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Book (series)World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Yearbook 2024 2024
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No results found.The Statistical Yearbook 2024 offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape. Statistics are presented in four thematic chapters, covering the economic importance of agricultural activities, inputs, outputs and factors of production, their implications for food security and nutrition and their impacts on the environment. The Yearbook is meant to constitute a primary tool for policymakers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture. -
Book (series)The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024
Financing to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms
2024Six years from 2030, hunger and food insecurity trends are not yet moving in the right direction to end hunger and food insecurity (SDG Target 2.1) by 2030. The indicators of progress towards global nutrition targets similarly show that the world is not on track to eliminate all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2). Billions of people still lack access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food. Nevertheless, progress in many countries provides hope of the possibility of getting back on track towards hunger and malnutrition eradication. Implementing the policies, investments and legislation needed to revert the current trends of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition requires proper financing for food security and nutrition. Despite a broad agreement on the urgent need to increase financing for food security and nutrition, the same cannot be said for a common understanding regarding how this financing should be defined and tracked. The report provides a long-awaited definition of financing for food security and nutrition and guidance for its implementation. There are recommendations regarding the efficient use of innovative financing tools and reforms to the food security and nutrition financing architecture. Establishing a common definition of financing for food security and nutrition, and methods for its tracking, measurement and implementation, is an important first step towards sustainably increasing the financing flows needed to end hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, and to ensure access to healthy diets for all, today and tomorrow. -
Book (series)The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024
Blue Transformation in action
2024The 2024 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture features the Blue Transformation in action, illustrated by activities and initiatives, led by FAO in collaboration with Members, partners and key stakeholders, to integrate aquatic foods into global food security and sustainability, enhance policy advocacy, scientific research and capacity building, disseminate sustainable practices and technological innovations, and support community involvement. Part 1 of this edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture benefits from significant improvements in data collection, analytical and assessment tools and methodologies to present the most up-to-date review of world fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization. Part 2 highlights the role of FAO and its partners to catalyse the transformational changes required to support aquaculture expansion and intensification, effective management of global fisheries and upgrading of aquatic value chains. Part 3 covers the high-impact challenges and opportunities of the untapped potential of utilizing whole fish and by-products to improve food security and nutrition, expounds on the role of aquatic food systems in providing critical climate, biodiversity and environmentally sound solutions, and highlights the importance of their integration into national and multilateral processes. It also presents an outlook on future trends up to 2032 based on projections. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024 provides the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, supporting policy, scientific and technical insights on challenges, opportunities and innovations shaping the present and future of the sector, for the benefit of a wide and expanding audience of policymakers, managers, scientists, fishers, farmers, traders, civil society activists and consumers. -
Book (stand-alone)Climate change and food security: risks and responses 2015
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End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition are at the heart of the sustainable development goals. The World has committed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. But climate change is undermining the livelihoods and food security of the rural poor, who constitute almost 80 percent of the world’s poor. The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are already severe and widespread. Climate change brings a cascade of impacts from agroecosystems to livelihoods. Climate change impacts directly agroecosystems, which in turn has a potential impact on agricultural production, which drives economic and social impacts, which impact livelihoods. In other words, impacts translate from climate to the environment, to the productive sphere, to economic and social dimensions. Therefore, ensuring food security in the face of climate change is among the most daunting challenges facing humankind. Action is urgently needed now to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience of food systems to ensure food security and good nutrition for all. -
Book (series)World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Yearbook 2023 2023
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No results found.This publication offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape. Statistics are presented in four thematic chapters, covering the economic importance of agricultural activities, inputs, outputs and factors of production, their implications for food security and nutrition and their impacts on the environment. The Yearbook is meant to constitute a primary tool for policymakers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture.
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Book (stand-alone)Résistance aux agents antimicrobiens: boîte à outils pour la mobilisation de la jeunesse 2024La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est une préoccupation mondiale pressante qui nécessite une attention et des solutions créatives. Les jeunes d'aujourd'hui feront face aux conséquences de l'inaction et aux risques croissants liés à la RAM. Le Quadripartite, composé de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE), de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OMSA), est convaincu que les jeunes peuvent jouer un rôle clé en rassemblant la société dans son ensemble et les divers groupes d'acteurs pour lutter contre la RAM. En tant qu'agents du changement, les jeunes peuvent sensibiliser à la RAM et défendre des solutions locales et mondiales.Les jeunes ont également été identifiés comme l’un des quatre publics prioritaires lors de deux consultations mondiales sur la sensibilisation à la RAM, organisées en 2022 par le Quadripartite. En réponse, le Quadripartite a développé cette boîte à outils pratique pour impliquer les jeunes dans la lutte contre la RAM, basée sur des consultations avec eux-mêmes. L'objectif de cette boîte à outils est d’équiper les réseaux (dirigés par les jeunes et les organisations qui travaillent avec eux) de ressources pour engager les jeunes dans la communication, l’éducation et les campagnes de sensibilisation, de plaidoyer et de changement de comportement. Cette boîte à outils comprend 11 outils, un pack de ressources et des études de cas sur les bonnes pratiques d'engagement des jeunes.
Book (stand-alone)Resistencia a los antimicrobianos: kit de herramientas para fomentar la participación y el compromiso de los jóvenes 2024La Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (RAM) es una preocupación global urgente que requiere atención y soluciones creativas. Los jóvenes de hoy enfrentarán las consecuencias de la inacción y los riesgos crecientes de la RAM. La Quadripartita, que está compuesta por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OMSA), cree firmemente que los jóvenes pueden desempeñar un papel importante en unir a la sociedad en general y a diversos grupos de interés para abordar la RAM. Los jóvenes, como agentes de cambio, pueden generar conciencia sobre la RAM y abogar por soluciones locales y globales.Los jóvenes también fueron identificados como uno de los cuatro públicos prioritarios durante dos consultas globales para aumentar la concienciación sobre la RAM, organizadas en 2022 por la Quadripartita. En respuesta, la Quadripartita ha desarrollado este kit de herramientas práctico para involucrar a los jóvenes en la RAM, basado en consultas con los propios jóvenes. El objetivo de este kit de herramientas práctico es dotar a las redes lideradas por jóvenes y a las organizaciones que atienden a la juventud con recursos para involucrar a los jóvenes en la comunicación, la educación y las campañas sobre la RAM, con el fin de generar conciencia, promover la defensa y cambiar comportamientos. El kit de herramientas práctico contiene 11 herramientas, un paquete de recursos y estudios de casos sobre buenas prácticas de participación juvenil en la respuesta a la RAM.
Book (stand-alone)Antimicrobial resistance toolkit for youth engagement 2024Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a pressing global concern that requires attention and creative solutions. Young people today will face the consequences of inaction and increased risks of AMR. The Quadripartite, which consists of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), strongly believes that young people can play an important role in bringing together wider society and various stakeholder groups on tackling AMR. Young people, as agents of change, can raise awareness about AMR and advocate for local and global solutions. Youth were also identified as one of four priority target audiences during two global consultations for raising awareness about AMR, organized in 2022 by the Quadripartite. In response, the Quadripartite has developed this practical toolkit for engaging youth in AMR, based on consultations with young people themselves. The aim of this practical toolkit is to equip youth-led networks and youth-serving organizations with resources to engage young people in AMR communication, education and campaigns for awareness-raising, advocacy and behaviour change. The practical toolkit has 11 tools, a resource pack and case studies on good practices of youth engagement in the AMR response.
Book (stand-alone)Proceso participativo y transparente para la evaluación y selección de emprendimientos
Opción de buena práctica en Guatemala
2024Also available in:
No results found.Este documento presenta el desarrollo de una opción de buena práctica en Guatemala, liderada por la FAO en colaboración con actores nacionales. La práctica se centró en un proceso participativo y transparente para evaluar, seleccionar y adjudicar recursos destinados a la creación y fortalecimiento de emprendimientos sostenibles en los departamentos de San Marcos y Huehuetenango. Este enfoque permitió beneficiar directamente a 1 436 hogares organizados en 192 grupos emprendedores, lo que fomentó la inclusión de mujeres, jóvenes y Pueblos Indígenas.El proyecto forma parte del "Plan de Desarrollo Integral para Centroamérica" e implicó la implementación de una metodología que incluyó la capacitación en planes de inversión, la conformación de comités de evaluación y la aplicación de criterios objetivos para seleccionar los emprendimientos más viables. La integración de herramientas como el Perfil de Pequeños Proyectos de Negocios facilitó la transparencia y el análisis financiero, fortaleciendo las capacidades de los grupos beneficiarios y actores institucionales. Además, el uso de lenguas indígenas como el Mam garantizó un proceso inclusivo.Los resultados preliminares muestran impactos positivos en la generación de ingresos y empleos, así como en la sostenibilidad de los proyectos aprobados. Esta opción de buena práctica destaca por su enfoque inclusivo y replicable, que prioriza la participación comunitaria y promueve el desarrollo económico en comunidades rurales vulnerables. El documento ofrece valiosas lecciones y recomendaciones para futuras intervenciones en contextos similares. -
Book (stand-alone)Vee korduskasutusega vesiviljeluse juhend
Uute keskkonnahoidlike ja suure tootlikkusega suletud kalakasvatussüsteemide tutvustus
2024Ranged keskkonnakaitsepiirangud, mille eesmärk on vähendada haudemajadest ja maismaal asuvatest vesiviljelusrajatistest tulenevat saastet Põhja-Euroopa maades, on käivitanud vee korduskasutusega vesiviljeluse kiire tehnoloogilise arengu, investeerimise ja innovatsiooni paljudes maailmaosades. Selline vesiviljelus tagab ühtlasi ka suurema ja stabiilsema toodangu, kuna haiguspuhanguid on harvem ja kontroll haudemajade kalade kasvu mõjutavate näitajate üle parem. See suund on teretulnud ja igati kooskõlas ÜRO Toidu- ja Põllumajandusorganisatsiooni (FAO) vastutustundliku kalapüügi juhendiga. Siinne vee korduskasutusega vesiviljeluse juhend täiendab FAO Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa piirkondliku büroo tehtavat tööd keskkonna seisukohalt jätkusuutliku vesiviljeluse edendamise valdkonnas. Vee korduskasutusega vesiviljeluse süsteem tähendab ühtlasi seda, et haudemajad ei pea enam asuma hinnalistel jõeäärsetel aladel. Nüüd võib neid ehitada peaaegu igale poole, kuna nende vajadus puhta, haigustekitajatest vaba vee järele on varasemast palju väiksem. Seepärast on FAO-l olnud hea meel toetada selle juhendi väljaandmist. Loodetavasti innustab see kalakasvatajaid ja aitab neil tulevikus üle minna vee korduskasutusega vesiviljelusele.