Chapter 3 Additional World Health Assembly Nutrition Indicators

3.2 Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life

The Arab States are far behind the global average and the WHO target for exclusive breastfeeding among infants aged 0–5 months. In 2022, the Arab States had an exclusive breastfeeding rate of 32.7 percent, compared to the global 48 percent (Figure 15, Table A-11). While the global figure rose markedly from 37.1 percent in 2012 to 48 percent in 2022, Arab States witnessed their figures drop from 34.6 percent to 32.7 percent in the same period.


Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0–5 months of age in the Arab States by country income group, conflict status and least developed country status

Notes: Values for high-income countries in 2012 and for low-income countries, high-income countries, countries affected by conflict and Arab States LDCs in 2022 are not calculated due to low country and population coverage. Definitions of country groupings are contained in Annex IV.
Source: Based on UNICEF. 2024. Infant and young child feeding. In: UNICEF. [Cited 24 July 2024].