The papers presented and the discussions held during the five day Workshop have been organized within a framework of relevant themes, rather than in the order of the programme. There is obviously overlap and the boundaries between themes are not rigid but the papers in a particular theme emphasize different aspects of information resources sharing.
There were several requests to attend the Workshop which unfortunately could not be met due to lack of funding. In order to present a more complete overview of the current situation of fisheries information resources and services in Africa, papers were requested from these information professionals. The papers presenting an overview of fisheries information at national level in Tanzania and Uganda fall into this category, as does the institutional paper from Senegal and these contributions are most welcome.
The papers have been reproduced as submitted by the participants at the Workshop. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Those presentations which were given in PowerPoint and did not have an accompanying paper are included mainly as they appeared on the slides.