1. The international year
of plant health:
an overview

680 events
in 86 countries

Over 473 million accounts
reached on social media

In media coverage, potentially
4.4 billion readers reached
between September 2019 and July 2021

1 820 plant health
related posts shared by FAO

Over 370k views
on IYPH webpage

IYPH logo in
33 languages

45 partners

29 IYPH postage stamps,
3 IYPH coins

IYPH activity book for children
in 14 languages

Over 1 000 submissions for the IYPH
photo contest, art and drawing
competition for children, video
contest and human-interest stories

26 youth groups joined forces in
drafting an IYPH youth declaration

3 internationally recognized
IYPH advocates who spread
IYPH key messages

IYPH International Steering
Committee (ISC), 18 members,
18 meetings to advance the IYPH
action plan

Despite some negative impacts on the Year’s events caused by COVID-19, we orchestrated a vibrant and effective campaign to publicize and promote plant health throughout the world.

Jari Leppä,
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
at the IYPH Closing Ceremony on 1 July 2021

Timeline of major IYPH events

21 December 2018: The United Nations General Assembly declares 2020 the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH)
14 June 2019: First meeting of the IYPH International Steering Committee at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy
2 December 2019: IYPH opening ceremony at FAO headquarters as a special session of the FAO Council
16 and 18 March, 1 April 2021: Fifteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures
1 June 2021: High-level launch event for the FAO Scientific review on the impact of climate change on plant pests
29 June 2021: IYPH Webinar on Food Systems and Plant Health, with over 200 participants
30 June 2021: IYPH Webinar on Climate Change, Plant Health and Biodiversity, with over 200 participants
1 July 2021: IYPH closing ceremony hosted by the FAO Director-General, with over 600 participants
May 2022: The First International Plant Health Conference