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(* indica referencias de importancia especial)

A) Libros de interés general sobre esta materia

* BEVERTON, R. J. H. and S. J. HOLT (1957), On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. Fishery Invest., Lond. (2), 19: 533 p.

CHRISTY, F. T. and SCOTT, A. (1965), The common wealth in ocean fisheries. Some problems of growth and economic allocation. Baltimore, Md, John Hopkins Press, 281 p.

COCHRAN, W. C. (1953), Sampling techniques. New York, J. Wiley and Sons Inc., 330 p.

DEMING, W. E. (1950), Some theory of sampling. New York, J. Wiley and Sons Inc., 602 p.

* GRAHAM, M. (1943), The fish gate. London, Faber and Faber, 196 p.

GRAHAM, M. (1956) (Ed.), Sea fisheries; their investigation in the United Kingdom. London, Edward Arnold, Ltd., 487 p.

LACK, D. (1954), The natural regulation of animal numbers. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 343 p.

LE CREN, E. D. and HOLDGATE, M. W. (Eds.) (1962), The exploitation of natural animal populations. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 398 p.

RICKER, W. E. (1958), Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 119: 300 p.

RICKER, W. E. (Ed.) (1968), Methods for assesment of fish production in fresh-waters. (IBP Handbook No. 3). Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 320 p.

* RUSSELL, E. S. (1942), The overfishing problem. Cambridge, University Press, 130 p.

SNEDECOR, G. W. (1956), Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology. Ames, Iowa, State College Press, 534 p.

YATES, F. (1953), Sampling methods for censuses and surveys. London, Ch. Griffin and Co., Ltd., 401 p.

YULE, G. V. and KENDALL, M. G. (1950), An introduction to the theory of statistics. London, Ch. Griffin and Co., Ltd., 701 p.

B) Simposios de interés general sobre esta materia

DEMENT'EVA, T. F. and ZENISKAIA, K. A (Ed.) (1967), Methods of assesment of fishing stocsk and prediction of catches. Trudy vses. nauchnoissled Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr., 62: 300 p.

* ICES (1956), Problems and methods of sampling fish populations. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 140 (Part I): 111 p.

ICES (1964a), Symposium on the measurement of the abundance of fish stocks. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 155.

ICES (1964b), Report of the mesh selection working group. Co-op. Res. Rep. int. Coun. Explor. Sea, 2: 156 p.

ICNAF (1958), Some problems for biological fishery survey, and techniques for their solution. A symposium held at Biarritz, France, March 1-10. 1956. Spec. Publs int. Commn NW. Atlant Fish., 1: 339 p.

ICNAF (1960), Proceedings of the joint scientific meeting of ICNAF/ICES and FAO on fishing effort, the effect of fishing on research and the selectivity os fishing gear, held in Lisbon on 27th May to 3rd June 1957. Vol. I, Reports. Spec. Publs int. Commn NW. Atlant. Fish., 2: 45 p.

ICNAF (1963), North Atlantic fish marking symposium, Woods Hole, Mass., May 1961. Spec. Publs int. Commn NW. Atlant. Fish., 4: 370 p.

INPFC (1961), The exploitation, scientific investigation and management of herring (Clupea pallasi) on the Pacific coast of North America. Bull. int. N. Pacif. Fish. Commn, 4: 1-100

INPFC (1962), The exploitation, scientific investigation and management of halibut (Hippoglossus stenolopsis Schmidt) stocks on the Pacific coast of North America. Bull. int. N. Pacif. Fish. Commn, 7: 1-93.

C) Trabajos

ABRAMSON, N. J. (1963), A method for computing estimates and variances of relative log fishing powers of Californian albacore vessels. FAO Fish. Rep. 6, Vol. Ill: 1209-15.

ALLEN, K. R. (1953), A method for computing the optimum size limit for a fishery. Nature, Lond., 172 (4370): 210 p.

ALLEN, K. R. (1966a), A method of fitting growth curves of the von Bertalanffy type to observed data. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 23 2: 163-79.

ALLEN, K. R. (1966b), Some methods for estimating exploited populations. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 23 10: 1553-74.

AOYAMA, T. (1961), The selective action of trawl nets and its application to the management of Japanese trawl fisheries in the East-China and Yellow Sea. Bull. Seikai Reg. Fist. Res. Lab., 23: 63 p.

BACKIEL, T. and E. D. LE CREN (1967), Some density relationships for fish population parameters. The biological basis of freshwater fish production. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of freshwater communities of the International Biological Programme edited by D. Gerking, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 261-94.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. (1953), Some observations on the principles of fishery regulation. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 19 1: 56-68.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. (1962), Long-term dynamics of certain North Sea fish populations. In The exploitation of natural animal populations by E. D. Le Cren and M. W. Holdgate (Eds), Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 242-59.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and BEDFORD (1963), The effect on the return rate of condition of fish when tagget. Spec. Publs int Commn NW. Atlant. Fish., 4: 106-16.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and V. M. HODDER (1962), Report of the working group of scientists on fishery assessment in relation to regulation problems. A. Proc. int. Commn NW. Atlant. Fish., 11, Suppl.: 81 p.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and S. J. HOLT (1956), A review of methods for estimating mortality rates in exploited fish populations, with special reference to sources of bias in catch sampling. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 140 (1): 67-83.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and S. J. HOLT (1959), A review of the lifespans and mortality rates of fishes in nature, and their relation to growth and other physiological characteristics. In Ciba Foundation colloquia on ageing, edited by C. E. W. Wolstenholme and M. O'Connor, London, J. and A. Churchill Ltd., vol. 5: pp. 142-80.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and S. J. HOLT (1964), Tables of yield functions for fishery assessment. FAO Fish. tech. Pap., 38: 49 p.

BEVERTON, R. J. H. and B. B. PARRISH (1956), Commercial statistics on fish population studies. Rapp. P. - v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 140 (1): 58-66.

BISHOP, Y. M. M. (1959), Errors in estimates of mortality obtained from virtual populations. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 16 (1): 73-90.

BOEREMA, L. K. et al. (1965), Report on the effects of fishing on the Peruvian stock of anchovy. FAO Fish. tech. Pap., 55: 44 p.

BOWEN, B. K. and R. G. CHITTLEBOROUGH (1966), Preliminary assessments of stocks of the Western Australian crayfish, Panulirus cygnus George. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res., 17 (1): 93-122.

BURD, A. C. (1958), An analysis of the method of sampling the East Anglian herring catches. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 24 (1): 80-94.

BURKENROAD, M. D. (1953), Theory and practice of marine fishery management. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 18 (3): 300-10.

CALKINGS, T. P. (1961), Measures of population density and concentration of fishing effort yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, 1951-59. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 6 (3): 70-152.

CASSIE, R M. (1955), The scapement of small fish from trawl nets and its application to the management of the New Zealand snapper fisheries. Fish. Bull. N. Z., 11: 7-99.

CHAPMAN, D. G. (1954), The estimation of biological populations. Ann. math. Statist., 25 (1): 1-15.

CHAPMAN, D. G. (1955), Population estimation based on a change of composition caused by selective removal. Biometrika, 42 (3,4): 279-90.

CHAPMAN, D. G. (1961), Statistical problems in dynamics of exploited fisheries populations. Univ. Calif. Publs Statist., 4: 153-68.

CHAPMAN, D. G. (1965), The estimation of mortality and recruiment from a single tagging experiment. Biometrics, 21: 529-48.

CHAPMAN, D. G. and G. I. MURPHY (1965), Estimates of mortality and population from survey-removal methods. Biometrics, 21: 721-935.

CHAPMAN, D. W. (1966), Production in fish population. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of freshwater communities of the International Biological Programme edited by S. D. Gerking, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 3-30.

DAVIS, F. M. (1934), Mesh experiments with trawls 1928-33. Fishery Invest., Lond. (2), 14 (1).

DE BONT, A. F. (1966), Some aspects of age and growth of fish in temperate and tropical waters. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of freshwater communities of the International Biological Programme edited by S. D. Gerking, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 67-88.

DE LURY, D. B. (1947), On the estimation of biological populations. Biometrics, 3: 145-67.

DE LURY, D. B. (1963), On the planning of experiments for the estimation of fish populations. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 8 (4): 281-307.

DEMENT'EVA, T. F. and E. N. MANKEVICH (1966), Fluctuations in the growth of cod in the Barents Sea according to the environment. Trudy vses. nauchno-issled. Inst. morsk. ryb. Khoz.. Okeonogr., 60: 247-56.

DICKIE, L. M. (1963), Estimation of mortality rates of Gulf of St. Lawrence cod from results of a taggning experiment. Spec. Publs int. Commn NW. Atlant. Fish., 4: 71-80.

ENGLISH, T. S. (1964), A theoretical model for estimating the abundance of planktonic fish eggs. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 155: 174-81.

FEDOROV, S. S., I. D. TRUSKANOV and I. G. JUDONOV, On the stock size of the Atlanto-Scandian herring. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 155: 196-8.

FREDIN, R. A. (1965), Some methods for estimating ocean mortality of Pacific salmon and applications. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 22: 33-51.

FRIDRIKSSON, A. (1934), On the calculation of age distribution within a stock of cod by means of relatively few age-determinations as a key to measurements on a large scale. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 86 (6): 1-14.

FRY F. E. J. (1957), Assessment of mortalities by the use of the virtual population. Paper presented to the ICNAF/ICES/FAO Special Scientific Meeting, Lisbon, 1957, Paper P. 15 (mimeo).

GARROD, D. J. (1961), The selection characteristics of nylon gillnets for Tilapia esculenta Graham. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 26 (2): 191-203.

GARROD, D. J. (1967) Population dynamics of the Arcto-Norwegian cod. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can.. 23 (1): 145-90.

GERKING, S. D. (1966), Annual growth cycle, growth potential and growth compensation in the blue gill sunfish in northern Indiana lakes. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 23 (12): 1923-56.

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GORDON, H. S. (1961), An economic approach to the optimum utilization of fishery resources. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 10 (7): 442-57.

GRAHAM, M. (1935), Modern theory of exploiting a fishery, and application to North Sea trawling. J. Cons perm. int. Explor. Mer, 10 (3): 264-74.

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GRAHAM, M. (1939), The sigmoid curve and the over-fishing problem. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 110 (2): 15-20.

GRIFFITHS, R. C. (1960), A study of measures of population density and of concentration of fishing effort in the fishery for yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus, in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, from 1951 to 1956. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 4 (3): 41-136.

GULLAND, J. A. (1955), On the estimation of growth and mortality in commercial fish population. Fishery Invest., Lond. (2), 18 (9): 1-46.

GULLAND, J. A. (1956), On the fishing effort in English demersal fisheries. Fishery Invest., Lond. (2), 20 (5): 1-40.

GULLAND, J. A. (1957), Problemas y métodos del muestreo estadístico en la intigación sobre pesca. FAO Fish. Bull., 10 (4): 179-209.

GULLAND, J. A. (1961a), Fishing and the stocks of fish at Iceland. Fishery Invest., Lond. (2). 23 (4): 52 p.

GULLAND, J. A. (1961b), The estimation of the effect on catches of changes in gear selectivity. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 26 (2): 204-14.

GULLAND, J. A. (1962), The application of mathematical models to fish populations. In The exploitation of natural animal populations, by E. D. Le Cren and M. W. Holdgate (Eds), Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 204-17,

GULLAND, J. A. (1964a), A note on the interim effects of changes in gear selectivity. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 29.

* GULLAND, J. A. (1964b), Variations in selection factors and mesh differentials. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 29 (2): 158-65.

GULLAND, J. A. (1966a), The effect of regulation on Antarctic whale catches. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 30 (3): 308-15.

GULLAND, J. A. (1967), The effects of fishing on the production and catches of fish. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of freshwater communities of the International Biological Programme edited by S. D. Gerking, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 399-416.

GULLAND, J. A. (1968a), Appraisal of a fishery. In Methods of assessment of fish production in freshwaters, edited by W. E. Ricker. London, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications for International Biological Programme (IBP Handbook No. 3) pp. 236-45.

* GULLAND, J. A. (1968b), Recent changes in the North Sea plaice fishery. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer.

GULLAND, J. A. and CARROZ, J. H.: The management of fishery resources. In Advances in marine biology, in press Vol. 6.

GULLAND, J. A. and HARDING, D. JEFPEI, The selection of Clarias mossambicus (Peters) by nylon gillnets. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 26 (2): 215-22.

GULLAND, J. A. and HOLT, S. J. (1959), Estimation of growth parameters for data at unequal time intervals. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer. 25 (1): 47-9.

HENNEMUTH, R. C. (1957), An analysis of methods of sampling to determine the size composition of commercial landings of yellowfin tuna. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 2 (5): 174-243.

HENNEMUTH, R. C. (1961a), Size and year-class composition of catch, age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 1954-1959. Bull. inter. Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 6 (1): 1-51.

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* KENYON, A. R.; SCHEFFER, V. B. and CHAPMAN (1956), A population study of the Alaska fur seal herd. Spec. scient. Rep. U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv. (Fish.), (48): 77 p.

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PALOHEMIO, J. E. and DICKIE, L. M. (1966), Food and growth of fishes. 2. Effects of food and temperature on the relation between metabolism and body weight. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 23: 869-908.

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* REGIER, H. A. and ROBSON, D. S. (1966), Selectivity of gill nets, especially to lake whitefish. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 23: 423-54.

* REGIER, H. A. and ROBSON, D. S. (1967), Estimating population number and mortality rates. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of fresh-water communities of the International Biological Programme edited by S. D. Gerking, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp. 31-36.

* RICHARDS, F. J. (1959), A flexible growth function for empirical use. J. exp. Bot., 10 (29): 290-300.

RICKER, W. E. (1940), Relation of catch-per-unit-effort to abundance and rate of exploitation. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 5 (11): 43-70.

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* SCHAEFER, M. B. (1954), Some aspects of the dynamics of populations important to the management of commercial marine fisheries. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 1 (2): 26-56.

* SCHAEFER, M. B. (1957), A study of the dynamics of the fishery for yellowfin tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn, 2 (6): 247-85.

SCHNABEL, Z. E. (1938), The estimation of the total fish population of a lake. Amer. math. Mon., 45 (6): 348-52.

SEBER, G. A. F. and LE CREN, E. D. (1967), Estimating population parameters from catches large relative to the population. J. Anim. Ecol., 36 (3): 631-43.

SILLIMAN, R. P. (1943), Studies on the Pacific pilchard or sardine (Sardinops caerulea). 5. A method of computing mortalities and replacements. Spec. scient. Rep. U. S. Fish. Wildl. Serv. (Fish.), (24): 10 p.

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WIDRIG, T. M. (1954), Method of estimating fish populations with application to Pacific sardine. Fishery Bull. Fish Wildl. Serv. U. S., 56 (94): 141-66.

WILIMOVSKY, N. J. and WICKLUND, E. C. (1963), Tables of the incomplete Beta Function for the calculation of fish population yield. Vancouver, University of British Columbia, Institute of Fisheries, 291 p.

ZÚÑIGA, L. (1966), Selectividad del arte de trasmallo para Mullus barbatus (L.). Investigación pesq., 30: 52940.

ANON. (195)7, International Fisheries Convention 1946: report of the ad hoc committee established at the 4th meeting of the permanent commission, September 1955. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 23 (1): 7-37.

ANON. (1967), Informe del Grupo de Trabajo del CAIRM sobre estimación directa y más rápida de la abundancia de peces. FAO Fish. Rep., 41 Suppl. 1: 37 p.

D) Trabajos relacionados con secciones particulares.

Aplicaciones generales, particularmente acerca del efecto de la pesca sobre las poblaciones y la ordenación.

*BEVERTON (1953), BURKENROAD (1953), GORDON (1953), GRAHAM (1935, 1939), GULLAND (1961a), HICKLING (1946), KESTEVEN (1947), MORAN (1950), PARRISH and JONES (1953), PETERSEN (1903), RUSELL (1931), THOPSON (1950).

Matemáticas, estadística y muestreo (Capítulo 2).

BURD (1958), COCHRAN (1953), DEMING (1950), FRIDRIKSSON (1934), GULLAND (1955, 1957*), HENNEMUTH (1957), HODGSON (1939), MACKETT (1963), MAY and HODDER (1966), *ICES (1956) (especially papers by POPE and GULLAND), YULE and KENDALL (1950), TANAKA (1953).

Crecimiento (Capítulo 3).

ALLEN (1966a), *BEVERTON and HOLT (1957), GULLAND and HOLT (1959), HENNEMUTH (1961a), HOLT (1959, 1960), MAY and HODDER (1966), PALOHEIMO and DICKIE (1965), PARKER and LARKIN (1959), PARRISH and JONES (1953), *RICHARDS (1959), TAYLOR (1959, 1960), VON BERTALANFFY (1938).

Esfuerzo y captura por unidad de esfuerzo (Capítulo 4).

*ICES (1964a) (especially papers by GULLAND, GARROD, POPE and PARRISH, OSTVEDT, KETCHEN LUNDBECK, PALOHEIMO and DICKIE), ABRAMSON (1963), BEVERTON and PARRISH (1956), CALKINGS (1961), GRIFFITHS (1960), *GULLAND (1956), MURPHY (1960), *RICKER (1940).

Mortalidades (Capítulo 5).

BEVERTON and HOLT (*1956, 1957), CHAPMAN (1954, 1955), DELURRY (1947, 1963), JACKSON (1939), JONES (1956), PALOHEIMO (1965, 1966), *REGIER and ROBSON (1967), *RICKER (1958), *ROBSON and CHAPMAN (1961), SILLIMAN (1943, 1945), WIDRIG (1954).

Marcación (Capítulo 6).

DELURY (1947), GRAHAM (1938), LESLIE and CHITTY (1951), MORAN (1951, 1952), REGIER and ROBSON (1967), *ICNAF (1963).

Reclutamiento y selección (Capítulo 7).

BEVERTON and HOLT (1957), CASSIE (1955), DAVIS (1934), JENSEN (1949), LONGHURST (1960), LUCAS et al. (1954), MARGETTS (1954), *ICES (1964b).

Selección de los artes de enmalle (Capítulo 7.3).

*GARROD (1961), GULLAND and HARDING (1961), *HOLT (1957), *McCOMBIE and FRY (1960), OLSEN (1959), *REGIER and ROBSON (1967).

La curva simple de rendimiento (Capítulo 9).

*BEVERTON (1953), *BEVERTON and HOLT (1957), HOLT (1957), HENNEMUTH (1961b), JONES (1967), PARRISH and JONES (1953).

Evaluaciones especiales (Capítulo 10).

*ALLEN (1953), *BEVERTON and HODDER (1962), GRAHAM (1939), *GULLAND (1961a, 1961b), PARKER (1960), SAHRHAGE (1959), SCHAEFER (*1954, 1957).

Cambios en los parámetros (Capítulo 11).

BACKIEL and LE CREN (1967), BEVERTON (1962), *BEVERTON and HOLT (1957), GULLAND (1961a), HERRINGTON (1948), MACGREGOR (1964), MORAN (1950), NICHOLSON (1954), *RICKER (1954).

E) Informes especiales de Comisiones, etc.

Gran parte de los trabajos relativos a la evaluación de poblaciones se lleva a cabo por encargo de las diversas comisiones internacionales que se ocupan de la ordenación de poblaciones determinadas, sea en una zona particular, sea de una especie o grupo de especies particulares. El resultado científico de tal labor sólo está disponible en muchos casos en forma de informes a las comisiones, etc., y no aparece, o aparece muy posteriormente, en forma de trabajos publicados en las revistas científicas corrientes. Entre los informes en los que se dan a conocer los resultados de importantes trabajos sobre evaluación de poblaciones figuran los siguientes:

Consejo Internacional para la Explotación del Mar (CIEM)

- Informe del Comité de Enlace a la Comisión de Pesquerías del Atlántico Nordeste, En ICES Cooperative Research Reports, Serie B (Nota: la Serie A incluye los informes de grupos de trabajo sobre cuestiones específicas).

Comisión Internacional de Pesquerías del Atlántico Noroeste (CIPAN)

- Informes del Comité de Investigación y Estadística y del Subcomité sobre Evaluación, En ICNAF Redbook.

Comisión Ballenera Internacional (CBI)

- Informe del Comité Científico, En IWC Annual Report (especialmente el 14° Informe que contiene el informe del Comité Especial de tres científicos).

Comisión Internacional de Pesquerías el Norte del Pacífico

- Informes anuales. También boletines, especialmente los relativos a la explotación y ordenación en relación con el principio de abstención -N.° 4 (arenque), N.° 7 (hipogloso), N.° 9 (salmón del Canadá), N.° 10 (salmón de los EE. UU.).

Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT)

- Informes anuales. Informes científicos detallados en el Bulletin.

Varios de estos organismos publican también revistas y otras series no dedicadas directamente a la evaluación de poblaciones, aunque tales series pueden contener trabajos interesantes sobre dicha cuestión. Estas se han relacionado en la parte C de esta Bibliografía.

Otras Obras de EDITORIAL ACRIBA sobre Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos

Amos, A. J., y otros

Laevastu, T.

Burgess, G., y otros

Tait, R. V.

Stansby, M. E.

McConnaughey, B. H.

Syme, J.

Ludorff, W.

Mörsel, H.

Rhodes, A., y Fletcher, D. L.

Weinling, H., y otros

Sociedad de Fabricantes Daneses de Frigoríficos (editado por la)

Hobbs, B.

Earle, R. L.

Brennan, Butters, Cowell, Lilly

Thatcher, F. S., y Clark, D. S.

Editorial ACRIBA - Apartado 466 - ZARAGOZA (España)

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