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MeetingProgress in improving forest law enforcement and governance in the region
Secretariat Note
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No results found.Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (23rd session) -
DocumentStrengthening Global Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade - GCP GLO 395 2018
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No results found.Forests and wildlife play a significant role in the lives of rural people in many timber-producing developing countries. Forests and forest products are recognized for their ability to protect water supplies, contribute to climate change mitigation and play a prominent role in many cultural and spiritual traditions. Despite this, in many of these countries, forest loss and degradation continue to threaten the people and the wildlife that depend on such valuable resources. The EU FAO FLEGT Programme worked in support of the European Commission’s Action Plan on FLEGT to promote the legal production and consumption of timber by granting funds to projects created by governments, civil society and private-sector organizations in timber-producing developing countries. The overall objective of the project was to strengthen governance in the forest sector in the regions of Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America, with the aim of reducing poverty and improving the sustainable management of forest resources. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetInfographic: Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme 2016What are the costs of illegal logging ? Illegal logging and the associated trade break down carbon-rich forests, interfere with sustainable forest management, threaten Livelihoods and contribute to the loss of biodiversity. Illegal logging represents about 30 to 100 billion USD annually or 10 to 30% of the global timber trade. FLEGT FAO Programme has supported more than 200 projects in some 40 countries producing tropical timber since 2008
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