الصفحة التاليةبيان المحتويات


تعتمد بيانات حالة انعدام الأمن الغذائي في العالم 2004 بشكل أساسي,على التحليلات والبيانات التي وفرتها الأقسام الفنية في المنظمة.

وثمة موضوعات محددة قي هذه الطبعة استمدت Èياناتها من المصادر التالية:

يمكن الرجوع إلى المذكرة الفنية بشأن التقديرات الأولية للمنظمة عن تكاليف الجوع في العنوان التالي


ACC/SCN. 2004. Fifth report on the world nutrition situation. Geneva. 130 pp

Alderman, H. and Behrman, J. 2003

 Estimated economic benefits of reducing LBWin low-income countries. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania

Alderman, H., Hoddinott, J., & Kinsey, B. 2003

Long-term consequences of early childhood malnutrition. Washington, DC. IFPRI. 30 pp

Alderman, H., Behrman, J., & Hoddinott, J.2004

Hunger and malnutrition. In Lomborg.B. ed., Global crises, global solutions. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.672 pp

Black, R., Morris, S. & Bryce, J. 2003

Where and why are 10 million children dying every year. The Lancet, 361: 2226-34

Horton, S. 1999. Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low-income Asia. Asian Development Review, 17(1,2):246-2 73

Horton, S. & Ross, J. 2003. The economics of iron deficiency. Food Policy 28: 51-75

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How many child deaths can we prevent this year. The Lancet 362: 65-71

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Reversibility of stunting Epidemiological findings in children from developing countries. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 48 (Suppl 1):S45- 57

PeLletier, 0., Frongillo, E. 2002.

Changes in child survival are strongly associated with changes in malnutrition in developing countries.Washington, DC, Academy for Educational Development. 32 pp

Popkin, B., Horton, S.. and Kim, 5. 2001

The nutrition transition and prevention of diet-related diseases in Asia and the Pacific. Tokyo. UN University Press. 58 pp

Seres, N. in ACC/SCN. 2000. Fourth report on the world nutrition situation Geneva. 121 pp

WHO. 2002. The world health report 2002 Geneva. 248 no

FAO. 2003. Proceedings: Measurement and assessment of food deprivation and undernutrftion. Rome, 411 pp

UNICEF. 2003. The state of the worlds children 2004. New York. 147 pp

Barker, D. 1999. The long-term outcome of retarded fetal growth. Schweiz Med  Wochenschr 129:189-96

Barker, D. 1999. The fetal origins of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Internal Medicine, 130 (4): 322-324

Faigenbaum, S. 2002. Los supermercados en Ia distribucion alimentaria y su impacto  sobre el sistema agroalimentario nacional Santiago. University of ChiLe. 93 pp

FAO. 2000. Analysis of disparities in nutritional status by wealth and residence examples from Angola. Central African  Republic and Senegal. Rome. 23 pp

Haddad, L., Ruel, M. & Garrett, J. 1999

Are urban poverty and undernutrition growing: some newly assembled evidence Washington. IFPRI. 41 pp

Maxwell, D., Levin, C., Armar-Klemesu, M., RueL,M .Morris, S., & Ahiadeke, C. 2000

Urban livelihoods and food and nutrition security in greater Accra, Ghana Washington. IFPRI. 172 pp

McCuLloch, N. & Ota, M. 2002. Export horticulture and poverty in Kenya. Brighton IDS. 24 pp

Neven, D. & Reardon, 1. 2003. The rapid rise of  Kenyan supermarkets:

impact on the fruits and vegetables supply system. Unpublished paper presented at FAO Scientific Workshop Globalization of food systems: impact on food security and nutrition, Rome, 8-10 October 2003.17 pp

Popkin, B. 2003. The nutrition transition in the developing world. Development Policy Review, 21 (5-6): 581-597. Reardon, T., Timmer, P., Barrett, C. &

Berdegué, J. 2003. The rise of supermarkets in Africa, Asia and Latin America. American Journal of  Agricultural Economics 85(5): 1140-1146

UK Food Group. 2003. Food, inc. London IIED. 89 pp

UN. 2004. World urbanization prospects the 2003 revision, data tables and highlights New York. 20 pp

Weatherspoon, D. & Reardon, T. 2003. The rise of supermarkets in Africa: implications for agrifood systems and the rural poor (Develonment Policy Review.21 (3

World Bank. 2003. Global economic prospects 2004 Washington. 333 pp

Arantes, R. 2003. The Brazilian ‘Ministérjo Püblico’ and political corruption in Brazil. Oxford. Centre for Brazilian Studies University of Oxford. 28 pp

Millennium Project Task Force on Hunger.2004

Halving hunger by2015: a framework  for action. Interim report. New YorkMillennium Project. 219 pp

Korf, B, & Singarayer, R. 2002.Livelihoods food security and conflict in Trincomalee

Paper presented at the Third CEPA/PIMU Poverty Symposium, Colombo. 21 pp

FAO. 2003. Understanding seed systems and strengthening seed security. Rome. 23 pp

LEISA. 2001. Coping with disaster. LEISA Magazine 17 (1): 1-36

ZakieLdin, S. 2002. How communities of Western Sudan have coped with and adapted to present climate hazards.

Presentation to the Second AIACC African and Indian Ocean IsLand Reqional Workshop, Dakar. 20 pp

Behrman, J., Sengupta, P. & Todd, P.2001

Progressing through PROGRESA: an impact assessment of a school subsidy experiment Washington. IFPRI. 83 pp

Global Campaign for Education.2004

Learning to survive: how education for all would save millions of young people from H/V/AIDS. 32 pp.

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McEwan, P. 1999. Evaluating rural education reform: the case of Colombia’s Escuela Nueva Program.

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HM Treasury/DFID. 2004. International Finance Facility proposal. London. HM Stationery Office. 19 pp

IRRI. 2002. Food security as economic stimulus. Rice Today 1 (1): 29

Van den Berg, H. 2004. 1PM Farmer Field Schools: a synthesis of 25 impact evaluations. Rome. FAO. 53 pp

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