Year of publication 2021
Place of publication Rome, Italy ;
Pages 2p.
Author Dal, E., Díaz-González, A.M., Morales-Opazo, C., Vigani, M.
Publisher FAO ;
Product type Policy brief
Series title FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief
Series number 38
Edition 1
Synopsis (short abstract) The Agricultural Sector Review (ASR) provides an up to date picture of the current socio-economic situation of the agricultural sector in Lebanon, along with identifying key challenges of the sector and evidence-based strategies for policymaking. The main objective of this policy brief is to summarize the main results of the ASR, focusing on the challenges and issues that are currently affecting the Lebanese agricultural sector, constraining the development of its full potential. These challenges cover a full range of issues, such as economic, trade, social, environmental and organizational issues. It also highlights opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector.
Cite this content as:
Dal, E., Díaz-González, A.M., Morales-Opazo, C. and Vigani, M. 2021. Lebanon’s agricultural sector: challenges and opportunities. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 38. Rome, FAO.
Language English