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Drones - A feasible way to revive forests

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Building floral fauna data and vegetation map with drone-based investigation
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    In apiculture, floral fauna of their surroundings highly related to quality of honey and pollen. Particularly, this factor is critical in stationary beekeeping rather than mobile beekeeping system, which moves according to the blooming season. Therefore, in order to investigate and select an ideal site for stationary beekeeping, it is important to understand the source and composition of floral fauna of certain area. In this study, we selected beekeeping farms in two different regions, and investigated floral source and environmental composition of each location. In addition, to construct more robust faunatic study, we used camera-attached drone to conduct a survey for hard-to-reach areas. Keywords: Agriculture, Biodiversity conservation ID: 3622403
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    Our relationships with forests define the future forests: a case of national institutions and personal perceptions of private forest owners and forest professionals in Finland
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Our attitudes toward forests can be defined as human-forest relationships. These relationships are the result of our national context, the society where we live, cultural background, family and individual aspects, and of course, forests surrounding us. Human-forest relationships combine both historical and modern values and practices, reflecting the constantly evolving global, national, communal, and individual aims for future forests. Several disciplines have scrutinized people’s relationships with surrounding nature from various viewpoints, although partly disregarding forests’ unique characters and importance for societies and local communities. Our ongoing research asks what kind of relationships with forests are defined in national institutions, and expressed among private forest owners and forest professionals. The importance of research results lies especially in two grounds to which human-forest relationships affect, firstly, the acceptance or changes of current forest management practices, and secondly, activities in mitigating climate change securing our common future. The main data consist of selected national forest institutions and around 100 in-depth interviews of private forest owners and forest professionals. Qualitative data are analyzed in a theoretical framework consisting of both new institutionalism and phenomenological and narrative approaches in a multidisciplinary combination of social sciences, forest policy, and ethnology. Preliminary results reveal emerging changes in forest institutions that strengthen non-economic aims. Both private forest owners and forest professionals are partly in a state of confusion pondering what are the right institutions and actions for a sustainable future. We discuss the human-forest relationships that exist both at the national level and among individual stakeholders. We aim also to clarify the importance of existing human-forest relationships for conflict resolution and sustainable forestry. Keywords: Human-forest relationship, institutions, forest professionals, private forest owners ID: 3622236
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    Satellite remote sensing-based forest resources assessment methods for effective management and sustainable development of forests by generation of information on forests and trees outside forest cover
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Satellite based remote sensing methods have proved to be an effective and scientifically proven method for managing and conserving forest data and resources at periodic time intervals. The forest resources monitoring methods provide useful data to forest managers for sustainable forest management at different scale and forest management units. Over the years the scientific management of forest have been a subject globally discussed incorporating the role of environmentalist, conservationist and communities associated with the forest. It has been an unhidden fact that forests have suffered tremendous pressure in developing countries on the pretext of development. It is through effective monitoring and communication of forest information and knowledge that the concerned provincial governments are forced to take remedial measures for protecting the forests. Apart from the government owned forests, termed as Recorded Forest Areas(RFA) in India, Trees outside forests(TOF) are well acknowledged as an important component of forest resources. The ToF, which basically exist as block, linear and scattered plantations on earth are captured using LISS-III sensor of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite. For the national level scale mapping, all patches of area 1hectare and above are considered for estimation. For mapping of ToF patches of size between 0.1-1hectare, high resolution data from LISSIV sensor(5.8metres resolution) is analyzed. It has been now a well-established fact that trees outside RFAs, although in small proportion, contribute significantly to forest conservation and meeting the demand of people towards minor forest produce, firewood etc. The exercise on forest change detection using a hybrid method, is effective in identification of significant forest change. The assessment of forests and ToFs using satellite data and advance image processing tools may be helpful in effective management and long term sustainability of forests in developing countries. Keywords: [Recorded Forest Area, Trees Outside Forest, National Forest Inventory, FSI, Neural Network, Machine Learning] ID: 3622277

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