Year of publication 2006
Pages 68
Author FAO/GFCM;Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Division
Product type Book (series)
ISBN 9251055017
Series title FAO Fisheries Report
Series number 0429-9337 - R791
Edition 1
Synopsis (short abstract) The Experts Meeting for the Re-establishment of the Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (EAM) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) was held in Rome, from 7 to 9 December 2005. The meeting was attended by 13 experts from the region. The Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (EAM), created in 1992 following the Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project (MEDRAP), ceased to operate as an effecti ve network in 1996. The present experts meeting took place following a decision by the GFCM at its twenty-ninth session. The meeting was called to update the terms of reference of EAM and identify short- and medium-term activities. The experts suggested that EAM be re-established as a subsidiary body of GFCM-CAQ. It was envisaged that the restructured EAM would work through the following four working groups dealing with: (i) harmonization of environmental regulation and standards for aquaculture ; (ii) scaling aquaculture-environmental interactions; (iii) integrating aquaculture within a coastal zone management framework; and (iv) public perception of aquaculture in relation to environment.
Statutory body / Meeting title General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
Cite this content as:
FAO/General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the Experts Meeting for the Re-establishment of the GFCM Committee on Aquaculture Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean. Rome, 7-9 December 2005. FAO Fisheries Report. No. 791.Rome, FAO. 2006. 59p.
Language English