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Credit For Fisherfolk : The Experience In Adirampattinam Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/WP/38

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    Pen Culture Of Shrimp By Fisherfolk:The BOBP Experience In Killai,Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/WP/49 1987
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    This paper describes a shrimp pen culture pilot activity at KiIIai, Tamil Nadu, India under which selected fishermen operated small-sized shrimp pens, applying a technology package for KilIai conditions devised earlier during 21 months of technical trials by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The paper discusses the project’s socio-economic and technical approach, the problems faced during implementation, the results, and some recommendations for bett er profitability. A BOBP socio-economist and a senior administrative officer of the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Fisheries were responsible for the overall planning, implementation and monitoring. Technical inputs were provided by a BOBP aquaculture technologist. The field team at the project site consisted of two aquaculture technologists (biologists) of the TNDF, while a social worker engaged by BOBP liaised with fisherfolk and the technology team. This is the third paper on the KiIIai p roject. BOBP/WP/35 discussed the findings of 21 months of technical trials during 1982—84, while BOBP/WP/32 discussed a techno-economic end social feasibility study of shrimp pen culture, based on field surveys in the region conducted late 1983, after the technical trials.
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    Coastal Village Development In Four Fishing Communities Of Adirampattinam, Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/WP/19 1982
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    This paper describes four fishing communities of Adirampattinam, a town about 350km from Madras, and analyses their social structure. It also describes the strategy adopted by the Bay of Bengal Programme to improve the lot of these communities and the experimental work in this direction — which was carried out in cooperation with the fisheries department of Tamil Nadu and non-government agencies. This paper was drafted early 1982 and refers mainly to work carried out during 1980 - 1981. The Bay of Bengal Programme for the Development of Small-Scale Fisheries, GCP/RA5/040/SWE, referred to in brief as the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), is funded by the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) and executed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Five countries — Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand are members of the Programme. Its main aims are to develop, demonstrate and promote technologies and methodologies to improve the c onditions of small-scale fisherfolk and the supply of fish from the small-scale sector in the Bay of Bengal region. This document is a working paper and has not been cleared by the FAO, the Government of Tamil Nadu or the Government of India.
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    Towards Shared Learning : An Approach to Non-Formal Adult Education for Marine Fisherfolk of Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/REP/29 1986
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    This document reports on the efforts of the BOBP (Bay of Bengal Programme) at developing a curriculum for a non-formal adult education programme (NFAE) for marine fisherfolk in the villages of coastal Tamil Nadu. It describes the curriculum package devised towards this end, “Towards Shared Learning”, which consists of a number of publications. Two of these publications, the Trainers’ Manual and the Animators’ Guide, were published by the BOBP in English in July 1985. Other publications have been printed in Tamil by the Directorate of Non-Formal/Adult Education, Tamil Nadu. This report also discusses the findings of field testing of the curriculum package. In addition, it summarizes the results of an informal study on the lives of Tamil Nadu marine fisherfolk, and another study on typical learners and “animators” (village-level teachers) in order to acquaint readers with the people for whom the curriculum package was devised. The report includes a project proposal for applying this package among coastal fisherfolk throughout Tamil Nadu. The possibility of adapting the package for use elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal region is also discussed separately. The BOBP’s work on the curriculum package began in 1982 and concluded in 1985. The work was coordinated by a BOBP sociologist, and was executed in cooperation with a number of institutions and individuals whose role is acknowledged below.

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