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Papers presented at the FAO/NACA Consultation on Aquaculture for Sustainable Rural Development. Chiang Rai, Thailand, 29-31 March 1999.

Halwart, M.; Kumar, D.; Bondad-Reantaso, M.G. (comps). Papers presented at the FAO/NACA Consultation on Aquaculture for Sustainable Rural Development. Chiang Rai, Thailand, 29–31 March 1999. FAO Fisheries Report. No. 611, Suppl. Rome, FAO. 2005. 282p.

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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO/NACA Consultation on Aquaculture for Sustainable Rural Development. Chiang Rai, Thailand, 29-31 March 1999. 1999
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    This is the report of the consultation on Aquaculture for Sustainable Rural Development jointly organised by FAO and NACA in Chiang Rai, Thailand on 29 31 March 1999 to develop the detailed structure of a regional programme on aquaculture for sustainable rural development and propose a strategy for its implementation. The consultation took an overview of the relevant information emerging from presentations of country reports; lessons learned by specific projects; experiences of regional and inte rnational organizations and donor agencies; and findings of expert reviews. More sharply focused examination of critical issues, and discussions on specific components of the draft Programme concept were followed through parallel working group (WG) discussions. The outputs of the working groups were further discussed during the concluding plenary. Finally, a detailed Programme framework on “Aquaculture for Sustainable Rural Livelihood Development (ASRLD)” was conceived through consensus to serve as guiding principles for the formulation of the Programme. National experts, expert reviewers and representatives of most of the major international and regional stakeholders involved in initiatives that promote aquaculture in rural development in the Asia-Pacific region, such as: AIT, DANIDA, DFID, FAO, IFAD, ICLARM, IIRR, Mekong River Commission (MRC), NACA-RLCs, SEAFDEC, PD/ACRSP, HAKI etc., played active roles in this participatory exercise and in making the Programme of greater national a nd regional relevance, and practical and effective in achieving the proposed objectives.
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    Book (series)
    FAO/NACA Regional Workshop on the Future of Mariculture: a Regional Approach for Responsible Development in the Asia-Pacific Region. Guangzhou, China, 7 - 11 March 2006. 2008
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    Aquaculture in the Southeast Asian region has been growing steadily over the last few decades, requiring more space to accommodate it. The search for additional areas to expand the aquaculture industry as a whole and the identification of new farming species of commercial value to satisfy the growing local and export markets are pushing the sector in some countries to broaden activities in the sea, including further offshore where more space is available and where, to a lesser extent, competitio n is currently not so intense. The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) organized the regional workshop entitled "The Future of Mariculture: a Regional Approach for Responsible Development in the Asia-Pacific Region" from 7 to 11 March 2006. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries of the People’s Republic of China and the Guangdong Ocean and Fisheries Administration. The workshop was convened in response to requests from FAO and NACA Member countries to identify key trends and issues affecting mariculture growth in the Asia-Pacific region and to strengthen regional collaboration for future responsible development of mariculture.
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    Book (series)
    Study and analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development. 2007
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    This technical paper provides a comprehensive overview of feed and fertilizer use for sustainable aquaculture development in developing countries. It comprises a series of review papers, including eight country reviews from Asia, six country reviews from Africa, one case study report from Asia, three regional reviews (Asia, Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa), a global synthesis as well as the final report of the FAO Expert Workshop on Use of Feed and Fertilizer for Sustainable Aquac ulture Development, held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China, 18–21 March 2006. The country reviews provide an overview of the current status of aquaculture, a synthesis of the availability, accessibility and use of feed and fertilizer resources in relation to the diversity of farming systems and practices and an analysis of the nutritional, economic and social constraints of using these inputs. The regional reviews provide a synthesis of the country reviews by considering production tr ends and feed and fertilizer use from a wider geographic perspective and also analyse the projected expansion of the aquaculture sector in relation to the future availability of input commodities. The global synthesis provides a general overview and summarizes the future challenges facing the sector with respect to the use of feeds and fertilizers.

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