12.1 Ponds and Tanks
12.2 Hatchery
12.3 Feed Preparation Facilities
12.4 Laboratories
12.5 Data Recording, Processing and Integration
12.6 Library
12.7 Reference Museum
12.8 Workshop
It was the opinion of the Task Force that space for which enough water resources are immediately available at the Pirassununga Station should be distributed for the construction of earthen ponds according to the following plan:
(i) Ponds of 0.1 ha = 27 units for a total area of 2.7 ha;
(ii) ponds of 0.25 ha = 16 units for a total area of 4.0 ha;
(iii) ponds of 0.5 ha = 6 units for a total area of 3.0 ha.
The 52 tanks now available, whose individual sizes run from 8 to 160 m2, can be used for holding brood stock and for spawning, as well as for several other purposes. In case more of the smallest size units are needed, plastic pools could be purchased.
The six existing earthen ponds which run in size from 344 to 2 760 m2 can be used for holding brood stock and fingerlings, or for quarantine purposes if enough isolation from the rest of the ponds can be assured.
A small building (60 m2) with tanks was suggested in the document of the mission that planned the Centre in 1976. The Task Force agreed basically with the original project, but left the possibility open for an increase in size if larval rearing of both Tilapia and Prochilodus and perhaps other species have eventually to be carried out simultaneously.
A feed mill covering 630 m2 in area (including outdoor bins) plus 50 m2 for feed storage, as included in the project, will certainly cover all needs foreseen. Appropriate equipment for feed preparation has already been re commend ad by the preparatory mission.
The original project contemplated space for different laboratories with functional capabilities as follows;
(i) Water chemistry and soil analysis, 60 m2;
(ii) fish nutrition laboratory and food technology room, 180 m2;
(iii) limnology laboratory, 60 m2;
(iv) fish pathology laboratory, 100 m2;
(v) core laboratory for student training, 90 m2.
Each of these units will have to be properly equipped, so the; specifications should be carefully checked.
Facilities already projected for these purposes include the following:
(i) File room, 15 m2;
(ii) copying room and storage for office supplies and equipment, 20 m2;
(iii) audiovisual laboratory, 35 m2.
100 m2 was provided in the original project for this purpose. Adequate facilities for storing material, card files and display stands have been included together with the basic reading and office equipment.
For this facility, 90 m2 were assigned in the original project. Special care in the functional design of this unit is advised, since it will have to store specimens from the richest fish fauna in the world.
For a mechanic, electrician, plumber, carpenter and technician, 150 m2 have been projected adequately.