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Report of the regional high-level roundtable. Subregional cooperation for eradication of poverty and food insecurity in Asia and the Pacific

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    Science and technology for sustainable food security, nutritional adequacy, and poverty alleviation in the Asia-Pacific Region 2002
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    Science and technology have played a vital role in keeping agricultural production a step ahead of rapid global population growth during the past four decades. However, Green Revolution technologies did not benefit the vast rainfed and other marginal areas with high concentrations of hunger and poverty. The new farming technologies were also not friendly to the environment, often resulting in degradation of land, water and biodiversity. The region needs to step up agricultural production by 80 p ercent by the year 2030 to meet its growing food needs. However, because there is very little room for expanding the area under farm cultivation most of this increase will need to come from making existing farmland more productive. This publication examines the agrobiophysical, socio-economic and environmental status of farming systems in Asia-Pacific and the role that science and technology will be called on to play in “breaking the unholy alliance of hunger, poverty and environmental degradati on”.
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    Country experiences in decentralization in South Asia. Report of the subregional workshop 2004
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    According to World Bank estimates, South Asia is home to 40 percent of the 1.3 billion poor people in the world. A number of targeted programmes for achieving sustainable rural livelihoods have been implemented in the region. The programmes undertaken so far have demonstrated that decentralization of power and capacity building of institutions and individuals contribute greatly to the effective utilization of funds allocated to rural development. This subregional workshop, held in Kathmandu, Nep al from 24 to 26 February 2004, brought together senior policy-makers, NGOs and donor agencies from South Asian countries to share national experiences, strengthen strategic partnerships and formulate recommendations for decentralization in support of sustainable agriculture and rural development in the region.
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    High-Level Technical Workshop 2003
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