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Pre-treatment effect on seed germination of calopogonium mucunoides: A promising cover crop for forest land restoration and climate resilience

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Forest landscapes restoration measures as a cost effective solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation in India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Global deforestation and forest degradation have led to massive loss of biodiversity. Hence, it is important not only to protect but also restore the forest ecosystems. Forest biodiversity protection, biomass production and climate change mitigation and adaptation are important key motivation for forest restoration. Tree-based landscape restoration is a widely accepted cost-effective measure to combat climate change. India’s commitment of Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement is to sequester additional 2.5 to 3 billion tons CO2 equivalent by 2030 through increased forest and tree cover and this ties in with the Bonn Challenge commitment to restore 21 mha of deforested and degraded lands by 2030 (now increased to 26 mha during UNCCD COP 14 meeting held in Sept. 2019) as well as the SDGs. This commitment can only be met if existing forests are protected and improved and tree cover is extended by 25 to 30 mha. The main objectives of the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in India is to reverse the process of degradation of forests & improve its productive potential, improve the regeneration of native flora & enrich the biodiversity, and enhance biomass production, carbon stocks & incomes of the rural households. For a successful FLR works in India, focus needs to be on proactive involvement of communities and local people, better coordination among the various government agencies and departments for effective implementation of project activities, robust Institutional mechanism, and continuous fund flow and support to sustain the activities and keep the restored areas intact. Here, we present how India can achieve the NDC and Bonn Challenge through forest landscape restoration. Potential to increase forest and tree cover and the carbon sequestration that can be achieved has been discussed. This will support planning for landscape restoration through the past and on-going initiatives which identifies different types of interventions implemented. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation; Climate change; Biodiversity conservation; Research; Landscape management ID: 3469382
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    Satellite remote sensing-based forest resources assessment methods for effective management and sustainable development of forests by generation of information on forests and trees outside forest cover
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Satellite based remote sensing methods have proved to be an effective and scientifically proven method for managing and conserving forest data and resources at periodic time intervals. The forest resources monitoring methods provide useful data to forest managers for sustainable forest management at different scale and forest management units. Over the years the scientific management of forest have been a subject globally discussed incorporating the role of environmentalist, conservationist and communities associated with the forest. It has been an unhidden fact that forests have suffered tremendous pressure in developing countries on the pretext of development. It is through effective monitoring and communication of forest information and knowledge that the concerned provincial governments are forced to take remedial measures for protecting the forests. Apart from the government owned forests, termed as Recorded Forest Areas(RFA) in India, Trees outside forests(TOF) are well acknowledged as an important component of forest resources. The ToF, which basically exist as block, linear and scattered plantations on earth are captured using LISS-III sensor of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite. For the national level scale mapping, all patches of area 1hectare and above are considered for estimation. For mapping of ToF patches of size between 0.1-1hectare, high resolution data from LISSIV sensor(5.8metres resolution) is analyzed. It has been now a well-established fact that trees outside RFAs, although in small proportion, contribute significantly to forest conservation and meeting the demand of people towards minor forest produce, firewood etc. The exercise on forest change detection using a hybrid method, is effective in identification of significant forest change. The assessment of forests and ToFs using satellite data and advance image processing tools may be helpful in effective management and long term sustainability of forests in developing countries. Keywords: [Recorded Forest Area, Trees Outside Forest, National Forest Inventory, FSI, Neural Network, Machine Learning] ID: 3622277
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    Collection and characterization of native plant seeds for forest restoration
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The global seed industry is worth 51 trillion won, and the Korean seed industry is 800 billion won. Among them, the seed industry in the forest sector accounts for 2.5% of the total, but information on plants used for forest restoration is insufficient. Currently, the supply of seeds for plant material for forest restoration is insufficient. However, the number of important plant seeds being imported continues to grow. Therefore, a lot of research and development of the forest restoration material industry are needed to secure the seeds of native plants for forest restoration. In particular, for systematic seed production and supply, a species selection strategy and seed germination characteristics analysis are required for plant material for forest restoration. This study was carried out in accordance with the 'Notice on the Supply of Native Plants and Natural Materials for Forest Restoration (20.09.07; Korea Forest Service). We collected native plant seeds to restore damaged forests and conducted a characterization study on the collected species. As a result of seed collection, 138 points of 49 species were collected from Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeju. Among them, 5 gymnosperms and 133 angiosperms were included. Voucher specimens and image data information of the collected species were accumulated. As a result of seed characterization, Quercus acuta Thunb. and Carpinus turczaninowii Hance. showed a lot of abortive grains, but most showed high full seed rate. According to the results of the tetrazolium test, most species except for Quercus acuta Thunb, Machilus thunbergii S. et Z. and Carpinus turczaninowii Hance had vitality. In particular, Mallotus japonicus (L.f.) Müll.Arg. and Raphiolepis indica var. umbellate showed the highest vitality as both the full seed rate and germination rate were over 50%. This study will be useful as data for collecting native plant resources and establishing a seed supply system for restoration of damaged forests. Keywords: Biodiversity conservation ID: 3623076

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