38. Concerning the status of the fishery resource on the Zimbabwe Sector of the Lake the meeting was informed of the following new developments:
Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority has been established by an Act of Parliament; and the appointment of staff is underway.
Scientific Research Officers to cater for the fisheries sector are still to be recruited.
Routine monitoring programs are in place despite limited financial resources.
Kapenta fishery
39. The delegates took note of the fact that;
No changes in the number of fishing permits are in place.
Catch statistics are still being collected from the operators.
Catches in 2003 were approximately 8 000 tonnes.
Existence of pilferage by fishing crew on the lake remains a major problem.
Limited monitoring and surveillance is ongoing.
Artisanal fishery
40. The meeting noted the following issues;
Fishing still taking place in the designated fishing villages.
Implementation of co-management program slowed down due to manpower constraints (transformation process).
Frame Survey was last conducted in 2002 and there is an urgent need for a follow-up.
Research programme and joint fisheries management
41. Regarding the fisheries research programme it was noted that only long-term monitoring was taking place and there has been a delay in convening the inaugural meeting.