge

Demonstrate benefits of improving communication and information exchange (e.g. through exhibition) among all sectors by local government, community groups, academics and NGOs

Unavailability of published or unpublished data

Improve communication and information exchange within and among all sectors

Create local library/information centre

Provide incentive to publish data

Lack of livelihood ideas/ opportunities/skills

Consider institutional reforms

Information exchange by all concerned

Lack of methodology

Develop through pilot activities and prepare guidelines by concerned agencies and/or donors


Provide legal assistance/ support & enforcement

Legal empowerment (e.g. legitimizing norms, customs)

Lack of appropriate legislative framework & legislation

Study existing legislation

Amend or initiate/make new legislation

Lack of legal literacy/skills
- Manpower/operationally
- Intellectually/substantively

Organize training

Lack of consultation mechanisms (legitimate or otherwise)
- Design
- Implement

Set up consultation mechanisms

Misunderstandings of rights, duties and responsibilities


Too broad/ill-defined fisheries policy leading to conflicting interpretation

Clarify and streamline policies


Lack of independent dispute settlement system

Seek out and inform community about additional legislative tools

Use public pressure to settle disputes

Lack of appropriate dispute settlement system intra-community, inter-community, government

Set up dispute management mechanisms

Inadequate enforcement mechanisms
- Information provision
- Consultation
- Clear penal provisions
- Principle of fairness

Strengthen enforcement mechanisms through arrangements that enjoy full legitimacy

Promote community-based enforcement strategies

Establish & promote social sanctions

Establish & promote information provision

Establish & promote consultation

Establish & promote clear penal provisions

Establish & promote principle of fairness


Identify political responsibility & authority

Providing enforcement assistance

Lack of or a change in political will
- Local
- National

Advocate at national and local levels

Create constituency at local level

Lack of a clear policy/legislation

Create database/information in order to update/review of policy/legislation

Make proposal based on participatory approach of stakeholders

Make new legislation accommodating the needs and requirements in the CCRF

Clarify policy through media

Lack of administrative/structure support at various levels

Enhance/improve awareness of administrators

Create self-help mechanism

Lack of general supports (e.g. human, financial, facility, etc)
- Budgetary constraints
- Qualified manpower & budgetary constraints for enforcement
- Marketing
- Social security and safety at sea

Promote systems and build capacity of lean management

Encourage self-financing scheme

Create support mechanisms for marketing, credit and social security and safety

Create examples of best management experience from pilot cases

Promote educational role of community members in enforcement

Limited access to formal and informal political linkage/circle

Encourage local community members to be elected into the formal political system

Educate community members to vote strategically

Improvement of participation of informal leaders

Lack of involvement of community in the decision-making process

Convincing by doing

Involve community at all stages of activities

Insufficient level of readiness

Develop medium/long-term plans/vision

Keep informed/ establish line of communication

Lack of sustainability/durability/ continuity of support

Provide medium/long-term plan to supporting agency

Develop a phased change-over plan

Impress with internal success cases


Training on
- environment
- techniques
- management
- resources utilization
- marketing
- productivity enhancement, etc.

Lack of trainers, manpower, quality

Trainer capacity building

Lack of trainers’ training

Provide training course for trainers

Size [geographical, people]

Scaling by appropriate sub-grouping

Lack of curriculum

Develop more practical and comprehensive courses

Communication gaps, between groups, between local agencies

Develop linkage between relevant parties through collaboration and cooperation by meeting, workshop, publishing

Lack of community participation in training design

Motivate, participatory involvement of relevant communities in training design

Enable community members to participate, e.g. by providing some financial support

Low acceptance of new concepts

Motivating, teaching, explaining to the stakeholders regarding the benefits of the new concept

Insufficient examples/indicators/templates

Giving examples from other successful projects

Insufficient training needs assessment

Provide more social-economic survey regarding the actual situation of the people

Lack of training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Set up and appraise the training evaluation and feedback mechanism

Lack of field experience of trainees

Provide more incentive and/or collaboration between trainers/ trainees and local community

Lack of continuity and sustained training

Set up series of training and follow up programmes


Maintaining cooperative spirit

Facilitate conflict resolution

Communicate & facilitate

Translating & listening

Transfer/ exchange of knowledge

Lack of facilitation skills/few facilitators

Provision of training for trainers

Lack of common understanding (due to different concepts)

Communicate, discuss, interact

Lack of common language

Consider using interpreters

Lack of progressive sanctions

Formulate appropriate sanctions of rules and regulations

Lack of effective sanctions/rules

Provide sustainable monitoring of sanctions implemented

Poor compliance with rules/norms

Identify underlying reasons for non-compliance and take necessary actions, e.g. promote awareness and strengthen enforcement of rules and regulations

Lack of community participation in formulating rules and regulations

Ensure full participation of community in formulating rules

Too many provocateurs

Recommend involvement of provocateurs in the whole process

Lack of flexibility

Facilitate regular review of the process (negotiation, collaboration, etc)

Inability to accept limitation

Provide clear understanding of the issues of the process from the beginning

Lack of accountability

Transparent mechanisms

Lack of courage to act despite the limitations

Provide authority and responsibility to the community leader to act despite the limitations

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