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Report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture

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    FAO has been promoting decennial programmes of the W□rld Census of Agriculture (WCAJ since 195□, Bnd the 197□ Programme was the third in that series. The countries that participated in the 197rJ \CA, in general 1,ommunicated to FAD their national census reports, prepared in diverse forms and languages, As soon a= these natical reports were reviewed they were prncessed in standard form, using the terminology and resentation suggested in the Programme for the 1970 WCA. The processed results, for a few countries at a tirne, were published regularly in Census Bulletins. Information dealing with the concepts, defi,1itions and methodology of census taking, as applied by countries in the 1970 WCA, was issued separately in a publication entitled "Repcrt on the 1970 World [ensus of Agriculture" . This publication provides, in an internationally comparable form, a summary of data describing the main characteristics of agricultural structures, such as number and area of agrlcultural holdings, land tenure, agricultural holders and land use. It contains data from 89 countries: 78 countries which issued complete and final census reports and 11 countries which issued oily prelimlnciry or partlal reports. In addition, it contains comparable data, when available, for those countries which participated in the 1950 and 1960 WCA in order to provide a broader picture of the changes in agricultural structures which have occurred during the period 1950-1970.
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    Book (series)
    1980 World Census of Agriculture - Methodological review 1992
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    This publication is a review of methodological aspects of the national agricultural censuses conducted within the framework of the Pro­gramme for the 1980 World Census of Agricul­ture of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Although much effort was made to pool together all sources of information available in countries that participated in the 1980 World Census of Agriculture, this report is by no means exhaustive. Some census reports did not contain an adequate description of methodolog­ical subjects. This lack of information has been the limiting factor in the contents of the publi­cation. Nevertheless, the publication contains experiences of many countries in conducting their agricultural censuses during the period 1976-1985.
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    Book (series)
    Rapport sur le Recensement Mondial de l'Agriculture de 1970 1977
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    Le recensement mondial de l'agriculture de 1970 est le troisieme recensement agricole decennal patronne par la FA0. Les donnees nationales que la FA0 puise en general dans lea publications des pays interesses qui las presentent sous des formes et dans des langues differentes, sont ramenees a un mode de presentation comparable et publiees dans la aerie des bulletins de recensement envoyes aux Etats Membres. La presente publication traite des concepts, des definitions et de la methodologie appliques par lea differents pays ayant participe au recensement mondial de l'agriculture de 1970. Les informations qu'elle contient sont fondees sur las rapports des recensements nationaux disponibles, las documents emanant de differentes reunions et sessions de la FA0 et las comptes-rendus d'experts de l'0rganisation ayant effectivement participe a la planification et a la mise en oeuvre des operations dans las pays en developpement, aux alentours de 1970. Bien qua, dans la mesure du possible, on se soit efforce de reunir toutes lea sources possibles d'information, la presente publication n'est pas exhaustive. La plupart des rapports sur les recensements fournis par las pays ne contenaient pas tous les renseignements necessaires en matiere de procedures, de planification et de methodologie. Dans certains cas, lea donnees correspondant a plusieurs rubriques etaient trop sommaires pour permettre leur analyse comparative et leur inclusion au present rapport. Il est evident que ce genre de limitation influe sur la teneur de ce dernier.

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