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B.1 Making food storage, processing and marketing channels more efficient and dynamic
B.2 Adapting urban market infrastructure and facilities to meet the food needs of the year 2020
B.3 Improving market planning, management, rules and regulations
B.4 Improving market information and promoting grading and standards
B.5 Role, constraints and performance of women food traders and youth employment in food marketing

Workshop participants identified a number of issues of major concern concerning the supply and distribution of food to Accra and its Metropolis. They are summarised below.

B.1 Making food storage, processing and marketing channels more efficient and dynamic

B.2 Adapting urban market infrastructure and facilities to meet the food needs of the year 2020

B.3 Improving market planning, management, rules and regulations

B.4 Improving market information and promoting grading and standards

B.5 Role, constraints and performance of women food traders and youth employment in food marketing

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