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AgrInvest-Food Systems Project – Political economy analysis of the Ethiopian food system

Key political economy factors and promising value chains to improve food system sustainability

Woolfrey, S., Bizzotto Molina, P. and Ronceray, M. 2021. AgrInvest-Food Systems Project – Political economy analysis of the Ethiopian food system. Key political economy factors and promising value chains to improve food system sustainability

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    Key political economy factors and promising value chains to improve food system sustainability
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    This publication supports the AgrInvest-Food Systems project by analyzing Kenya’s national food system through food systems and political economy approach. These approaches resulted in mapping and linking Kenya’s food system outcomes and challenges, structural factors and drivers, sustainability challenges, and institutions and actors. These analyses led to the identification of two promising value chains for SDG-aligned investments, namely indigenous vegetables and aquaculture, and of the bottlenecks that currently impede more investments in Kenya.
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    This study aims to inform the implementation in Kenya of the AgrInvest-Food Systems Project, a collaboration between the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) to promote private investment in African food systems that contributes to sustainable development objectives. The study analyses Kenyan cage aquaculture value chain and political economy obstacles to investments in Kenyan indigenous vegetables. The analysis suggests a need for addressing the issue of producers organization in the chain to facilitate and promote SDG-aligned investment as a proposed solution to the bottlenecks that currently impede more investments.

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