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II. Report thirteenth session of the conference, 20 November - 9 December 1965

A. The late Amir of Kuwait
B. The late dr. Philip V. Cardon
C. The late John F. Kennedy
D. In memoriam
E. McDougall memorial lecture
F. Twentieth, anniversary of FAO commemorative statements by heads of delegations

A. The late Amir of Kuwait

1. The Conference observed a minute of silence in memory of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait.

B. The late dr. Philip V. Cardon

2. The Conference paid tribute to the late Dr. Philip V. Cardon, who had served as the Director-General of FAO from February 1954 to April 1956. The Conference asked the United States Delegation to convey to Mrs. Cardon the condolences of the representatives of the Member Nations and Associate Members attending the Thirteenth Session who all wished to associate themselves with the tribute paid to Dr. Cardon.

C. The late John F. Kennedy

3. The Conference observed a minute of silence in memory of the second anniversary of the death of President Kennedy.

D. In memoriam

4. The Conference paid tribute to the staff members named below who died in the service of the Organization since the Twelfth Session of the Conference.




Gin VERSO (Italy) Accounting Clerk Rome, Italy
Mrs. Elsa ALLARD-CLAESSON (Sweden) Research Assistant Rome, Italy
Abbas BAHADORI (Iran) Nutrition Officer Rome, Italy
Nolan BURNEY (USA) Driver Washington, USA
Willis ELLINGTON (USA) Economist Rome, Italy
Jacob M. FOGH (Denmark) Animal Health Officer Phnom Pen, Cambodia
Luciano GENTILE (Italy) Research Assistant Rome, Italy
Robert JEANNIN (France) Rural Institutions Officer Leopoldville, Congo
Mrs. Margherita JORDAN (USA.) Accounting and Purchasing Assistant Washington, U.S.A.
Norman G. LANSER (U.K.) Project Officer (WFP) Taipeh, Taiwan
Lorenzo LAPPONI (Italy) Chief, Office of Health and Medical Services Rome, Italy
Otis T. OSGOOD (U.S.A.) Technical Officer (Farm Management) Cairo, U.A.R.
Mrs. Minnie ROUSSIS-ROSSI (Greece) Clerk/Typist Rome, Italy
Dale L. SIMPSON (U.S.A.) Personnel Officer Rome, Italy
Edward WILLIAMS (U.K.) Field Service Officer Rome, Italy
Norman HOLMES (UK) Food Technologist Rome, Italy
John Albert REID (Chile) Clerk Santiago, Chile


E. McDougall memorial lecture

5. The fourth in the series of lectures given at regular Conference sessions in memory of Frank Lidgett McDougall, a father-founder of the Organization, was delivered by Professor Gunnar Myrdal of Sweden.

F. Twentieth, anniversary of FAO commemorative statements by heads of delegations

6. Mr. Ferrari Aggradi (Italy), Mr. Maiden (Australia), Mr. Pinto Santa Cruz (Chile) Mr. Cépède (France), Mr. Subramaniam (India), Mr. Preciado (Mexico), Mr. El Ghorfi (Morocco), Prince Alade Lamuye (Nigeria), Mr. Khurshid (Pakistan), Mr. Adeva (Philippine Republic), Mr. El Khishen (UAR), Mrs. Castle (United Kingdom), Mrs. Jacobson (United States of America) and Mr. Ingolic (Yugoslavia) addressed the opening meeting of the Conference on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Organization.

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