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    Book (series)
    Respecting free, prior and informed consent
    Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition
    Improving governance of tenure is the objective of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Guidelines), which serve as a reference and set out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices. The Guidelines state that responsible investments should do no harm, safeguard against dispossession of legitimate tenure right holders and environmental damage, and should respect human rights. This technical guide on Respecting free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) sets out practical actions for government agencies to respect and protect FPIC and for civil society organizations, land users and private investors globally to comply with their responsibilities in relation to FPIC, as endorsed by the Guidelines.
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    Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation 2008
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    Compulsory acquisition is the power of government to acquire private rights in land without the willing consent of the owner or occupant in order to benefit society and is often necessary for social and economic development and the protection of the natural environment. The exercise of these powers is frequently contentious and problematic. The guide explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are, and what constitutes good practice in this area, examining the consequences of poor legi slation, procedures and implementation. It is likely to be of most use in countries that are seeking to understand good practice in this area and to improve their own legislation, procedures and implementation in compulsory purchase and compensation in the interests of society as a whole.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities 2016

    This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners of a broad range of projects and programmes of any development organization, by providing information about the right to FPIC and how it can be implemented in six steps.

    In an FPIC process, the “how”, “when” and “with and by whom”, are as important as “what” is being proposed. For an FPIC process to be effective and result in consent or lack of it, the way in which the process is conducted is paramount. The time allocated for the discussions among the indigenous peoples, the cultural appropriateness of the way the information is conveyed, and the involvement of the whole community, including key groups like women, the elderly and the youth in the process, are all essential. A thorough and well carried FPIC process helps guarantee everyone’s right to self-determination, allowing them to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

    This FPIC Manual will ena ble field practitioners to incorporate FPIC into project and programmes’ design and implementation, ensuring that indigenous peoples’ rights are duly respected. FPIC can be considered the “gold standard” because it allows for the highest form of participation of local stakeholders in development projects.

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    Book (series)
    The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024
    Blue Transformation in action
    The 2024 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture features the Blue Transformation in action, illustrated by activities and initiatives, led by FAO in collaboration with Members, partners and key stakeholders, to integrate aquatic foods into global food security and sustainability, enhance policy advocacy, scientific research and capacity building, disseminate sustainable practices and technological innovations, and support community involvement. Part 1 of this edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture benefits from significant improvements in data collection, analytical and assessment tools and methodologies to present the most up-to-date review of world fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization. Part 2 highlights the role of FAO and its partners to catalyse the transformational changes required to support aquaculture expansion and intensification, effective management of global fisheries and upgrading of aquatic value chains. Part 3 covers the high-impact challenges and opportunities of the untapped potential of utilizing whole fish and by-products to improve food security and nutrition, expounds on the role of aquatic food systems in providing critical climate, biodiversity and environmentally sound solutions, and highlights the importance of their integration into national and multilateral processes. It also presents an outlook on future trends up to 2032 based on projections. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024 provides the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, supporting policy, scientific and technical insights on challenges, opportunities and innovations shaping the present and future of the sector, for the benefit of a wide and expanding audience of policymakers, managers, scientists, fishers, farmers, traders, civil society activists and consumers.
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    Book (series)
    Respecting free, prior and informed consent
    Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition
    Improving governance of tenure is the objective of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Guidelines), which serve as a reference and set out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices. The Guidelines state that responsible investments should do no harm, safeguard against dispossession of legitimate tenure right holders and environmental damage, and should respect human rights. This technical guide on Respecting free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) sets out practical actions for government agencies to respect and protect FPIC and for civil society organizations, land users and private investors globally to comply with their responsibilities in relation to FPIC, as endorsed by the Guidelines.
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    Book (series)
    Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation 2008
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    Compulsory acquisition is the power of government to acquire private rights in land without the willing consent of the owner or occupant in order to benefit society and is often necessary for social and economic development and the protection of the natural environment. The exercise of these powers is frequently contentious and problematic. The guide explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are, and what constitutes good practice in this area, examining the consequences of poor legi slation, procedures and implementation. It is likely to be of most use in countries that are seeking to understand good practice in this area and to improve their own legislation, procedures and implementation in compulsory purchase and compensation in the interests of society as a whole.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities 2016

    This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners of a broad range of projects and programmes of any development organization, by providing information about the right to FPIC and how it can be implemented in six steps.

    In an FPIC process, the “how”, “when” and “with and by whom”, are as important as “what” is being proposed. For an FPIC process to be effective and result in consent or lack of it, the way in which the process is conducted is paramount. The time allocated for the discussions among the indigenous peoples, the cultural appropriateness of the way the information is conveyed, and the involvement of the whole community, including key groups like women, the elderly and the youth in the process, are all essential. A thorough and well carried FPIC process helps guarantee everyone’s right to self-determination, allowing them to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

    This FPIC Manual will ena ble field practitioners to incorporate FPIC into project and programmes’ design and implementation, ensuring that indigenous peoples’ rights are duly respected. FPIC can be considered the “gold standard” because it allows for the highest form of participation of local stakeholders in development projects.

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    Book (series)
    The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024
    Blue Transformation in action
    The 2024 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture features the Blue Transformation in action, illustrated by activities and initiatives, led by FAO in collaboration with Members, partners and key stakeholders, to integrate aquatic foods into global food security and sustainability, enhance policy advocacy, scientific research and capacity building, disseminate sustainable practices and technological innovations, and support community involvement. Part 1 of this edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture benefits from significant improvements in data collection, analytical and assessment tools and methodologies to present the most up-to-date review of world fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization. Part 2 highlights the role of FAO and its partners to catalyse the transformational changes required to support aquaculture expansion and intensification, effective management of global fisheries and upgrading of aquatic value chains. Part 3 covers the high-impact challenges and opportunities of the untapped potential of utilizing whole fish and by-products to improve food security and nutrition, expounds on the role of aquatic food systems in providing critical climate, biodiversity and environmentally sound solutions, and highlights the importance of their integration into national and multilateral processes. It also presents an outlook on future trends up to 2032 based on projections. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024 provides the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, supporting policy, scientific and technical insights on challenges, opportunities and innovations shaping the present and future of the sector, for the benefit of a wide and expanding audience of policymakers, managers, scientists, fishers, farmers, traders, civil society activists and consumers.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Empowering women in fisheries value chains
    Good practices and lessons learned from the Coastal Fisheries Initiative
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    The Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) programme – a global partnership between FAO, the UN Development Programme, the UNEnvironment Programme, Conservation International, the World Bank and the World Wide Fund for Nature – has developed three legacy Global Knowledge Products to consolidate experience and lessons learned and to make its successful approaches and tangible impacts sustainable beyond the end of its five-year cycle. This e-book is the second of the series and is aimed at national and international policymakers, practitioners and development agencies. A key element of the CFI is the promotion of gender equity and equality in small-scale fisheries (SSF) given that these value chains employ 45 million women globally. However, their arduous work is often informal, underpaid and overlooked in policymaking. Addressing inequalities in women’s influence over coastal fisheries governance is essential. They have a fundamental right to take part in decisions about sustainability, conservation and the management of resources that directly affect their lives. Women also have a critical contribution to make to improve fisheries practices because their decisions and choices can affect how fishing is carried out, what and how much fish is caught, and how that fish is converted into food or income. This e-book describes successful CFI activities and approaches to empowering women in SSF to become leaders and entrepreneurs and to better their lives and livelihoods and those of their communities, while also promoting an enabling environment for gender equity and equality in SSF through participatory legal and policy reform.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Revisión del sistema de medición, notificación y verificación
    Apoyar las medidas de mitigación apropiadas para la ganadería en Costa Rica. Resumen técnico
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    El Gobierno de Costa Rica se ha comprometido firmemente a reducir sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Establecer objetivos nacionales de neutralidad de carbono y formular políticas en diversas áreas son medidas para avanzar en esta dirección. El sistema de medición, notificación y verificación se desarrolló con vistas a realizar estimaciones de la repercusión de las medidas de mitigación apropiadas para la ganaderia en Costa Rica. Un sistema de sistema de medición, notificación y verificación robusto es fundamental para cumplir con los compromisos climáticos de Costa Rica, y permitirá sentar las bases para continuar incrementando la ambición climática del país. Este documento está dirigido a los productores ganaderos, a los responsables políticos de Costa Rica.
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    Book (series)
    New methods and strategies to improve the performance of Holothuria scabra hatcheries 2024
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    The manual is a comprehensive guide for sandfish (Holothuria scabra) hatchery operations, introducing innovative methods and strategies to boost financial viability. It provides a detailed, step-by-step explanation of in vitro fertilization (IVF), a proven and validated technique. IVF is proposed as a complementary approach to spawning, utilizing thermal shock treatments commonly seen in sea cucumber hatcheries globally to enhance seed output. In addition, IVF can be applied using gonads harvested from sea cucumber specimens destined for processing into dried trepang. The manual also describes the utilization of greenhouses to enhance ovarian maturation in colder climates, thereby improving overall hatchery productivity. It offers comprehensive advice on optimizing productivity levels of embryos, larvae, and juveniles to attain financial profitability. A brief step-by-step description on the processing of sea cucumbers into beche-de-mer is also provided.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guide de bonnes pratiques conchylicoles 2024
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    Ce guide de bonnes pratiques conchylicoles est conçu pour promouvoir des pratiques durables et responsables dans l’élevage et la production de mollusques bivalves, tels que les moules, les huîtres et les palourdes. Il vise à assurer la protection de l’environnement, la santé des bivalves et la sécurité alimentaire des consommateurs tout en favorisant une industrie des mollusques viable et durable.Cette publication est nécessaire pour prévenir les impacts environnementaux. La conchyliculture peut nuire aux écosystèmes côtiers, y compris la dégradation de l’habitat et la transmission de maladies aux populations sauvages. Le guide encourage les agriculteurs à adopter des méthodes respectueuses de l’environnement.
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    Book (series)
    حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم 2024
    التحول الأزرق في ميدان العمل
    تولي طبعة عام 2024 من تقرير حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم، أهمية خاصة لتنفيذ التحوّّل الأزرق على أرض الواقع من خلال أنشطة ومبادرات تقودها المنظمة بالتعاون مع الأعضاء والشركاء وأصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين وتهدف إلى دمج الأغذية المائية في الأمن الغذائي العالمي والاستدامة، وتحسين الدعوة في مجال السياسات، والبحوث العلمية وبناء القدرات، ونشر الممارسات المستدامة والابتكارات التكنولوجية، ودعم مشاركة المجتمعات المحلية. ويستفيد الجزء الأول من هذا الإصدار من تقرير حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم من التحسينات الكبرى التي تحققت في مجال جمع البيانات، وأدوات التحليل والتقييم، والمنهجيات المتبعة، لعرض أحدث استعراض لإنتاج مصايد الأسماك وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم واستخدامه. ويسلّّط الجزء الثاني الضوء على دور المنظمة وشركائها في تحفيز التغيّّرات التحوّّلية اللازمة لدعم توسيع نطاق تربية الأحياء المائية وتكثيفها، والإدارة الفعالة لمصايد الأسماك العالمية، وتطوير سلاسل القيمة المائية. ويتناول الجزء الثالثالتحديات والفرص العالية التأثير التي تنطوي عليها الإمكانات غير المستغلة لاستخدام الأسماك كاملة ومشتقاتها من أجل تحسين الأمن الغذائي والتغذية، ويشرح دور نظم الأغذية المائية في توفير حلول حاسمة ومؤاتية للمناخ والتنوع البيولوجي والبيئية، ويسلّّط الضوء على أهمية دمج هذه الحلول في العمليات الوطنية والمتعددة الأطراف. ويعرض الجزء الثالث أيضًًا نظرة استشرافية على الاتجاهات المستقبلية حتى عام 2032 بناءًً على الإسقاطات المتاحة.ويقدّّم تقرير حالة الموارد السمكية وتربية الأحياء المائية في العالم 2024 أحدث المعلومات القائمة على الأدلة، والسياسات الداعمة، والرؤى العلمية والتقنية حول التحديات والفرص والابتكارات التي ترسم ملامح القطاع اليوم وفي المستقبل لخدمة جمهور واسع ومتزايد من واضعي السياسات، والمديرين، والعلماء، والصيادين، ومزارعي الأسماك، والتجار، والناشطين في المجتمع المدني، والمستهلكين.