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    Book (series)
    Respecting free, prior and informed consent
    Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition
    Improving governance of tenure is the objective of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Guidelines), which serve as a reference and set out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices. The Guidelines state that responsible investments should do no harm, safeguard against dispossession of legitimate tenure right holders and environmental damage, and should respect human rights. This technical guide on Respecting free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) sets out practical actions for government agencies to respect and protect FPIC and for civil society organizations, land users and private investors globally to comply with their responsibilities in relation to FPIC, as endorsed by the Guidelines.
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    Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation 2008
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    Compulsory acquisition is the power of government to acquire private rights in land without the willing consent of the owner or occupant in order to benefit society and is often necessary for social and economic development and the protection of the natural environment. The exercise of these powers is frequently contentious and problematic. The guide explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are, and what constitutes good practice in this area, examining the consequences of poor legi slation, procedures and implementation. It is likely to be of most use in countries that are seeking to understand good practice in this area and to improve their own legislation, procedures and implementation in compulsory purchase and compensation in the interests of society as a whole.
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    Edible insects
    Future prospects for food and feed security
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    This book assesses the potential of insects as food and feed and gathers existing information and research on edible insects. The assessment is based on the most recent and complete data available from various sources and experts around the world. Insects as food and feed emerge as an especially relevant issue in the twenty-first century due to the rising cost of animal protein, food and feed insecurity, environmental pressures, population growth and increasing demand for protein among the middl e classes. Thus, alternative solutions to conventional livestock and feed sources urgently need to be found. The consumption of insects, or entomophagy , therefore contributes positively to the environment and to health and livelihoods. This publication grew from a small effort in 2003 in the FAO Forestry Department to document the role of insects in traditional livelihood practices in Central Africa and to assess the impact of harvesting insects in their natural habitats on the sustainability o f forests. This effort has since unfolded into a broad-based effort to examine the multiple dimensions of insect gathering and rearing to clarify the potential that insects offer for improving food security worldwide. The purpose of this book is to bring together for the first time the many opportunities for, and constraints on, using insects as food and feed
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities 2016

    This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners of a broad range of projects and programmes of any development organization, by providing information about the right to FPIC and how it can be implemented in six steps.

    In an FPIC process, the “how”, “when” and “with and by whom”, are as important as “what” is being proposed. For an FPIC process to be effective and result in consent or lack of it, the way in which the process is conducted is paramount. The time allocated for the discussions among the indigenous peoples, the cultural appropriateness of the way the information is conveyed, and the involvement of the whole community, including key groups like women, the elderly and the youth in the process, are all essential. A thorough and well carried FPIC process helps guarantee everyone’s right to self-determination, allowing them to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

    This FPIC Manual will ena ble field practitioners to incorporate FPIC into project and programmes’ design and implementation, ensuring that indigenous peoples’ rights are duly respected. FPIC can be considered the “gold standard” because it allows for the highest form of participation of local stakeholders in development projects.

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    Evaluation of “Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme: Building food system resilience in protracted crises”
    Project code: GCP/GLO/997/NET
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    The FAO's "Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme (FNS-REPRO)" aimed to build food system resilience in crisis-affected areas of Sudan (Darfur), Somaliland, and South Sudan from 2019 to 2024, with a budget of USD 28 million. This evaluation assessed the program's relevance, approach, and impact on rural food security, nutrition, and resilience. Using mixed methods, including over 100 interviews, 20 focus group discussions, and field visits, the evaluation revealed FNS-REPRO's innovative approach to addressing conflict and food insecurity by upgrading food systems along value chains. Despite its novel design, the program lacked coherence between components, such as integrating nutrition capacity-building with agricultural value chains. Significant improvements were noted in agricultural income, natural resource management, conflict management, and women's engagement. However, the absence of local private sector partnerships posed a sustainability risk. The evaluation provided eight recommendations to enhance future programs, emphasizing comprehensive value chain support, local partnerships, peacebuilding funding, and community-based monitoring.
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    Evaluation of the project “Strengthening animal health and food safety systems” in Mongolia
    Project code: UTF/MON/021/MON
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    The project was very relevant to the priorities of the Government of Mongolia ministries and veterinary practitioners in public and private sectors. The activities taken by the project significantly enhanced the capacity of the General Authority of Veterinary Services by providing technical, policy, planning and management support, upgrading laboratories with equipment and trainings working closely with the staff working at the primary level of animal health service including the Private Veterinary Unit, as well as improving the digitalization of the animal health service. These collective efforts contributed effectively to deliver strengthened animal health services in Mongolia. The project ensured the sustainability of its result effectively through development of policy documents and transboundary animal disease control strategies, capacity building trainings. However, challenges may arise, particularly in the areas of insufficient finance, the absence of a Veterinary Statutory Body, and the potential of failure to control disease outbreaks effectively if cases resurface.Throughout the project implementation, the project's adaptability and flexibility played a pivotal role, successfully adjusting originally planned activities and budget to address emergency needs in the country. The effective management of disease outbreaks during the project further underscored its resilience and impact. The report provides 4 conclusions, 6 recommendations and several lessons learned.
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    مرتبط سازی مناطق، مردم و محصوالت آنان
    راهنمای ترویج و ارتقای کیفیت مرتبط با مبدأ جغرافیایی و نشانههای جغرافیایی پایدار ویراست دوم
    ترویـج ارتباطـات میـان مـردم، مناطـق و محصـوالت غذایی-کشـاورزی میتوانـد بـه ابـزاری بـرای توسـعه پایــدار روســتایی در بســیاری از جوامــع روســتایی جهــان تبدیــل شــود. در واقــع، محصــوالت مبدأمحــور ویژگیهـای کیفـی مرتبـط بـا مـردم و مناطـق جغرافیایـی را بعنـوان نتیجـه دانـش تجربـی محلـی و منابـع طبیعـی خـاص آن منطقـه بـه نمایـش میگذارنـد و در گـذر زمـان، شـهرت جمعـی سـاخته میشـود کـه بــا نشــانه جغرافیایــی شــناخته خواهــد شــد. تعریــف ایــن کیفیــت خــاص بنــا بــه شــیوهنامه و مدیریــت جمعــی سیســتم نشــانه جغرافیایــی، ابــزاری اساســی بــرای شناســایی و حفــظ منابــع طبیعــی و انســانی و متعاقبــا بهبــود تأثیــرات اقتصــادی، اجتماعــی و زیســت محیطــی میباشــد. هــدف از ایــن کتــاب راهنمــا عبارتســت از ارائــه چارچــوب مفهومــی، توضیحــات عینــی و روشــهای ارتقــا و حفــظ محصــوالت باکیفیــت مرتبــط بــا یــک مبــدأ جغرافیایــی و اجــرای برنامــه مدیریــت نشــانههای جغرافیایـی بـرای دسـت انـدرکاران محلـی اسـت. در راهنمـای مذکـور، فراینـد چهـار مرحلـهای بـه منظـور تقویــت چرخــه ســالم کیفیــت مبدأمحــور پیشــنهاد شــده اســت. مطالــب ارائــه شــده در ایــن کتــاب از تجــارب میدانــی فائــو و ســینر-چی اســتخراج شــدهاند. شناسـایی ارتباطـات میـان محصـول دارای کیفیـت خـاص و منابـع محلـی، مدیریـت کیفیـت محصـولمطابــق بــا شــیوهنامه و شناســایی نشــانه جغرافیایــی بعنــوان دارایــی جمعــی مبتنــی بــر ســرزمین، بهرهمنــدی از عوایــد بــا اســتفاده از رویکردهــای بازاریابــی و بازتولیــد منابــع محلــی در رویکــردی درازمــدت همگــی گامهایــی کلیــدی هســتند کــه باعــث پایــداری اقتصــادی، اجتماعی-فرهنگــی و زیســت محیطــی سیســتم تولیــد مبدأمحــور میگردنــد.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Diseño e implementación de los registros de la agricultura familiar
    Guía para tomadores de decisiones políticas
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    Los registros de la agricultura familiar son una herramienta fundamental para la aplicación eficaz y eficiente de las políticas públicas dirigidas a los agricultores familiares, sus unidades productivas y sus organizaciones. No son un fin en sí mismos, sino un medio para mejorar la implementación de estas políticas. Sin embargo, para ello los registros deben desarrollarse de la mejor manera posible, obteniendo datos de calidad y útiles para las políticas y programas públicos. Esta guía tiene por objetivo orientar y promover la generación de registros de agricultura familiar, a partir de recomendaciones en los procesos de: planificación, diseño e implementación, advirtiendo sobre algunos riesgos y alertas en su elaboración. Se ha construido a partir de la revisión y análisis de algunas experiencias y lecciones aprendidas de varios países de América Latina, por ende, su enfoque es práctico y operativo, orientado a facilitar la toma de decisiones en todo el mundo, particularmente de quienes se encuentran en las etapas de diseño y formulación de políticas, dentro de procesos de planificación a diferentes escalas, o simplemente de quienes están planificando acciones tendientes a mejorar la agricultura familiar, así como colaborando con los procesos de implementación, monitoreo y evaluación. También está dirigido a todos los agentes públicos que ya están involucrados en procesos de diseño o elaboración de registros de agricultura familiar, posibilitando la construcción de activos de información útiles para la gestión de políticas públicas.
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    Book (series)
    The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2020 2020
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    This third edition of the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries provides a comprehensive overview of the status of fisheries in the region, looking at their main features and trends, in order to better inform their management and better examine current and future challenges that they will face in the near future. The aim of this report is to produce a document that could provide useful analysis and direction for decision-making and future action. In this respect, this publication also represents a convenient source of information for the FAO Committee on Fisheries and offers a practical complement to the data provided in the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture published by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. This volume includes seven chapters divided into two sections: a first part on the status and trends of different aspects of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries, including fleet, catches, socio-economic variables and bycatch, and a second part that focuses on the management of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries, including an overview on small-scale fisheries. This report is based to a large extent on the most up-to-date data available submitted by GFCM contracting and cooperating non-contracting parties, including information on stock status, national catches, fleet and socio-economic information up to 2018. It is also complemented with information from other sources.