5.1 National Development Policies
5.2 Long-term Subsector Policy and Objectives
5.3 Priority Area Policies and Projects
5.4 Plan Coordination and Implementation
5.5 Immediate Follow-up
56. Based on the results of the Country Mission, as outlined in the previous sections of this report, and on the working documents prepared by various consultants, a Plan of Action is proposed for the development of the country's forestry subsector. The National Forestry Action Plan (NFAP) proposes elements of national development policies, a long-term policy for the sub-sector, together with priority area policies and objectives on which specific action projects are proposed for a five-year period. Mindful of the country's present financial situation, the Plan proposes redeployment of the existing personnel and budget as the Government's initial investment in the sub-sector to attract donor support in setting a sound foundation for sustainability. The plan includes the normal work of the Forestry Division which will also function as lead agency in the implementation of three projects.
57. The NFAP is estimated to cost a total of US $3.0 million of which US $2.2 million would be contributed by international donors while the remaining US $0.8 million would be contributed by Antigua and Barbuda, mainly in kind.
58. The adoption of national development policies for land use planning, land allocation and sustainable resources management are recommended for enhancing the contribution which forestry and trees can make to socio-economic development and environmental stability.
59. It is proposed that the long-term Forest Policy of Antigua and Barbuda should be:
(a) to protect the country's natural forest resources;
(b) to promote the development of forests and tree cover on suitable lands;
(c) to encourage the application of agroforestry in planned land use for rural development;
(d) to pursue opportunities for utilization of forest and other products.
In pursuing this forest policy, the Government will seek to ensure:
- the wise use and proper management of the island's limited forest and natural resources;- the preservation of representative samples of the island's natural forest and vegetation resources and the maintenance of the ecological balance;
- the provision of opportunities for the public for scientific, educational and recreational activities to enhance knowledge of forest ecosystems, research in potential utilization of the gene pool and tourism benefits;
- the stimulation of industries capable of boosting the island's economy, based on products derived from forests and trees.
60. Therefore, the proposed objective of the NFAP is to establish and manage a national forest estate on Government and private lands. This will ensure conservation of soil and water resources, protection of forest ecosystems and production of wood and related products for social and economic benefits on a sustainable basis.
61. In the medium term, the NFAP will be guided by the priority area policies and strategies outlined below in the implementation of the respective action projects. These policies are all inter-related and represent the minimum actions required to effect the fundamental changes necessary towards achieving the basic aims of the new long-term forest policy.
62. Institutions - to provide effective environmental legislation and capable institutions for proper administration and sustained development of forestry and related programmes, with the participation of local people and interest groups.
63. The purpose of this policy is to improve the environmental management-capacity of the country and to install multi-sectoral and participatory mechanisms for planning and monitoring of forestry and related programs. This aspect is of the highest priority if the national long-term policy and objective is to be attained. Accordingly, the following project is proposed for immediate attention:
Project No. 1.0 Country Capacity for NFAP ImplementationThe objective of the project is to build capacity in the lead agencies to ensure initiation and co-ordination of NFAP implementation, sustainable natural resources administration and management, project preparation and management, public education and extension, and environmental management for conservation of natural resources.
The project includes specific provision for the survey and demarcation of forest reserve boundaries in order to create a forest estate.
64. Forestry in Land Use - the proposed policy recognizes the multiple benefits which accrue from existing tree cover and seeks to promote forestry and agroforestry as appropriate land uses for scrub lands and areas in need of conservation.
65. In pursuing this policy, the aim will be to allocate an adequate area of suitable land to forestry and agroforestry to ensure conservation of soil and water resources, sustainable income and employment for rural people, and integrated crops and livestock production. This will require a programme of land use survey, classification and planning to effect proper subdivision and lease-hold settlements as incentives towards encouraging greater tree coverage on farms.
Project No. 2.1 Forest and Watershed RehabilitationThe objective of this project is to establish tree cover on degraded watersheds and sand-mined lands in order to reduce erosion, improve water retention and enhance rural development through agroforestry practices and reforestation.
66. Forest based industrial development - the proposed policy seeks to ensure production of future supplies of wood raw material and utilization of existing mature timber for industrial purposes, while maintaining the amenity value of trees in urban areas.
Project No. 2.2 Utilization of NeemThe objective of this project is to study the prospects for utilizing various products of the neem tree with a view to industrial development.
67. Fuelwood and energy - the proposed policy seeks t-explore opportunities to utilize fuelwood for energy purposes and to promote feasible wood energy applications in appropriate industries.
68. The aim would be to develop a sustained demand for wood energy by domestic and industrial users, whether as fuelwood or as charcoal, both to promote the use of agroforestry products and to conserve other energy sources.
Project No. 2.3 study of Charcoal Production and PotentialThe objective of this project is to determine the production and demand for charcoal and to evaluate the opportunity to expand the market.
69. Conservation of forest ecosystems - this policy seeks to maintain biological diversity and to protect forest ecosystems and natural habitats, while sustaining the flow of social, economic and environmental benefits derived from forests for nationals and tourists.
70. The aim is to increase public awareness of environmental problems and the need to conserve the natural resources of the island as part of the nation's heritage. In the absence of a coordinated system of management of existing habitats, the following project is extremely important:
Project No. 3.0 Establishment of National Parks/Protected Areas SystemThe long-term objective of the project would be to ensure conservation and management of natural ecosystems and protected areas, to maintain biodiversity and to stimulate research in natural products and public appreciation for the environment.
71. The Antigua and Barbuda NFAP consists of three projects to be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, one of which will be in cooperation with the NPA and the EAG. In view of the need for inter-sectoral cooperation and public participation, a suitable coordinating mechanism will be necessary. It is therefore recommended that the TFAP National Coordinating Committee be replaced by a NFAP Steering Committee, under the chairmanship of the Permanent Secretary, with somewhat reduced membership.
72. Coordination of the NFAP will be needed at both the national and the operational levels.
(a) At the national level, the steering committee will be responsible to the Minister for directing project preparation, examining project documents and environmental assessments and setting guidelines for timely project implementation. The Minister will steer approvals through the Cabinet where necessary.(b) At the operational level, the steering committee will require special secretariat and follow-up services. Therefore a NFAP Projects Unit should be established in the Ministry, headed by a Project Co-ordinator and supported by an Economist/Planner and a Secretary. As the focal point of contact, the Project Coordinator would be responsible to the Chairman of the Steering Committee for preparing the committee's agenda, while coordinating all inputs necessary at each stage of NFAP implementation.
73. The development of institutional capacity for implementation of the projects could benefit enormously from technical assistance, by way of a Chief Technical Advisor, to assist in harmonizing the complexities and priorities of environmental management. The GOAB should examine its needs urgently and initiate early contact with potential international and bilateral donors regarding the possibility of supporting a Country Capacity Project (CCP).
74. The personnel proposed for each project has been kept to a minimum by identifying the skills currently available in the country, anticipating that suitable personnel will be assigned from their respective agencies and divisions to assist in project implementation. Where expertise has to be recruited from abroad, every effort should be made to obtain CARICOM experts, and also to secure TCDC (technical cooperation among developing countries) wherever possible. The basic types of foreign and local personnel required are indicated in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively.
Table 4. Foreign Personnel Requirements for NFAP
Project Manager |
1 |
60 |
2 |
1 |
36 |
3 |
Soil Conservation Spec. |
1 |
36 |
2 |
Utilization Specialist |
1 |
12 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
Parks Planner |
1 |
6 |
3 |
Chief Technical Adviser |
1 |
36 |
1 |
Legislation Specialist |
1 |
6 |
1 |
1 MM = Man Months
Table 5. Local Personnel Requirements for NFAP
Forestry Assistant |
1 |
60 |
2 |
1 |
36 |
3 |
Livestock Officer |
1 |
60 |
2 |
Extension Officer |
1 |
60 |
2 |
Economist/Planner |
1 |
36 |
1 |
Terrestrial Biologist |
1 |
24 |
3 |
Fisheries Officer |
1 |
36 |
3 |
Project Coordinator |
1 |
60 |
1 |
Land Surveyor |
1 |
24 |
1 |
Foreman/Field Assist. |
1 |
60 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
3 |
108 |
3 |
Secretary |
1 |
60 |
2 |
1 |
36 |
3 |
1 |
60 |
1 |
75. In preparation for the upcoming round-table meetings, the TFAP National Coordinating Committee should immediately review the draft project profiles and obtain the Government's endorsement of the Plan. At the same time, with the support of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, the TFAP National Coordinator should make informal contact as soon as possible with potential donors regarding their likely interest in providing early support for the proposed CCP. It is essential to maintain the momentum and interest that was generated during the country mission, so that the other projects can be further fine-tuned before the national round-table.
76. Although the final shape of the NFAP will be based on the outcome of the round-table meetings, its refinement for implementation will depend initially on the results of the land use survey (Project 1.0), and on the approval by the Minister (or an inter-ministerial council) of the Steering Committee's subsequent recommendations.