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Agrifood systems transformation through a climate change lens

A case study on policy dialogue from Myanmar

FAO. 2022. Agrifood systems transformation through a climate change lens – A case study on policy dialogue from Myanmar. Rome.

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    The aim of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of the program aimed at enhancing food security, nutrition, and resilience to crises through increased agricultural productivity and income for farming households. Adopting nature-positive, nutrition-sensitive, and climate-smart agriculture practices and participating in value chains are key components of this program. The fact sheet concludes with information on how the program will be implemented and its expected outcomes.
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    This technical brief summarizes the summary report of the key findings of the International Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report which runs into over 3 000 pages, focusing on the assessment’s conclusions and their effect on agrifood systems. The Assessment Reports of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are important as they provide policymakers with state-of-knowledge assessments on climate change, its implications, and potential future risks. These assessments also put forward adaptation and mitigation options.
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    Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems
    Global and regional trends between 2000 and 2021
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    The amount of climate finance flowing to agrifood systems is strikingly low and continues to diminish vis-à-vis global climate finance flows. Agriculture is one of the sectors with the highest adaptation finance needs for implementing the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) but climate finance for adaptation is also on a downward trend. The diminishing trends of both agrifood and adaptation investments is a cause for alarm and a missed opportunity. This publication addresses the persistent knowledge gap related to climate finance to agrifood systems, providing data and information to support countries making informed decisions towards agrifood systems transformation. The analysis brings to light the evolution of climate finance in agrifood systems over the past two decades, showcasing unique sectorial analysis of climate finance allocations for adaptation and mitigation, delving into the diversity of actors involved, from bilateral and multilateral agencies to the private sector, highlighting the critical need for partnerships that transcend boundaries.

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