Sustainably fishing for nutritious Amazonian pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), one of the world's largest freshwater species.
© FAO/Adriano Gambarini/OPAN

The path ahead

Solving the climate crisis through sustainable agrifood system solutions

The importance of building climate-resilient agrifood systems cannot be overstated. Climate change is already affecting agrifood systems around the world, posing risks to food security, nutrition and livelihoods. These impacts not only threaten food security, but undermine economic development and exacerbate poverty and social inequalities.

FAO’s work remains vital in the quest for a world free from hunger and malnutrition. Our efforts to empower local communities and engage all stakeholders, including the private sector, will play a crucial role in achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. FAO's continued leadership in supporting implementation of the SDGs through the initiatives outlined above, as well as monitoring and reporting on 21 SDG indicators and hosting the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is testament to its commitment to these global goals.

SDG wheel

As we look to the future, FAO will continue to innovate, collaborate and drive progress. This means developing and implementing strategies that support adaptation and build resilience across the entire agrifood value chain, from production to distribution and consumption. Supporting farmers and rural communities is a vital part of this process. The benefits are abundantly clear, and the cost of inaction shockingly high.

Building climate-resilient agrifood systems is not just about growing food: it is about growing a sustainable future. To reap a bountiful and secure tomorrow, we must plant the seeds of resilience today.

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