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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cambodia. Summary of the Food Security Intervention. Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders (MALIS) 2015
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    The FAO nutrition-sensitive agriculture project “Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders in Oddar Meanchey and Preah Vihear (MALIS)”, was implemented in Cambodia from 2013–2015. The objective of the MALIS project was to improve the rural livelihoods, food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers through agricultural production, marketing and small enterprise development, with a focus on child nutrition and complementary feeding. The project supported evidence-based poli cy and programme improvements with the General Directorate of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries1 with funding from the European Union.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cambodia.Summary of the Nutrition Education Intervention Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders (MALIS) 2015
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    The nutrition education intervention “Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices” was integrated into the nutrition-sensitive agriculture project “Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders (MALIS)” in Otdar Meanchey (OMC) and Preah Vihear (PVR), Cambodia from 2013–2015. The overall objective of the MALIS project was to improve the food and nutrition security of vulnerable rural families who depended primarily on agriculture for their livelihoods. The nutrition educatio n intervention was specifically aimed at improving the dietary intake of families and young children through nutrition and health education.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Minimum dietary diversity for women
    An updated guide to measurement - from collection to action
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    Women of reproductive age (WRA) are often nutritionally vulnerable because of the physiological demands of pregnancy and lactation. Requirements for most nutrients are higher for pregnant and lactating women than for adult men. The Minimum Dietary Diversity for WRA (MDD-W) indicator is a food-based diversity indicator that has been shown to reflect one key dimension of diet quality: micronutrient adequacy summarized across 11 micronutrients (Martin-Prével et al., 2015).Since the launch of the MDD-W indicator in 2015, new global developments and research conducted in three countries to further determine best practices in the data collection resulted in new information and guidelines. This research was supported by capacity-development activities on the assessment of individual food consumption. This publication is an update to the 2016 FAO/FHI 360 joint publication MDD-W: A Guide to Measurement. It includes guidance on the most accurate and valid methodologies on collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data on women’s dietary diversity, for use in research, impact assessment and large-scale, health and nutrition surveys such as the Demographic Health Survey (DHS), to generate nationally representative data, that are comparable over time and across countries.In addition to supporting the regular collection of high-quality dietary data following standardized methodologies, the publication also aims to promote dialogues on and appropriate application of the data towards informing policy and programming decisions and monitoring and evaluation of nutrition outcomes and progress at global, regional, and country levels.

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