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Science and technology for sustainable food security, nutritional adequacy, and poverty alleviation in the Asia-Pacific Region

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Using information technology in the agriculture of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies and beyond – The potential of Wisdom Agriculture for poverty reduction and improved food security 2017
    The aim of this discussion was to explore how applying information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture can contribute to poverty reduction and increased food security, and to discuss the specific challenges and bottlenecks for realizing the holistic use of ICTs for agricultural development – an approach conceptualized in China as “Wisdom Agriculture”. In addition, participants were asked to share information on the status of the use of ICTs in the agricultural sector of their re spective countries, and to share examples of effective ICT applications in this regard.
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    Report of the regional high-level roundtable. Subregional cooperation for eradication of poverty and food insecurity in Asia and the Pacific 2004
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    Despite high economic growth, increasing per capita income, and high agricultural production and productivity, Asia-Pacific remains home to the majority of the world's poor and hungry. The region faces several challenges and constraints to sustainable agricultural development which call for collaboration at regional and subregional levels to attain sustainable poverty reduction and food security. To address these issues, FAO, UNESCAP and ADB jointly organized a roundtable meeting in Bangkok, Tha iland on 23 to 24 February 2004 to discuss how Asia and the Pacific can meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and World Food Summit Declaration through opportunities offered by subregional and regional collaboration, derive lessons learned and formulate a future course of action. The report provides a summary of the discussions and statements made by the high-level participants, as well as the Declaration adopted by the roundtable.
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    The status of application, capacities and the enabling environment for agricultural biotechnologies in the Asia-Pacific region: Regional background study 2019
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    The study found that agricultural biotechnologies are well entrenched in the Asia-Pacific region and their use is expanding, as are the capacities and enabling environments needed to support their use. There are, however, significant differences among countries in their application of biotechnology in all four agricultural sectors: crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry. Small island states and many least developed countries (LDCs), such as Afghanistan and Mongolia, are yet to benefit appreciably from the biotechnology revolution. Multiple factors such as low capacity and the small size of their markets constrain them from reaping the benefits of biotechnology. Some countries, such as Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Uzbekistan, are in the initial stages of applying biotechnology but they have the potential to move forward. A few, such as Sri Lanka and Nepal, have not yet started to apply biotechnology but have the potential capacity and a good policy framework to move ahead. Recent changes in Viet Nam and Myanmar indicate the establishment of an enabling milieu that can take the countries forward in agricultural biotechnology. Larger and emerging economies, such as China, India and the Republic of Korea, are using biotechnology extensively in all four sectors.

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