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Fisheries Co-Management in Inland Waters: A Review of International Experience

Badjeck, M-C.; Allison, E.H. 2004. Fisheries Co-Management in Inland Waters: A Review of International Experience. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLP). Rome, FAO/DFID.

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    Terminal Report - Improving the Political and Istitutional Environment for the Development of Inland Fisheries Co-management Systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
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    Small-scale fresh-water fisheries in West Africa developed significantly following the construction of several hydro-electric dams on the major rivers. In Ghana, the huge Akossombo dam, and the associated Lake Volta, covering 9,344 km² (4% of the national territory), was filled in 1964. In Côte d’Ivoire, several hydro-electric dams have been built : Kossou in 1971 gave rise to a 900 km² lake. In 1980, Mali built the Sélingué dam which flooded a 409 km² area. Finally, Burkina Faso const ructed two dams in 1988 and 1992, giving rise to Lakes Kompienga (210 km²) and Bagré (250 km²) respectively. The construction of these dams weakened the social and economic fabric of the riparian communities, causing large-scale displacement and resettlement on new sites, and the destruction of plantations, forests and goods. The main aim of the dams is to produce electricity. However, an irrigated rice and market garden crop production programme has benefited from Lakes Sélingué and Bagré. The fishing activities, which developed later, radically changed the ethnosociological configuration of the lake areas. SFLP
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    Book (series)
    Promotion of coastal fisheries management. 1. Local-level effort regulation in Senegalese fisheries. 2000
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    The analytical framework used throughout most of this study is directly inspired from transaction-cost economics, implying that a lot of attention is devoted to monitoring and enforcement costs involved in collective schemes. One of its most important contributions is to show that, with the help of these tools combined with conventional market power considerations, successes and failures of different groups of fishermen according to their technique and site of operati on can be well accounted for. The outline is as follows. In Section 1, background information regarding Senegalese small-scale marine fisheries are provided and the methodology of the study based on cross-section data is shortly described. In Section 2, an historical sketch of all recent effort-limiting schemes attempted along the Senegalese coast is presented. The methods used to limit fishing efforts, which vary according to the fishery concerned, are dis cussed with a view to understanding their rationales in the light of the specific circumstances surrounding them. Section 3, addresses the incidence of rule violations as perceived by the fishermen themselves, tackled by using the multinomial logit approach on the basis of our survey data. Section 4 is devoted to fitting a time-series econometric model to price and output data. Section 5 summarizes the main results of the study.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Community-based Fisheries Management in Phang-nga Bay, Thailand - BOBP/REP/78
    Phuket, Thailand; 14-16 February 1996
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    This document reports the outcome of the Workshop aimed to build a common understanding among the key participants from the Department of Fisheries (DOF) of Thailand, the fishers and village leaders, universities and NGOs, of the importance, benefits and constraints, roles and responsibilities, and needs for flexibility in undertaking the new approach of ‘partnership in management’ under the DOF/BOBP Community-based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Project in Phang-nga Bay, Thailand. Another object ive was to build a consensus among the key participants on the objectives, issues for management and general approach for implementation of the project. Presentations on the status and trends of fishery resources, the ecology, socioeconomics, opportunities for women’s involvement, as well as fisher’s own knowledge of the Bay were presented and are contained in this document. Recommendations of the Workshop include: organization of a CBFM management framework; establishment of a revolving fund ma naged under the CBFM framework with funding sources from NGOs, Government of Thailand, and fishers’ profits; and provision of training and information services for awareness building. It was recommended that the priority issue to be addressed was to develop approaches and measures to effectively execute and enforce the fisher community ban on push nets and trawlers. The early results of the CBFM project after the workshop are also given.

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