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Book (stand-alone)Proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries
4–5 November 2021
2022Also available in:
No results found.This book represents the proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries which FAO organized in a virtual format on 4 and 5 November 2021. Coming 12 years after the previous World Seed Conference, FAO convened the conference to provide a neutral forum for its Members, partners, industry leaders, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to engage in focused dialogues on how best to make quality seeds and planting materials of preferred productive, nutritious and resilient crop varieties available to farmers, especially in food insecure parts of the world. The proceedings provide a record of the main highlights of the conference, including the opening and keynote address plenary session, a high-level ministerial segment and eight parallel sessions dedicated to the four conference themes of advanced technologies, conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, crop varietal development and adoption, and seed systems. The fifth conference theme, policy and governance, was crosscutting. The conference was timely, informative, inclusive and inspiring and its successful convening creates an important momentum to facilitate the development and delivery of the solutions that enable farmers to have access to quality seeds and planting materials of improved crop varieties. -
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